Everything posted by 240260280z
1972 FSM
file size limit hit
1972 FSM
ok. ill do that
Datsuns in the News Thread
1972 FSM
Continued WT Wheel and Tire.pdf RA Rear Axle and Suspension.pdf SE Body Service Equipment.pdf SE Service Equipment.pdf ST Steering System.pdf TM Transmission.pdf
1972 FSM
Continued RA Rear Axle and Suspension.pdf EG Engine General.pdf EL Engine Lubrication System.pdf EM Engine Machanical.pdf ER Engine Removal.pdf ET Engine Tune-up.pdf FA Front Axle and Suspension.pdf FE Fuel and Exhaust Systems.pdf GI General Information.pdf PD Propeller Shaft and Differential.pdf
1972 FSM
1972 FSM EF Engine Fuel System.pdf BF Body.pdf BR Brake System.pdf CL Clutch.pdf CO Cooling System.pdf Contents forward.pdf cover.pdf EC Emission Control System.pdf EE Engine Electrical.pdf
1970-1971 FSM's
Datsun Torque General-Datsun Torque Specifications.pdf
1970-1971 FSM's
TSB Technical_Bulletins_1969_1972.pdf
1970-1971 FSM's
FSM's Factory Service Manuals Supplement Technical Service Bulletins Owners Manual Datsun 240Z L20 L24 Factory Service Manual.pdf Datsun 240Z factory service manual (Body + Chassis) Part 1.pdf Datsun 240Z factory service manual (Body + Chassis) Part 2.pdf 1971 FSM Supplement.pdf s30 chassis Supplement.pdf
Thinking about installing an BMW M6 engine in my Z
Looks mighty strong! btw the boss reports a package arrived! Can't wait to get back home! Thanks!
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
gnose version http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/50184-g-nose-headlight-covers/
Datsuns in the News Thread
Datsuns in the News Thread
Datsuns in the News Thread
[2015] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Darren. fyi: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/28093-hub-cap-refinishing/
Engine issue
timing chain stretch or guides coming loose/worn or tensioner not pushing far enough. check valve timing marks again at tdc.
[2015] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Biggest problem causing one to smell fumes is running rich.
Made in USA drill bits?
Just got some hack saw blades made in USA. Now looking for quality drill bit set. Can anyone recommend one?
Datsuns in the News Thread
Datsuns in the News Thread
Parts needed for VIN 147
Hi Charles, Here are the details: Hood: no corner reinforcement, flat lever, no punch outs on sides: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/25189-early-hood-differences/ green is 69-70early \ plastic headlight buckets Very early hatches had no defrost wires. The next had vertical. I have to guess the metal is the same for 69 and 70. They also had the vents built in.
Redwing's Car - An Update
PrayerZ answered!
- Darwin always wins
- Parts needed for VIN 147
- Zed to replaced by XUV