Everything posted by 240260280z
Some Zcon Pics
Some Zcon Pics
Obvious (the real thing) Cool Z31 Mike's 260z SteveJ's 260z suffering tornado damage This one has my heart Nashville Fred's Place (non-ZCON 280zx in front) Graceland Nashville Roller Janet on Elvis's drums (Meg White... watch out!)
Some Zcon Pics
BRE Clone MikeW's Webers the Texas Trio Riverboat Card shark... beware the smile Shark Pool Beautiful counTRY Elvis shop Back to The Future TR6 Sun Studio hardware Not Elvis (but his mic)
Some Zcon Pics
Grabbed a few from my camera: MikeW's Jewellery Box Don't know but I like Janet and Mr. K and his Yellow 2+2 Bill Coffey's Monster and its heart JFA's Winner and its go-go unit Bpilati's 240z Gnosez's Track Beast and its Deep Dish Delight
jfa.series1 & Mike W are GOLDEN! Zup Wins Big!
- ZCON 2016 Canada Thread
jfa.series1 & Mike W are GOLDEN! Zup Wins Big!
I'm glad we were all there to cheer in your victories! It made it bigger and closer for all!
240Z Resto - 01/1970 Car
We are lucky that Jim "Five" Arnett can give us tips on this stuff!! HE KNOWS!!!!
- ZCON 2016 Canada Thread
jfa.series1 & Mike W are GOLDEN! Zup Wins Big!
- ZCON 2015 Hookup
Got home at 2AM... miss ya all. It was a great time. Philip- ZCON 2016 Canada Thread
- ZCON 2015 Hookup
Cliff, I wish we had more time to hang and talk. It was a pleasure to meet you!- jfa.series1 & Mike W are GOLDEN! Zup Wins Big!
We were very proud last night to see our members do so well at this years ZCON! I am sad to report that Jim Arnett is actually a vacuum and not human (as demonstrated by how he cleaned up the place). Mike and his son Alex warmed up by taking a muscle car award at a competition in Texas before coming to ZCON! Those two are a first class tag team! There are a few reports of temporary blindness caused by opening their hood in the bright sunlight of Memphis. I hope their insurance covers this! Zup's minty low mileage 73 won a well deserved award! Even though it was silver covered, it was golden yesterday. Lot of photos were taken by others that will show up soon. The highlights for me were meeting the gang and also seeing our better halves connect and have fun. Too bad they exchanged notes on how to tame our hobbies! Zup and I turned wrenches and drove his car at midnight last night...it was a blast that helped me get through a week of not tooling or driving a Z... BIG THANKS! It is always amazing to meet new faces just to realize that we are all so much alike: Patcon, Siteunseen, S30Driver....as well to meet old friends: Bpilati, Captain Obvious, SteveJ, and the great racer Gnose!- Hardway's 1971 240z #8011 - Build and Repair Thread
For completeness: Mr. Matsuo did not know what these are for.- ZCON 2015 Hookup
Thanks Fred. Janet and just went there. It was great.- ZCON 2015 Hookup
Steve, I'll see you in the afternoon. I saw Wendy in the elevator for 10secs. Janet and I took in the sights yesterday and will do in the AM. Will see you at suds n shine and reception ce soir.- ZCON 2015 Hookup
Me too!- Just ordered my Rebello 3.0, now what
Great. Higher compression needs less total advance than stock. I forgot what you had- Just ordered my Rebello 3.0, now what
I guess everyone uses the timing light differently. I have an advancing light to I use a standard nulling method. At idle I just dial in advance on the light in steps until the mark on the pulley matches 0 TDC on the scale. The value on the timing light is the idle timing point. For maximum advance, I increase the throttle and watch the mark move until the mark stops then dial in advance on the light in steps until the mark on the pulley matches 0 TDC on the scale. The value on the timing light is the full advance timing point. This can be repeated at any rpm to plot the curve as well as with vacuum in and out to see its effect. When Rossiz and I tuned his Z (L28), 40 degrees BTDC total was too much advance. 36 to 38 was nicer and had more torque.- L24 Rebuild -Again!
Steve, I bet if you tilted the valve cover more then slanted the engine more, you could make that motor (with two parallel valve covers) look like a V12- Just ordered my Rebello 3.0, now what
Orangetange Could be caused by springs/weights/lack of lube in the distributor for the mechanical or shaft wear and wobble or spindle to distributor key wear or spark scatter caused by ambiguity on the trigger side. When I rebuilt, lubed and switched to a ZX distributor, the high end rpms smoothed and so did the observations of the timing light at full advance. You should try for 38 degrees at full you may pick up a few more HP.- Nissan Spartan New York Craigslist
The real thing:- Polishing ceramic coating
I wonder if the glass top stove polish would work?- Nissan Spartan New York Craigslist
- ZCON 2015 Hookup
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