Cliff, it is that easy if you take the proper precautions . Once you have the engine properly set up as far as #1 on the initial install(bright link stuff), it's just a matter of changing settings on the cam sprocket later on if you want. You could set up #1 right now and after running the motor for a while or after break in , just move up to #3 and see if the butt dyno feels any different. But what about getting the shiny links in the right spot? NOT necessary. Procedure: Get #1 cylinder to TDC COMPRESSION STROKE. I usually take #1 spark plug out and stick a vacuum plug in there or something that will pop out when the piston comes up on compression. It doesn't have to be exact, but you should see the #1 mark somewhere around the 2 o'clock position. WAIT, no shiny link? IT DOES NOT MATTER, as long as your are TDC compression stroke. Now take a rag and clean off the chain link that is corresponding to #1 mark and then color it in with a permanent marker. DON"T FORGET TO USE YOUR CHAIN TENSIONER TOOL NOW! Now take out the cam sprocket bolt and spin the sprocket around until the number you want corresponds with the marked link. You will probably have to turn the cam a bit to get the sprocket to drop in place. This is probably the most frustrating part of the process and can be the most stressfull. Don't be afraid, just a slight turn either way should allow the dowel to line up. I'm thinking maybe a quarter inch of movement will get it. Don't panic if it take several tries. It takes a little bit of effort to pull up the sprocket and slide it into the exact spot. Now get the bolt back in the sprocket. DON"T FORGET THE TENSIONER TOOL!!