Everything posted by ZSaint
Triple Mikunis in Washinton on craigslist
I wonder what kind of intake manifold this set up is using. These carbs sit very close to the head. Very short runners. I had longer runners on my Solex's. Anyone else notice this?
Rare Tools on early car
First off, I am amazed that Carl and Mike have these rare items. It is cool that people did not use these items and put them in their tool box or simply lose them over time. It is good that these items have been preserved for posterity. It's nice that people care about such things. Thanks for the great pics guys!
Rare Tools on early car
I of course was refering to the first pic shown by Jimmy Z. I should start showing these items because they are in very good shape. Even the case is unmolested! I have never seen the items listed in the "complete" emergency kit. Wouldn't that be nice!
Rare Tools on early car
I have all of these items (with the exception of the strange strap) on my '71. I have them in my shop and do not display them at meets. I guess I should start showing this stuff more!
W/S washer reservoir/pump
I bought a new W/S washer unit from Motorsports 2 years ago. Now they say they no longer have them. Anyone know where to get these units new? I am doing another restoration and need one. Who has them?
Who Still Makes 215/60/R14 tires?
BF Goodrich makes the 60's series for the 14" rims. They have white raised letters on them or turn them around if you do not want the white to show!
SU balance tube
I used Krylon clear for my '71. I coated the aluminum and the plated parts. It will take a lot to break this coat down. I think we will never live to see the day that these parts start to deteriate. The first car I restored I did not do this trick. The aluminum parts started fading after a couple of years. Oxidation takes it toll without the clear sealer.
Why no Datsuns in Historic series?
Thank you for the information on Historic vehicles and their santioning bodies. It seems to me that a good CP Z would add a lot of interest to their Trans-Am race. It would be a gas watching the Z stay with the AP 'Vettes. The winning car was turning 1.26's. I think a good Z will run a few seconds faster then that. Oh well, it is only a hobby and nobody actually races. Right...! I agree with Chris that Saturday was a lot more fun then Sunday. This Porshe lead car was not about to let us go more that 20 mph around the corners on Sunday. I noticed the cars that they let out on the track between races were "on it". These were street cars and they were really going quickly. Oh well, maybe I'll just have to build one to race, again.
Why no Datsuns in Historic series?
I just came back from the Historic races at PIR. What are the rules of this sanctioning body? It seems to me that they need some 280Z CP cars to eat up most of the Cameros and Corvettes that they race. Is that the deal... AP and BP and AS is all they recognize? They also have Lotus/Cortina sedans. Why not a nice 1600cc 510? Is this a plot against Nissan/Datsun?
Which to go for ignition?
I converted my '71 over to the 78 electronic system. I installed the 'box' up high on the passengers kick panel. Ran my color coded wires through the wire bundle/firewall and it works very well. I did get 2 wires mixed on the box and the thing would not run, at first. Double checked everything, found the problem and the engine now is trouble free. No more point and timing changes!
Need "official name" of seat vent holes..
I put a new set in my '71 and they came from Les and they had the vents. I bought them about 16 months ago. Bluuuuu ones! The set I had in the Z did NOT have the vents. Hmmmm?
Speedo cable is leaking????
I did notice the "0" ring was small in diameter. I will give your idea a try. "0" rings are cheap and I can certainly try a larger/thicker size. I hope this is the problem. I'll let you know!
Speedo cable is leaking????
I will try one more time to stop the leak. I will remove the speedo and replace the inner and outer "0" rings. Maybe the new "0" ring is split or damaged during installation. I will look at everything and give it one more shot. I'll let you guys know. I am taking my Z to PIR this weekend for the vintage trans-am. We have a Datsun Coral and will take a spin on the track. It will be good to see the old cars and racers!
Speedo cable is leaking????
Thank you! It has been driven to Seattle in the rain and I spent and hour on the lift cleaning the entire bottom. It does look like new! I am a bit confused by EZZZZZZZZZ comments. Why are you telling me this? I am still trying to figure out why it leaks. I know where the oil is coming from and why the oil is leaking out the speedo hole. This tranny was completely rebuilt. We put new bearings and syncros. We also put in new seals on the front and rear and the shifter rod. These seals are tight. The only problem is the speedo.
Speedo cable is leaking????
Here's the funny part. My speedo does not leak when I drive. It does not leak on the garage floor. It is only when it sets in a nose-up attitude that it seeps. We were working on the exhaust header. (Putting 2 stainless springs on to hold the tailpipe up) We had the car on jackstands, front only. After we got the work done, there was a small pool of tranny fluid under the car. It is the only leak on the car. I really want to stop it!
Speedo cable is leaking????
That is a good idea. I remember going to the run-offs in Atlanta and having an engine misfire. I bought a new "hotdog" coil and the engine still missed. We fought it for a day and then someone said, "It still sounds like a bad coil!" I changed to a stock coil and it solved the problem. I had two bad super coils in a row! I will try a new O-ring and replace the speedo seal. Maybe it will cure itself then. I let you know!
Speedo cable is leaking????
Thanks for the advice. As you can see from the pics, my Z is clean underneath. I have changed the 0-ring in the gear housing and the cable seal. I got these items from Nissan. It still leaks. I am stumped! Why does this cable still leak?
Speedo cable is leaking????
I have repleaced all o-rings, seals and gaskets on the speedo/tranny. It still leaks. It did not leak with the 4-speed. Where have I erred?
ZRush - sad news
I know the suddeness of these matters. I lost my Dad with a massive heart attack. My heart goes out to the family. I keep living day to day and enjoying every minute of it. I have had a heart attack and a stroke. I just went through radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. I feel lucky to be alive. Enjoy yourselves, boys, because you never know what's around the next corner.
Let's see some wheels!
Wheel Help
If you put 9" rims on the back, they may fit but not without massaging the fenders. The tire bulge will be so close to the spring you will not be able to "work" the car. Tire flex will kill you. If all you want is 'the look' go for it. Nice way to tear up tires and ruin the rear fender shape, IMHO!
Restoration is back on track (with a lot of help)
Bryan: I am feeling great! It has been 9 weeks since my surgery. I have some hair now and I am driving my cars! I have not driven the Z yet but I will when it dries up. My physical therapist has me doing all kinds of strength exercises. Hope to start restoring my 510 soon. Hope to see everyone at the Show!
Vintage License Plates
From what I have seen at the swap meets, it may be cheaper to buy a beater than to buy vintage plates. You can donate the car to a charity (they will p-up) after removing the plates. You can also get the plates restored to look like new. Just getting the correct plate(s) is the key.
Adhering VIN plate and Engine ID plate
My '71 also has 3/32" aluminum rivots on the door. I removed them during the painting and replaced them after the work was done. I have screws in the engine compartment. I replaced them with S/S screws. No more rusting!
Vintage License Plates
Mike: I would look around to see what '71 cars are available. Some of the beaters have the original plates still on them. I bought a 72 Plymouth Duster Sports Coupe in Newburg with original plates. I did a complete restoration and sold it to a guy in NY. I kept the plates. I now have them on my '72 Datsun 510. Kinda strange way of doing it but they are original Oregon plates! Car auctions are a good place to look. Cheeeep!