Everything posted by 240260280z
Correct Series 1 Valve Cover and Air Cleaner for my Z
It is on the heat shield.
Tranny Bolts
I recall something about different specs for metric bolts. I usually purchase ss bolts from a local marine shop and the head is usually 1mm or 2mm bigger than on typical datsun bolts with the same diameter and thread. i.e. I would have to use a 13mm socket instead of a 12mm socket. Beware the Fat Heads!!!
Thinking about installing an BMW M6 engine in my Z
If you went to a dry sump, wouldn't there be a challenge of correct oil pressure rise needed to activate the Variable Valve Timing???? Dry sump is not tied to engine revs like a regular oil pump. Or is VVT centrifugally driven/triggered?
Bought a car that looks like a shoe today
Honda Insight 2 seater from 2000. I figured I'd stick it to the fuel companies. First drive was 50 mpg US gallon at 72 mph on highway for 60 miles. 3 cylinders and over geared.... just as gutless as my first car... an 83 Tercel Wagon 4X4. Web Photo in case the car is not familiar:
ZCON 2015 Hookup
sun studios: https://www.sunstudio.com/ gibson guitars: http://www2.gibson.com/Gibson/Gibson-Tours.aspx
ZCON 2015 Attendees from this site
If you are not on the list just reply to post and I'll update then delete your reply. 240tom Tom & LorriBlue Philip & JanetBpilati Bryan (TZCC)Captain Obvious Bruce and a pet unicorn?Carl Beck Carl BeckDiseazd Guy & BrendaGnose John jfa.series1 Jim & VickyMadKaw SteveMike W Mike & AlexPatcon Charles & ShelleyRyanT67 RyanS30Driver Jamesscarguy055 ScottSiteunseen CliffSteveJ Steve & Wendy (TZCC)Zup Jim
Tranny Bolts
length 60 to 65mm here: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/19741-240z260z280z-auto-to-45-speed-swap/
Tranny Bolts
see Carl's last post in this thread! http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/43273-transmission-to-engine-and-starter-bolts-part-numbers-71-l245spd-manual/ 280zx 5 speed 18 BOLT-FIXING T/M TO E 08131-06510 5 SPEED - 1 19 BOLT-FIXING T/M TO E 08131-06010 5 SPEED - 3 20 WASHER-LOCK FIXING T 08915-24010 5 SPEED - 4 21 BOLT-FIXING T/M TO E 08110-82510 5 SPEED - 2
My Datsun 280Z "Rustoration"
Matt, You need to drive with your welding mask on... it would be classic like Norm's rant with a goalie mask on Zcars.com
ZCON 2015 Hookup
I have milk allergies and don't touch the stuff. Maple syrup is the only Canadian food I can think of.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Zcon Roll Call
Just got into the Hilton... had no luck yesterday but someone must have cancelled.
Zcon Roll Call
Zcon Roll Call
Just pulled the trigger on tickets. Arrive 10:30am on Monday and depart 2:00pm on Sunday.
Datsun Nissan Rental in Memphis ?
I'd love to but the boss says no, What has to be done to it? I'll keep "lobbying"
Datsun Nissan Rental in Memphis ?
Can't seem to find a place that rents 370z's. Can anyone recommend a place that does or anyone want to rent a ride? Seems like a business idea for future ZCON's
Datsun smokes 2 Ferraris in a drag race
Ford GT Le Mans Again
It Ain't Running Right!
If your rpms are high and you take foot off gas to coast, the pistons are sucking hardest but the throttle plate is closed. This causes a huge vacuum in the manifold that sucks fuel from the idle enrichment circuit. If your idle is set to rich then too much fuel will be drawn through and it will build up in the exhaust and ignite making the popping sound.
Pointed Tip Antenna Mast
Looking forward to seeing you car Jim! I hope to bring a 72 for judging in Ontario next year so any advice or pointers are welcome in Memphis... I'll be there cheering you on!
Aussie-Canuck meeting in Sydney this Tuesday evening?
Hi Gav, I'm now in Sydney at a Holiday in near the airport. It is 12noon. I depart in 22hrs. Sunny and 22C
Aussie-Canuck meeting in Sydney this Tuesday evening?
Yes, I'll be out by the airport. Just hitting the hay now for a 3AM rise. I'll check this thread again when in Sydney.
Aussie-Canuck meeting in Sydney this Tuesday evening?
I wish I was. I just have a long overnight stop in Sydney.
Limited slip R200
Don't do any thing until John Coffey replies to this thread
Aussie-Canuck meeting in Sydney this Tuesday evening?
I have a stop-over on Tuesday night in Sydney. If any Z friends are free and want to meet for coffee, supper, drinks, etc please pm or email me. philip@atlanticz.ca