Progress is such a sweet thing. It was time to do the bore notching. After watching how Cliff's notches came out I knew I could do better on mine. My Z buddy just happen to have a small sanding drum set. The biggest drum was 2" and he also had a 1" . It was almost too easy with 80 grit paper on the drums. Just used my cordless drill and it was very manageable and very quick. I didn't even burn up one drum doing all 12 notches. I used the 2" drum for the intake notch and the 1" for the exhaust.As I advised cliff I went conservative-especially since I'm already 30 over on the bore. Anyway, I very happy the way they turned out.
I scrubbed the engine down twice after kicking up sand and started in with assembly. It's was quite a change shoving pistons down in a hole with only .00015 clearance as opposed to .0045. Even with this tight clearance on the piston/cylinder- my rings(Total Seal) still gapped at the upper limits. It's obvious that though Total Seal sells these as file fit, they didn't leave any extra on there. The other surprise to me was when I measure deck height on the pistons. Even with taking .005 off the top off the block the pistons were only .004 above deck. I think these pistons were Sealed Power units. I was expecting to find them around .020 above deck. So the Sealed Power pistons were oversized on the skirt and not as tall . Time to move on.
Dropped the crank in there with new Clevite bearings and mounted up all the pistons in the block.
It doesn't seem like a whole lot, but for me it was big. Less parts laying around to get lost and dirty. Sent a pic to my machinist to tell him I am waiting on him now-I need my head-NOW.
I have also been be working an l28 at the same time. It won't take much to get done. Should be a good cleaning, fresh rings and bearings and a fresh cylinder head.