My brakes SCREAM...
PBR brake pads and the factory shims with a little sil glide on the pads and shims(installed correctly) and you will never here the squeal again. (stock applications only)
Is $900 too much for entirely new carburetors?
Bruce, johnny from johnny z motorsport.. Hey how much on average for su cores?
Oregon - Cruise to Lincoln City Sat 6-27
I'll be going, can't wait. And if anyone needs their car serviced before hand let me know. Johnny...(JZM)
Spark Plug troubles
Very important note::::: Before continuing with any tap in the spark plug hole, make sure you coat the tap with heavy grease before tapping the spark plug hole, this will catch 99% of the metal particals from entering the cylinder. We can't have that! Johnny...
Canby '09, June 13 & 14, who's coming?
I'll be going as well. Not showing a car but still going. I've got a few people that are going to meet at my shop before we head up. So if your in the salem area or south of salem come meet up with us at my shop. Johnny z motorsport 1440 13th st se salem, oregon 97302 503-400-0790 johnny@johnnyzmotorsport.com
Washington/oregon z drive
if anyone is interested in starting mid oregon club, call me. Johnny z motorsport 1440 13th st se salem, oregon 97302 503-400-0790 j.z.m13@hotmail.com
Washington/oregon z drive
Roll call! Anyone else going? Times running out.
Washington/oregon z drive
- Washington/oregon z drive
All i have to say is, you might as well be there cuz your gonna get it anyway!!!!- Washington/oregon z drive
I guess i need to get together with some of my z friends and get a salem z club going. Of course with the ok from northwest z. I don't want to step on there toes. It just makes sense. I drive 60+ miles just to go to a meeting in portland (which i don't mind)but most people in my area think it's way tooooooo far! So they don't go and or leave the club. In which no one wants. There has to be a way to make it work... Johnny z motorsport 1440 13th st se salem, oregon 97302 503-400-0790 j.z.m13@hotmail.com- Washington/oregon z drive
Anyone interested in going on a two day one night Z drive in the beautiful pacific northwest? Many Z owners are coming. It's a great alternative to going to MSA, as well as costing much less! Northwest Z and Z car club of washington are coming as well as many others. The drive is along the Columbia River Gorge/Mary Hill Drive-April 24th and 25th (hotel rooms are needed) It's a great chance for non club members to meet and get a chance to become part of the upper westcoast Z community. My name is Johnny and I am a Z-aholic. Info below. You bet. Here is the Drive info For the Maryhill Z Car event: 4/25-26/2009 Drive Details: Mary Hill Drive Come Join us for a drive along the Columbia River Gorge. We will start at Star Lake Park and Ride in Federal Way for most of our North End of the state. Members can caravan down south to Camas, Wa. For the meet up with other ZCCW members as well as any NW-Z members for the start of the drive. Star Lake Park and Ride 27015 26th Ave. S. Federal Way, Wash. 98063 I-5 N. or S. exit #147 First leg of this drive is 152.9 miles; 2hrs.30min. We will Leave Star Lake Park and Ride AT 8:00am. To arrive at Fishers Landing Park and Ride by 10:30am to meet with Northwest Z Club, and eat lunch. ZERO YOUR ODOMETER BEFORE LEAVING STAR LAKE PARK AND RIDE. STOP #1. 53.3 miles Maytown Rest Area, Exit #95. Exit Only Lane. 15min. Bathroom Break. Leave Rest Area STOP #2. 133.9 Miles Rest Area, Exit #12. 15min. Bathroom Break. Leave rest area. At 139.0 Miles. Take exit #7 towards Highway 205 S. Merge onto Highway 205 S. At 149.2 Miles. Take exit 27 to Highway 14 E. towards Camas. Stay In the Left Lane. At 151.6 Miles. Take Exit #8 to; SE 164th Avenue. At 152.5 Miles. Take Left Turn at the Light onto SE 164th Avenue. Stop #3. 152.9 Miles. Turn Left onto SE Cascade Park Drive. Go into Fishers Landing Park and Ride, North Lot. Take a lunch Break at one of several options further down SE 164th Avenue. Get fuel as needed and meet back at the Park and Ride ready to leave at the prescribed time. (aprox 1hr.30min.) 12:30 SHARP We will also give out the complete route instructions at this time. At 12:30, meet up to start/continue with the drive. We will take Hwy 14 across the Columbia River to I-84 east in Oregon. We will use I-84 and Hwy. 30 to go to Multnomah Falls and other points of interest. We will make a short 30 minute stop at the Shillo Inn at The Dalles in Oregon. Those who are staying at the hotel can check in and we will meet up in the lounge. Then we will continue east on I-84/hwy.30 to Biggs, Oregon where we will cross the river and into Wa. Via Hwy.97. This will take us to the Stonehenge Memorial for views and photo opportunity. If time permits and any interest, we will make a stop at Maryhill winery. Then return to Shillo Inn for dinner, drinks, and general socializing. Some members may actually use the hotel for rest. This will conclude Saturdays portion of the drive. Sunday, April the 26th After breakfast, we will meet at 9am to depart for the second day of our drive. Take I-84 east to Biggs and cross back into Wa. Using Hwy. 97 again. Take Hwy 14 east to Maryhill loop road. Drive the road till noon. (This time frame is determined by the number of participants and how many times they want to drive it). Then return to Hwy 14 and go west to Maryhill Museum. This is when we will eat lunch and tour museum. Either eat at museum or return to Biggs for something else. At 2:30pm, re-group for return route to I-5 using Hwy 14 west. We will make scenic stops along the way. At I-5, return home. Expect this to be between 5pm and 6pm, depending on the amount of time spent at view spots along the way. Dinner can be on your own or determined as a group. This will conclude our Sam Hill drive. Specific route, directions, and mileage will be made at a later date and supplied to everyone prior to the drive and is subject to change. *All drivers must have a valid drivers license and car insurance for this drive.* Hopefully you will have a fun and safe drive and that you will learn a little something about Sam Hill and his contributions to Washington. The Shilo Inn will have special room rates for us, but only if we rent out ten rooms. The rates are $92 for a single queen. Others are available plus pets are extra. Just mention that you are with ZCCW. And you must reserve by April 12th. After that date, there will be no guarantee that you can get a room and it will be full charge. You can call Shilo directly at 541.298.5502 Their address is 3223 Bret Clodfelter Way The Dalles OR 97058 info from ZCCW's web site on the upcoming Maryhill Z Car event I understand the hotel is already booked up - no more rooms. but there are other hotels in the area.. Hope to Z you there!- What's in YOUR garage?
This my z shop. I wish it was my garage at home, Though I do get the pleasure of dreaming all my customers cars were mine.- Greetings
Welcome k.c.! JOHNNY Z MOTORSPORT...(JZM)...- Need someone to restore a 260.....any ideas?
To far away for me to do. But I'm sure theres someone a bit closer. you've definitely come to the right place for help. Good luck in your quest.. JOHNNY Z MOTORSPORT...(JZM)... - Washington/oregon z drive
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