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Everything posted by madkaw

  1. Lot's of guys are looking for the bigger chokes it seems. I'm running the 32's that original came with the mikuni kit. So you don't speak the Mikuni language, just the Weber?- So what help do you need fo jetting? Sounds like you have the pilot jet pretty close and yes it covers a lot of the driving spectrum. I would go with the numbers you came up with. 145 main jet and 190 or 200 main air should be pretty close.
  2. Whens the last time you checked the fuel tank? I mean- is it clean ?
  3. Common metric thread size on the bolts holding in the unit. YES- wash that puppy down. I used foamed back headliner stuff from Joanne Fabrics and glued it down good. Lube up any hinge points. Vent tubes can probably be found cheap enough used to replace bad ones. I have a few extra. AC can be done afterwards
  4. I had a Schneider cam/kit in my car and used zinc additive initially and arbitrary after that with whatever oil was on sale- mostly Castrol gtx. Despite the funky wear on my lash pads the cam lobes looked perfectly polished .
  5. They look pretty good. Pretty well centered . So you are worried about them not being perfectly identical in the center?
  6. I need to give a shout out to a new Z friend of mine. You know there isn't a lot of us out there that are passionate about our cars -especially Z's. This past year I found out there was a guy with a 71 just on the other side of town and was doing a full resto. Ever since we have been sharing stories, work and a drink every once in a while. I have a lot to learn and Steve(great name too) has some stuff to share. We are both trying to get our cars done in time to go to Memphis while both of our wives laugh at our efforts:) Steve has the ultimate garage with a lift(I'll make good use of that) and a true passion(like let's start a z salvage yard) for the Z car. He really floored me when he gifted me with this dash from a parts car he recently purchased. His dash in his car is perfect( I mean perfect), and he said he wouldn't need it. He said he would work it off of me helping him out, which is a debt I would be happy to pay, but i'd be there anyway. Anyway, the pressure is on for both us. He's where I was in 2010 when i was getting ready for ZCon. I had an untested car, barely finished and driving many miles for a show. I just need to put an engine together-. Pic of the dash ready to go back in when Steve and i can tackle it.
  7. Well I changed my other mind again. I decided that I wasn't going to settle with the L24 block the way it was(to far over bore/sloppy), so I broke out my original l24 out of the shed and dropped it off at a different machinist. I handed him my pistons and told him to fit the bores to the pistons. He called the other day and talked numbers again and said the boring had started. This should allow me to use my(expensive) .030 rings and a chance to redo my bore notching. No cylinder head done yet. My machinist-soon to be ex machinist, send the rocker to the wrong address and that caused a big delay. I sent them to Rocker arms USA in CA. Going to compare them with the ones I got from Delta. I am pushing the machinist to have the head done first of May-we'll see. At the same time I am cleaning up my zx block. When I pick up the l24 I am going to drop the L28 for tank and magna-flux. After seeing the flat tops clean up like new, I am guessing the bores will take a deglaze and be done. I am excited that this will be a cheap fast short block for whatever head I use. trying to get a MN47 for this block to make a real performance l28.
  8. Water stain lines from a previous bad HG?
  9. Never heard the term artifacts when it comes to engines. Sorry but not sure what the marks are from. I just broke down a ZX motor with 110K miles and couldn't believe how well it looked. The pistons cleaned up like new.
  10. I give it a shot. Looking for something very particular , but who knows. Thanks
  11. Don't count timing until it's verified since an 'old geezer ' has messed with the curve. You might be just running on initial timing:)
  12. Changing bulbs with the dash out is too easy:)
  13. Looking to grab a part from Pickn.pull there and would pay someone for their time.
  14. You nailed it Captain- thanks!!! All bulbs checked
  15. Have you checked timing at 3000 rpm? This would tell you if the mechanical advance is working.
  16. Thank you, I will give it a shot in the morning.
  17. I have the dash sitting on the bench 9/71 and I want to test all my dash lights while it's sitting in front of me. What wires can I jumper with a 12v source to get that done?
  18. Check to make sure the gland nut is actually bottoming out on the top of the shock. Another words you might have play between the top of the insert and the nut. Especially if you did not reuse original glad nuts. You run out of thread on the gland nut and it tightens up before it ever touches the insert. Use a washer to close this gap
  19. Cliff, I would think one plate does all
  20. I wonder what justifies a mandatory use of such plate. They suggest using them for all over bores and honing, but you know very few shops are using them . I imagine the larger the over bore the more necessary it gets
  21. What would it cost to machine one I wonder? I wish one was available to rent within the Z community. I would be willing to pay a high deposit to rent one. It's one of tools that you really should use but will not use much.
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