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  1. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    My 77 has the stock round ezhaust port head. It burns oil and leaves a cloud of smoke when I get on it. I have about 160lbs compression and the motor runs strong. I am assuming that the seals on the valves are the cause of the smoking. I have a E88 which has been rebuilt and never used. How would this work on my L28 which I assume has the stock domed pistons ( I've never had the head off ). Thanks, Michael
  2. MC75Z replied to MC75Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Greg. Looked at your webbpage and would say you know what your doing starting from the bottom up. Nice job. Look forward to seeing it completed. Thanks for the info on the RB26Dett. Michael
  3. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have only been into Z=cars for about 5 years. I have owned and driven on the road one 240, two 260s and four 280s during this time. Now I am down to a 73 240, 74 260, 75 280 and a 77 280. Looking on Ebay tonight I saw one I have never heard of, thought maybe someone could fill me in on it. The ad read like this with a lot of description. 73 240 RB26Dett project - N1 turbos. It said it was about 75% done with over 16000.00 invested and the starting bid was 9999.00. There were a lot of pictures. Just curious. Michael
  4. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I'm going to shave .080 off a P90 and put it on my 75 L28. I'm looking for somewhere to get the shims to go under the cam bearing towers. Does anyone know where I should look. I live in San Diego CA. Thanks, Michael
  5. MC75Z replied to MC75Z's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply. As I have been looking into this ecp48 seems to have the same information as the majority. I'll give it a try and post the end results when I'm done. Thanks agin, Michael / MC75Z San Diego, CA
  6. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I'm plannig on putting a P90 head on my 75 L28. What modifications do I need to make to the P90. Thanks, Michael
  7. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Iam planning on putting a P90 on my L28. It has been bored to3000cc with flat top pistons. I have a mild Schyder cam. I am working with a limited budget. The motor now has an N42 head with EFI. It's a 75 so its smog exempt.I have about 3 sets of SU's to work with and thinking about trying them. I would like to get some opions on the advantages or disadvantages and overall performance improvement if any. Thanks, Michael
  8. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I am looking for suggestions, advise and experiance on my next project. I have an L28 motor with flat top pistons balanced lower end and lightened flywheel. I don't kwow how much the flywheel was lightened but I don't think it was very much. I also have a mild Schyder cam to go with it. The motor is out of my 75 with fuel injection. The changes I want to make are ideas I have from reading the Geocities.com/zgarage web site. To start with I want to put one of my P90 heads on it. The P90 mod section talks about shaving .080 off the head which raise the compression to 10:1. Is this to much for the 91 octane sold at the pump. I believe it said that just putting a P90 on flat top pistons without shaving it would give 8:1. Also this motor has been bored to 3000cc. It isn't mentioned in the P90 mod section but if I shave the head won't I have to raise the cam .080? When it comes to the fuel system I get the impression he feels going with SU side draft is the best. My question is with what I have going should I switch to side draft or stay with fuel injection. My car is CA smog exempt so I can go ether way. I would like to know what you know.
  9. I just recently asked if anyone had any information on a N47 intake manifold that had the heat shield cast as part of the manidfold. Upon further inspection of it today I was able to see that was not a heat shield but a webbing between the manifold inlets. At this point I'm guessing this is a turbo intake manifold. Am I guessing right?
  10. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    As I was going through the parts I've collected over the past couple of years I found two N42 intake manifolds. One has a bolt on heat shield and on the other the heat shield is cast as part of the intakefold. What do I have?
  11. MC75Z replied to MC75Z's post in a topic in Exhaust
    nwcubsman, I have been under the impression that a properly built header allows a motor to breath better which increases hp and increases performance. As you mentioned other head work besides a cam what are you refering to? What would your choice be if you had an N47 or E88 to choose from. If I do stay with tne stock exhaust I do need to replace the pipe from the exhaust header back. Should I stay with the stock dia. or go larger? Michael
  12. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Exhaust
    I'm looking for a header for my 77. Its a stock L28 With EFI and a round ezhaust port head. I have a square port N42 that hasn't been run since it was rebuilt that I could switch over. I also have a mild Snyder cam that I could put on the N42. My only hesitancy about changing heads is that there are only 4100 miles on this car so there are still alot of miles left on the motor. Back to the haeder I live on a p-j budget and don't have much to spend on a header. I always seem to get outbid on Ebay and don't have the time to run around and hope to get lucky at the wrecking yards. Anybody have any ideas on where to find one that is functional and affordable I have no problem with a used or off-brand one. Also any suggestions on what diameter of tail pipe to put behind it would be helpful. I live in San Diego.
  13. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I am changing the 4 spd in my 77 to a 5 spd. I am putting in a 5 spd that is marked from the wrecking yard " 81 to 83 ZX ". The rear end in my 77 is stock whatever that is. I know there are several types of rear ends. Should I change the rear end to be copatible with the transmission and how do I tell the diferrence between rear ends. I have several that I can choose from but don't know which is which.
  14. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I to am switching my 77 4 spd to a 5 spd. I got mine from a friend who got it from a wrecking yard. It was marked 81 to 83 ZX. I looked it over and appeared to be the same in length, width and bolt hole patterns as another 5 spd I have witch I know will bolt up to an L28. I took it to a transmiision shop to have it rebuilt ( I put a 5 spd in before this one that felt good on the bench but not in the car, no 5th with the car on the road ) and was told it would bolt up. The rebuild is going to include all new bearings and syncros. Does 450.00 sound fair.
  15. MC75Z posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I have a 77 280z with fuel injection. What is the difference between the Z injectors and the ZX or the ZXT injectors, I'm not sure of the last 2 but they came off a W24 manifold. Would it be to my advantage or disadvantage to try them on my 77 with an L28 motor. Just guessing I would assume they run richer to keep up with the turbo but am wondering if that would be to much for my motor. Would appreciate any knowledge or experiance anyone might have with this. Thanks.

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