:mad: Well I was all excited about the cooler weather and how well the car was running and then she started running kind of different. I pulled the plugs and #3 was about carbon fouled, but 1&2 weren't bad. So I whipped out the compression guage and all 6 were hovering around 180-looked good. So I'm thinking why would just one cylinder be rich when the other two on the manifold were decent. I had a spare set of bosch wires so I put them on and figured I would get some new plugs eventually. I swapped the #3 plug around to #1 so I could hopefully see if #3 would do that again. I also changed around by O2 sensor to the other bank of cylinders to see if I had them running fairly close. I took the car for a long drive and she sounded a little better , but still not right. I get home and pull the plugs again and see no carbon fouling, but a green tint on the foward 3 cylinders-dam. I take the radiator cap off and start it up and see a few bubbles, but I thought it might be from the thermostat just opening. I walk around the back of the car and there is water spitting out the exhaust. I guess the perplexing part for me will be WHY?? Has my engine been detonating all this time? I know I ran it lean for a considerable amount of time because I didn't realize it was that lean. I guess when i pull the head off ,I will see rest of the story