The biggest obstacle or decision is to decide in what manner you are going to tell the ECU where the engine is in it's rotation. Without this info the ECU can do nothing. Since a 71 electrical has no such provision, I improvised and followed an example I found on hybridz. Hall effect sensors are another great invention right up there with relays. I installed one as the pic shows and it's worked great so far and it was 20$. I had to modify my flywheel and that was cheap too. This gives me info on the crank, I will need to do something else similiar for the cam which will allow for full sequential-
I included pics showing where I installed the 'box" and the wires.
I now have the engine running, but haven't driven it yet. The engine starts and idles as good as it ever had. I have a generic timing map installed right now, but the engine seems to like it.
Now the hardware is about done, it's time for tuning!!!!!!!