240z vs 280z
mrcow, Go look at the 280z and drive it. If it is tuned and not tired you will probably be impressed enough to smile during your test drive. The 280z should ride smoother and quieter while the 240z gives you a better feel of the road and handles better. The side-draft carbs and intake on the 240z will need a while to warm up in the morning, so you will have to plan for that. The advantage is quicker throttle response and low end torque from the carbs, which combined with the lighter weight give an overall more sports car feel. (IMO) It may take you a while to find a 240z in a condition which you would want to buy to drive. In the meantime, if the 280z doesn't have any major problems you could be enjoying it while you are in search of. Remember, people are either looking for their first Z, or their next Z.
I agree. You mates down under are way cool! Great zed thread. My science teacher in high school taught us to "always zed your zees". He showed us how to cross our letter 'z' to distinguish it from a '2'. This z with a short horizontal line crossing it I came to know as a zed, because it was crossed. Of course, if you look on your car, all of the badges inside and out are crossed z's. I know that there is a large history of the design of the badges and names of the early cars, but I'll let you profoundly qualified members handle that.
exhaust smells...how to fix?
zboi, The last thread on this subject was 'strong gas scent' started by broken 74. Beandip posted to it yesterday, and Carl and other of the 'wise ones' thoroughly addressed the suspected causes. Nice looking 280, by the way
How Old?
46 years old here. I bought my first Z, a '72, in '78. It was bright yellow with the rocker panels, rear finisher, and front grill painted satin black. The rocker panels made it look lower and longer. Motor came out of a "Team Datsun" car, according to the seller. The dyno and its performance confirmed that claim. It was my daily driver/commute car. When I commuted to the Anza/Borrego desert 1 1/2 hrs one way, it averaged 27 mpg at 85 mph! I grew up a few miles from where Sblake01 is moving to now. My present Z's: two metallic blue, one British Racing Green, and one satin black over grey primer for now. I always wanted a car that blended in with the asphalt from the air to confuse the CHP spotter planes. I have to add that BRG is such a neutral color that cops seldom give me a second glance, even when I pass them.
Racing $$$
Chris, I'm constantly amazed at the BMW's, Mercedes, and yes Corvettes who want to rudely tailgate me on a 55mph highway. That is until we reach the mountain twisties. I downshift and maintain my speed through the first two corners, and that's usually the last I see of them. I'm just talking about speed limit, center of my lane driving without even breaking the tires loose. Funny how none of the other drivers ever try to catch up to praise the performance of a 33-yr. old $500 car. I have seen a couple of drivers pass me afterwards at 85+mph, miles later on a straightaway, only to see them in the next mile or two pulled over by a CHP. That's when the REAL laughs come!
strong gas scent
Carl and Frank are telling you to check things that I've found to be problems in the past on my cars. Have you checked the integrity of your exhaust system from manifold to muffler? Instead of WD-40 I use dielectric grease (silicone) to refresh seals. It will also show if you are getting good contact on the sealing surfaces. You keep going back to your cam and unspent gas. What do your spark plugs show? Are you lugging the engine or are you using the RPM's that the cam is designed for? A good muffler shop could help you with the exhaust inspection, and a tune up shop with an exhaust analyzer can tell if you're overloaded with unburned hydrocarbons.
Advice needed
Doormat, huh? I read your original post again, asking for advise. If your 280 has stock fuel injection or is NA without modifications to the motor, I agree that you wouldn't gain as much at this point than if you cleaned up your exhaust piping and got a turbo muffler like these guys are telling you. I had a '72 240z with a well-fitting header and 2 1/4" exhaust, but I was pushing nearly 11-to-1 comp. and over 200 horsepower to the rear wheels, according to the State of California smog people. Save your money for now. It sounds like you might just need your headpipe lengthened, with or without a resonator, and a muffler installed. My $.02
Advice needed
The muffler shop would be able to size a muffler for the stock location. I have a '77 that I can check dimensions on if needed. Maybe tomorrow after the rain stops.
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