Everything posted by ZSaint
Hood fit
Riggzola/EScanlon: I have checked my hood carefully. The hinges are down as far as the bumper brackets will allow. I noticed that these bumper brackets are punched with the (mounting) holes off-center. Someone suggested that I may have put these front bumper brackets on right to left/left to right. Does anyone remember if these brackets are marked "R" and "L"? Can I turn these brackets over and have the smaller/thinner side up? This will allow another 1/2" of travel on the hinges. I do not want to take the bumper off and find out these brackets do not interchange. I plan on taking them off today if they do in fact work on either side. I see that they have them marked in the parts book 'L' and 'R'. I wonder if I mixed them up?
Hood fit
Did you ever solve this hood alignment problem? I have a similar problem with my '71 Z. I put the same hood on the car with the same hinges. I bead blasted the hinges and media blasted the hood. It was all painted and was put back together. The hood now is above the sugar scoops at the front of the hood. I have adjusted all of the hinge ajustments. I got closer but not the fit I had before the restoration. It sounds like I need to loosen the bolts on the fenders and buckets and try to raise the fenders and buckets. Is this the correct method? Sugar scoops are the buckets, correct?
Heater blower blows fuses... Why?
I know. I guess they had the schematic for the A/C wiring. I have my exhaust 2/3 done. Using 2 1/2" pipe with manderal bends. All we have left to do it the pipe from the header to the straight tunnel pipe. Got late last night so we will get it done today. I will check out the wiring and the schematic. I believe this wire is two different colors. I think it is red and black. Sound kinda funny but that is the way it went together. Probably is wrong, don't you think? I guess if it keeps blowing fuses, it must be wrong. I'll let you know....
Heater blower blows fuses... Why?
OK, blue wire going to the blower motor. I did not know that '71 had A/C. I thought I had some wiring for the A/C but I was told by "an expert" that '71 Z's did not have wiring for A/C. Hmmm?
Heater blower blows fuses... Why?
Could I have bolted the blower assy in the dash and "crimped" one of the wires going to the blower motor? It sounds like this wire is grounded. It flashes pretty good when I turn blower on. She is grounded somewhere. The Z is at a friends shop right now having an exhaust system built for it. As soon as it is done I can start the car. I can take it to the auto electric place and have them look at it. I can spend days fighting these electrics. I want to drive my newly restored Z!
Heater blower blows fuses... Why?
I have completed my resto and only 2 items do not work. My heater blower and my power antenne. They both worked before I disassembled the '71 240Z. When I turn the key on, the blower fuse blows. It is a separate fuze for the blower motor. Why does the blower have a separate fuze? I cannot find the power for the antennae. Do you think I somehow got these fuzes/wires mixed up? I looked at the wires and it is the only wire that connects to the fuze. Anyone have any ideas?
Hood adjustment problem??
I have read your post. I have a steel hood. I have tried to "rotate" the hinges to lower them. It did lower the hood but not nearly enough. I am going to put in some other hinges ('73 240Z). I will try to rotate these hinges to get them to fit. I changed hoods and hinges. They do not fit as well as the old parts. Something for you guys to remember when changing parts.
Electrical problems after restoration...?
I have a early '71. I think the relay is on the driver's kickpanel. I will check it out. Thanks for the info and the pics. Because the Z did not have a horn BEFORE I started leads me to believe it is the relay. I'll let you guys know.
Electrical problems after restoration...?
Tell me more about this horn ground.... I do not have a ground wire connected to the steering column. I did not have a horn prior to the resto work. (I did not have brake lights either! Drove it all the way from Salinas, CA to Salem, Oregon without a horn, rear view mirror or brake lights. Oh yeah, no license plates, either! Fixed everything but the horn.) Can you tell me the color of the wire, type of connector, etc. for this ground? It must be fairly large because the bolts are 6mm.
Hood adjustment problem??
I changed hood hinges on my '71 240Z. I got them from someone on Classic ZCar. When you close the hood, the front of the hood sticks up above the H/L buckets about 3/8". I have adjusted them as far down as they will go. (The hinges are against the bumper mount) I can push on the hood and get it to go down where it belongs but it pops back up once I take the pressure off. I do not know where these hood hinges came from. Are there differences between the 240-260-280 hinges? Anyone experienced this before? Solution?
Power antenna electrics
I have not checked to see if the "switch" is connected. I have had the wires out a couple of times. I will check tomorrow. I am in a metal building so I cannot get very good reception on a AM radio. the radio is searching but there is no antennae. I will check it all out tomorrow. Thanks for the specific info on the antennae. It is OEM and has all of the switches, wires and fuses. It worked before I took it apart. I think the switch is not connected at the radio. Good suggestion on checking this out. Thanks!
Power antenna electrics
This is the only item that does not work on my 2/71 240Z. It worked before I disassembled the car for resto. Now, the antennae does not work. I believe I grounded it properly. I used the next size larger metal screw in the same hole to ensure the screw hole was clean and the connection was tight. The radio just keeps searching with the antennae down. Any ideas?
Electrical problems after restoration...?
I found out the problem. I got the schemetic out and traced the wires from dash to the connector. I had plugged it into another male connector that is right there in the dash for a perfect connection. BUT, the wires coming out of the connector did not have the same color code as the wires that were supposed to work in the ignition switch. I unplugged this connector and plugged it right onto the back of the switch and BINGO, we have power to every thing. I am guessing this "extra" connector is there for Z's with A/C. I am sorry for not getting back on the forum for a week. I had my computer in the hospital putting more RAM in it. Thanks guys for all of your help. All I have now is the power antennae won't work. It did work prior to the resto so I have hooked it back up wrong or a fuse is out or ????????????? Anyone have any ideas on the antennae?
Electrical problems after restoration...?
I am unfamiliar with your document. I do not have a Factory Service Manual. Can someone duplicate this page and forward it to me? I will look at the connectors on the glovebox side. Hopefully it will be something simple and I can fix it, soon. I will keep you all posted.
Electrical problems after restoration...?
I have power to the lighting system. I have headlights, running lights and emergency flashers. The dash lights work. The ammeter works. The W/S washer pump works. The clock and cigarette lighter work.....But the ignition switch does not have power. The dome light does not work, the turn signals do not work, the starter does not work, the radio does not work, the antennae doe not function and the brake lights do not work. I have checked for power on the fuse box. I have power there on the last 2 fuses on the left/driver side and on the bottow 3 fuses on the passenger's side. It is the same with the ignition on or off. I think I know of most of the grounds: The frame by the starter, the ground strap on the firewall, the lights at the rear of the car above the gas tank, the antennae. Where else? It sounds to me like I have not hooked up a ground somewhere. Is there a ground wire under the dash? Could I have not hooked up the steering column wires? I just do not know where to look. I cannot get the car to the auto electric place becasue it does not run. I am sorta trapped here without any knowledge of what to do. :disappoin
Electrical problems after restoration...?
See following post, please!
Electrical problems after restoration...?
I will check out the steering column connections. I will also check the passenger side connections. I did not find any "crud" in the connectors and they all seemed clean. Maybe I simple did not get the connectors tight enough. I will re-check them all.
Electrical problems after restoration...?
I believe my emergency flashers work. I like the idea of checking for power at the fuse box. If there is not power to the fuse, then it is one of the connectors. The starter works when I short the relay to the starter. I have all new battery terminals. The frame ground is all new with a new bolt and lock washer and plated flat washer. I will start checking it out tomorrow AM. Thanks for all of the advice. I will keep everyone posted. I will overcome!
Electrical problems after restoration...?
Someone have any ideas on my power shortage? I plugged in all of the connectors and put the ground straps on. Something is missing. Where do I look?
Electrical problems after restoration...?
I have completed my restoration of my 2/71 240Z. The car was totally disassembled and now has been reassembled. I have connected the battery cables and have the following problem: No ignition! I have lights and running lights, I have an amp gauge that works and a lighter. But, no power to the starter or the ignition. My turn signals and radio also do not have power. What did I forget to "plug-in"? :paranoid:
L6 crankshafts and pulleys interchange?
That is what I have on my ZX Turbo block... an Euopean single ramp balancer. I had to change the the timing marks to get it to work. I used an older 240Z front cover. I like "kiss" when it comes to engines. "keep it simple stupid"
L6 crankshafts and pulleys interchange?
I know the 240 and the 280 have different timing marks and indicator plates. You need to change the front cover to match the harmonic balancer. I am not really certain about the 2-ramp vs. 3-ramp pulley. I am guessing they are the same.
What is your favorite front spoiler/air dam?
bremmer/bemmer/bimmer guy! I know you kinda like those German cars. Had a few and raced a few of them. I still like the Z the best.
What is your favorite front spoiler/air dam?
bremmer guy, you have a very nice Z. It is very modern-looking. I am an old guy and like the old look. Sorry, but I'm going retro on my Z. I just can't help it!
What is your favorite front spoiler/air dam?
I like the old classic look for the 240Z. Number 45 is Walt Maas. I like the look. I raced him many times. I bought an air dam and had it painted. When I put it in place, I hated the look. I sold it and bought a new valance panel and a BRE spook with ducts. Now the Z looks like a car out of the 70's. I like the classic look. Walt was a great driver. His Z was very quick.