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Everything posted by boyblunda

  1. Jerry, just got home and checked the thread to you beat me to list the part number in your post "They were listed as an accessory item, part number; 99990-00105" and then your follow up with the pic of the actual box containing same. Your post and evidence is irrefutable so please excuse my quest for clarity when I look at my December 1977 Parts Catalog Pub. No. C.0010R R-Drive vehicles which does not list the part number you quote but does list in Section 180-1: K3110-00010 Set - strip racing red (Sumitomo NO3651) K3110-00011 Set - strip racing white (Sumitomo NO3650) K3110-00012 Set - strip racing black (Sumitomo NO3655) My December 1973 manual on page 150-1 has the same information but clearly lists these part numbers as options. The schematic diagram in the second parts manual does not show the wording "240Z" anywhere in or on the strip as I see in some photos of Zeds with stripes on the doors. So might there possibly be some additional part numbers for stripes / strips on Zeds or maybe there were different stripes / strips for different markets? Despite this thought, I am certain that I have seen Australian Zeds with the 240Z embossed strips. Any further contributions on this possible anomaly or additional part numbers?
  2. With regards to the query as to whether the stripes were original or aftermarket I am fairly sure that there is a listing of an option in the parts manual for 240Z stripes - I am not at home at the moment but I will check and post the part numbers over the weekend unless someone beats me to it. EDIT: And if I had read Jerry's post I would have saved a duplication of thought. Regards
  3. Every single time you drive or sit in your car you are going to look at that pristine dash and think that looks bloody good. Are not two of the things we all value in a Zed an uncracked dash and a working clock? This seems to have been a carefully considered decision prior to the purchase so enjoy it. I think you owe the financial manager a special evening or at least some flowers.
  4. My personal vehicles would both have to be drivers although one of them only gets taken out in fine weather. However, should the time ever come when I have enough spare cash, I would be very tempted to purchase and preserve / conserve a rare or significant Zed in excellent condition eg. a rally or race Zed with a history.
  5. boyblunda posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    This was sold on ebay from Australia just in the last week by a New Zealand seller to an USA based buyer for US$330.65 - equals approximately AUS$430. This was a NOS December 1977 Parts Catalog in mint condition and would be quite the rare item to be found in such condition. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=003&sspagename=STRK%3AMEDW%3AIT&viewitem=&item=130078076531&rd=1 8 bidders in all and some activity in the last hour before the auction finished. Hard to tell the history of the other bidders as ebay over here seems to hide the identity of the bidders after the bidding exceeds AUS$200 (annoys me personally as I prefer to know who I am bidding against but I am sure there are good reasons to hide identities). Interesting that a USA based seller would buy a RHD catalog unless they had a RHD car or were a very serious collector of Zed publications. I have noticed that several brochures and other publications on Australian ebay have been snapped up by north American bidders. The three previously listed parts catalogues I have seen sell on Oz Ebay include that very rare early 240Z catalog won by Kats for over US$400 http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23489&highlight=Parts+Catalogue This auction seems to put that purchase into a perspective that confirms it was likely a VERY good buy. The most recently sold 1973 and 1977 catalogues both went for just over US$200 each. Not cheap these publications but for people like myself there really is something about being able to browse through a printed publication at a location of your choosing rather than being confined to a computer screen. Good luck to the purchaser, belle-ringer. This would be a great addition to a library.
  6. boyblunda replied to troubledz's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Thule have made at least two racks that fit onto Zeds easily and also have produced at least two styles of matching bicycle mountings as accessories. I would think that paddlesport or bicycle shops or Thule themselves should be able to point you in the right direction.
  7. Choice 1. Go for the 2+2 now if not yesterday. It may not be as good in the handling department but it is a great ride and will be good for your soul. I think that a case might be made for the 2+2 to be a better tourer but that is only a personal opinion. * It will suit your needs for the moment - at least until the kids get bigger. * You will get the immediate Datsun experience. * You can start to accumulate those good bits that are interchangeable between the two different S30's. * Depending upon your timing and other circumstances you may eventually end up using the 2+2 as a parts car * It will serve to get your infinitely bvetter half introduced or used to the idea that you entitled to own and enjoy at least one toy. Good luck!
  8. Currently advertised as new genuine part for 1973 240Z on ebay - most likely for a RHD vehicle. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Datsun-240Z-Glove-Box-Manual_W0QQitemZ330084879777QQihZ014QQcategoryZ102336QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. Hi Chris If you stil have a spindle pin puller for sale after having supplied one to George then I am interested. Will PM you. Regards Dave
  10. boyblunda replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I thought that a cleanskin is the term used to describe an unlabelled bottle of wine. There is a lot of Australian slang that varies between States and between locations. Determining just what might be Australian is a bit of a quest given the short history of the country, the varied background of our initial settlers and the continued impact of high levels of immigration. The cockney slang has its origins in the UK but is generally more popular in Sydney than elsewhere in Australia. I always thought that describing someone as runing around like a "blue arsed fly" was Australian slang until I read a Michener novel that described the term as originating from New York State. There are additional gaps in the understanding of slang between the younger and older generations of the Australian population. Even references on Australian slang differ in their descriptions of what some terms are intended to mean, or will offer multiple definitions for the same term. All of the above really only serves to say that Will does not necessarily have to return to his homework as he probably has heard the term somewhere and proving the origins of slang terms can be quite challenging. The perceptions of Australians are shaped by many factors and it is difficult to "correct" someone who has been exposed to media advertising and films that portray some stereotype behaviours - at least the relatively harmless deliberate naming of the venerable prawn as a "shrimp" is shrouded in the framework of the informal, welcoming, easy to visit nation that the advertisement was intended to portray. Yes, Aussies often do call some Americans Yanks (or in rhyming slang seppo = septic tank = yank = yankee) but a lot of Aussies would not know that such a term might get us into a lot of trouble if we were to use the term in the wrong bar in some areas of the USA and is probably quite offensive to many of more moderate dispositions. Back to the much more important matter of what we drink. Most Aussies enjoying informal settings would drink from 375ml cans or bottles ("stubbies") whether it be beer, soft drink or pre mixed spirits. When it comes to beer there are many opinions with VB and XXXX being popular across the country. For mine, a stubby of Coopers is the nectar of the gods. Pale Ale in hot summer conditions, Sparkling Ale in mild conditions, Extra Stout for cold winters evenings and their Vintage Ale for special occasions. Not that I am fussy, anything with a Coopers label does it for me.
  11. boyblunda replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Oh dear, this is now totally off topic unless we include it under the general heading of Australiana. From Wikepedia : "Prawns are edible, shrimp-like crustaceans, belonging to the sub-order Dendrobranchiata [1]. They are distinguished from the superficially similar shrimp by the gill structure which is branching in prawns (hence the name, dendro="tree"; branchia="gill"), but is lamellar in shrimp. The sister taxon to Dendrobranchiata is Pleocyemata, which contains all the true shrimp, crabs, lobsters, etc." It is true that prawns are often named as fresh water crustaceans elsewhere in the world but in Australia there are some huge salt water prawns caught in our waters. Most Aussies would probably think of shrimp in a lesser light as being the much smaller poor relative to a prawn despite the fact that shrimp can grow to much larger sizes elsewhere in the world. What I actually think Mr Camo was referring to here was the quote from the Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee) tourist advertisement where he was inviting people to visit Australia and "chuck another shrimp on the barbie" - or was that a prawn? More From Wikepedia: "As used in commercial farming and fishery, the terms shrimp and prawns are generally used interchangeably. In European countries, particularly the United Kingdom, the word "prawns" is more commonly on menus than the term "shrimp", which is used more often in the United States. Australia and other commonwealth countries follow this European/British use to an even greater extent, using the word "prawn" almost exclusively. (Paul Hogan's use of the phrase "I'll slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for you" in a television advertisement was intended to make what he was saying easier for his American audience to understand, and was thus a deliberate distortion of what an Australian would typically say.)" None of the above alters the fact that Camo would most likely drink a Fosters if that was available to him in the appropriate climatic circumstances.
  12. boyblunda replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    G'day Rick and good to hear the day went well for you yesterday. On the matter of Fosters I think that the name is slipping as the iconic Australian beer that it became known for during the seventies and "The Adventures of Barry Mackenzie". It particularly seems to have slipped off its perch lately since it withdrew from most, if not all of its major sport sponsorship. I am not even sure that it is still made in Australia and I cannot remember the last time I saw it on the shelves in Australia while at the same time it was relatively freely available from liquor stores when I was last in Wyoming. I do not think it is shunned by Australians so much as just not really there to be chosen as soon as my last Coopers has been consumed - pray lord that the latter event does not occur and that Coopers remains safe from corporate takeovers.
  13. boyblunda replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Polls
    At the moment I have one car with a body kit and have just purchased triple webers, upgraded brake parts, new seats and 4 point harnesses, MSA suspension bushes and such like to get it to perform a little better. I have plans for a full suspension upgrade in the near future. For this vehicle whatever does the job will do for me. My daily driver is almost original and will stay that way but I am happy to use any good quality parts that keep it on the road although I want it to remain visually original. When it comes to upgraded suspension, sound systems and the like then original gear for such vehicles is just too expensive or too hard to access. However, if I happen to come across a sterling original example of a matching numbers vehicle then I would have a very different viewpoint and would be looking to maintain it as close to original specifications as is reasonably possible.
  14. boyblunda replied to JimmyZ's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Some previous discussion on keys can be found in this thread. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20530&highlight=Keys Keys vary between the date of production and market origin of your car. The initial response from Bryan and others in previous threads does seem like your simplest solution.
  15. boyblunda replied to Wobbles1971's post in a topic in Electrical
    Without being too specific, there are two areas that I would consider for a mounting a battery cut off switch. If I was to be using the car for competition I would be thinking of mounting the switch within easy reach of my seated position in the car so that immediate easy access was available in the event of any unplanned excursion. If the function of the switch is for security of the vehicle then I would be looking for a discrete but easy to access location with low visual impact from any point in the car.
  16. boyblunda replied to jayhawk's post in a topic in HISTORY
    Jayhawk I have not heard of a "widebody" Zed before but that is not to say that there is not a kit or modification of some kind that may have been popular somewhere. Alternatively the term may be used in some circles to describe a particular modification or variant. There has been some discussion on body dimensions in the past which can be found in http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?p=165318#post165318 Different references do quote different dimensions for the same Zed cars. However, it did seem that there was agreement that the 2+2 had a wider body than the 2 seater although again the references I have read varied in describing the difference in width from 0.9" to 1.2". I do confess to not being at all clear on what the seller was actually saying by the time I finished reading the listing - at least I did not "get" the mix of 1973 1975 and 1976 parts and dimensions quoted in his description. Dave
  17. I have always thought that new seat belts being fitted to older vehicles are a great investment. I considered putting new retractable seat belts into my car but have elected instead to fit four point harnesses. I am a large guy and find that the retractable belts lack and do not retain a firm fit and do not hold me in the seat when cornering. My previous experience with four point harnesses is that they are more secure and more comfortable than a retractable belt. This might not be your cup of tea but they are worth a thought given the nature of the driving you might have in your location. Some listed on ebay at the moment from Sydney seller with $89 starting bid for a pair. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/2-X-UNIVERSAL-4-POINT-HARNESS-RACING-SEAT-BELT-BLUE_W0QQitemZ280059584920QQihZ018QQcategoryZ43809QQcmdZViewItem Regards Dave
  18. boyblunda replied to jackwarnock's post in a topic in Introductions
    Hi Jack and welcome to the site. Always great to hear of someone who had a Zed coming back to the fold - how many times have I had someone say to me that they are a former Zed owner and wish they still had their car. Not too many people would be able to say they purchased a 30+ year old car and have ALL of the supporting paperwork. Sounds like a rare machine in more ways than one. Tell us a little more about its condition and #'s etc. Where are you situated in Australia - Zed owners can be a little isolated over here and it is good to be able to connect with someone who lives in the immediate vicinity. All the best Dave
  19. boyblunda commented on DougN's comment on a gallery image in Wheels and Tires
  20. Just to follow up on my earlier post and the responses received to that, I was mainly posting the availablity of the pairs of mirrors on ebay in response to the possible solution of purchasing UK or Australian mirrors as discussed by some North American members in this and other mirror threads. I have just searched a copy of some parts microfiche for Australian mirrors which Will correctly says are different to those in North American Zeds. To complement the information offered on the parts numbers for the UK mirrors posted earlier in this thread, the Australian mirror parts numbers are : 96302-E8800 Assy - Back Mirror Door Outside 96301-E8800 Assy - Back Mirror Door Outside The reference I have does not differentiate between LH and RH mirrors but I assume that these numbers cover both. The reasons that Australian cars did not have the same mirrors as available elsewhere in the world has been discussed in other threads but in short were due to the fender mirrors being deemed "unacceptable" in Australia although some early Zeds and imported second hand Zeds did come in with fender mounted mirrors. James, in response to your request for more information on other mirrors, this thread discussed Australian mirrors and other options used in Australia and has accompanying pics. http://www.wazcars.com/forumframe.php The pictures below are stolen from those contributed by MrCamouflage - hope you do not mind Craig. Mr Camouflage states in the WAZcar thread that the mirrors pictured here were the only Nissan/Datsun mirror sold with Australian cars although many cars were fitted with aftermarket and Ford mirrors as a dealer option. The part numbers are the only ones I can find in my reference for Australian Zeds.
  21. So a pair of mirrors were advertised and sold on ebay last week for about AUS$76 - I posted that auction in another mirror thread and notified some previously interested members by PM. Now we have this current listing for what looks to be an identical pair of mirrors but with a slightly different description. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=004&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=140051804823&rd=1&rd=1
  22. This wheel was recently sold on Ebay http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3216&papass=&sort=1&thecat=500 The seller, hugh_260 had a non genuine horn pad on a 1977 260Z - it is a clearer picture of the horn pad at least.
  23. It does seem to look very similar to this one. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3216&papass=&sort=1&thecat=500 Regards Dave
  24. boyblunda replied to gator's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Do not know if this is accurately described but for those looking for a 280Z RH mirror http://cgi.ebay.com.au/DATSUN-280Z-EXTERIOR-DOOR-MIRROR-NOS_W0QQitemZ170046924590QQihZ007QQcategoryZ32063QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  25. boyblunda replied to gator's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    This might help someone in this matter. Auction has four days to run. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=004&item=140047760549&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1

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