Everything posted by ZSaint
matching lock sets?
That's it exactly. I went to "Clydes Locksmith". They are into the 3rd generation of locksmiths. Opened in 1936. He actually went into his 'vault' and came out with new door/lock covers. He said he had had these for 30 years. He was proud to do the job and was interested in my restoration. Maturity is a wonderful thing!
Speed Racer Movie
This kid set himself up in a drift just before the pick-up stopped. The entire front end of the Civic was G-O-N-E. It was just like in the movies except he has to pay the fine and the expenses.
tire size issues
Arne is the guy to talk to on these tire issues. He identified my spare by looking at the tread in a pic. Wow. These old guys really know their stuff!
matching lock sets?
Arne is right. I went to the local locksmith and he re-keyed my Z. One key fits the doors and ignition and one key fits the hatch. Nice!
Speed Racer Movie
I saw a Speed Racer today. It was a slammed Civic. It went hard into a downhill righthand corner and ran into the back of a Chevy pick-up. It was a very cool Civic with rubberband tires, huge exhaust, decals and everything. I guess he just got too pumped up and forgot about the traffic. Ooops! Is this the type of Speed Racer you are talking about? Heh, heh!
brakes hot!!!!!help!!!!please!!!!!
It sounds to me like not enough brake pedal free-play. Make certain you have 3/16-1/4" end play on the rod. That will be about 1" of brake pedal free-play. If that does not stop the brake build up, you need to shorten the booster rod. It is one or the other.
- Picture_282_edited
Electric fan or new fan clutch/shroud for my 240z?
I have a 3.0 with 9.2 compression. I installed a 4-row rad and the larger ZX clutch fan. No shroud. I took it to Bremerton and had a 1-hour delay getting across the Narrows Bridge. (4 car accident) This came right after I pulled off the freeway. NO HEATING PROBLEMS! I did an hour of 'stop and go' driving and the new engine (600 miles) never over heated. I was shocked that the car ran so well in the heat. I vote for the 4-row rad/stock ZX clutch fan everytime.
Oil & temp guage dips?
Sound slike you are getting charging surges. Make certain your engine is grounded and your guage is grounded. Sometimes a weak/low battery will also give your surges.
What did you think of the Canby Show?
We had cars from Canada, Idaho, Washington, Nevada and California. I think the location is perfect. (Nice shade trees!) The club put everything in place and on time. Well organized! My wife was impressed that you gave out the awards and anounced the auction winners exactly on time. The car show was well populated and successful. We had a wonderful turn out of Datsuns. Areas that we need to work on: We do need to build up the swap meet partcipation. This event is getting larger every year and it is time to bring in the big hitters. We need to see about getting some more goodies for the entrants. Trinkets and Trash are fairly easy to get and it means a lot to the entrants and workers. (Whenever I saw Bruce he was laid back in his chair, resting. He also put up all of the signs on the property, EARLY. Nice job!)
Hello from Oregon
I understand. I worked 23 months getting mine done. We can wait!
Hello from Oregon
Welcome Roger! You cannot beat this forum. Good people and great information. Hope to meet everyone in Canby. I'll look for your Z's.
Mixing Tire Sizes
Arne you have way too much knowledge about tires! You are correct! This was my spare. It is indeed a 175SR-14 tire! I had a set of Goodstones on the car. I just grabbed a wheel when I took the pic. How old is this tire? I bet it is 20 years+. What do you think?
Mixing Tire Sizes
Actually, the new 16" tires were inflated to 35#. The old radials were at 32#. I think various tire companies have different specs. I remember the Michelin tires were always larger than Goodyear, Firestone, Bridgestone, etc. These 14's are some offbrand tire. Maybe they are just "large".
Mixing Tire Sizes
I understand the formula. I also know the 16" tires are 1" shorter than the tires I took off the Z. (I have pics of this. Pics don't lie!) The source quoted to me states the 14" tire is shorter. I am wondering why?
Mixing Tire Sizes
My '71 came with a new set of 175/65-14 tires. I have not idea why but that is what it came with.
Mixing Tire Sizes
Thank you. I placed it in my favorites. I checked out the 175/65-14 tire that came on the 240Z. I put on 245/45-16 tires which are smaller than the original tires. This does not show that. It shows the 14" tire as being shorter. I wonder why?
Mixing Tire Sizes
What is the diameter of a 225-45X16?
SeaFoam treatment... VIDEO and instructions! Lots of smoke...
One way to de-carb your pistons is to remove the rings and place the piston upside down in a tub of water. Just cover the ring lands with water. Let them sit in the water for 24 hours and the carbination will wipe right off! I used to wire brush them on my grinder but it would damage the ring lands. An oldtimer taught me the water trick many years ago.
Where can I find an original harness cover?
I was simply determining the value to see if it was worth it sew one up. I think velcro is the way to go. I can make one of these in less tha an hour. Yes, my old Marm did teach me how to sew. One of those skills I learned that has come in pretty handy for me at times. (My wife cannot sew a stitch!) Sorry about your fears. She's all yours! $42? Wow! For $2 worth of leatherette, a little stitching and some velcro? (Or 3 gripper snaps) Yipes!
Where can I find an original harness cover?
What is the dimension of this wrap? 6"X6"? How much do you want for it?
Tokico HP - Z is two inches taller
My springs came from Motorsports. Apparently they were designed for gas-filled shocks.
Tokico HP - Z is two inches taller
I have a set of Tokico Illuminas on my '71. It is lowered 1". I have not experienced the lifting of the car with the gas-filled shocks.
Pacific NW - Who's going to Canby in '06?
I'll be there both days. I will probably bring the Z on Sunday.
Weber DGV kits
I do know the DGV carb. I have a Rabbit that I am considering putting on a DGV carb. I do not know Scott. He owned ZTherapy before I moved back to Oregon. I know that I have a 3.0 with a cam, headers and head and port work all professionally prepared. Steve Epperly built me a special set of SU's. I can only tell you that they work perfectly. I have never found an individual who had a set of DGV's who was completely satisfied. (Too lean or too rich or no bottom end or only top end) I do know hundreds of Steve Epperly ZTherapy SU owners who are completely satisfied. Maybe you need to bite the bullet and get a set from Steve. Who knows... They may finally cure your problems. You do have problems! I feel your pain.