Everything posted by zeewhiz
My wife Robin and our 1971 Z
Need a good source for door hardware
jsut a heads up....VB is now BlackDragon Automotive....besides the places you have already mentioned, the only other place that "MIGHT" have them would be o'Reilly's, AutoZONE, Advance Auto parts, or your local nissan dealer....of course your local boneyard may have a set.
Whats up with MSA????
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you west coast guys knew what what is happening with MSA. As many of you know already, they are cancelling all panasports except for the silver ones, and the silver ones with the machined lip. That sucks for a lot of us who were saving up for some of the colored ones (bronze, black, etc....) Then I fell in love with the konig old school mesh wheels that were black with the machined lip. Guess what! They are gone now too! They still have the konig rewinds, but I just don't like them as much as the panasports. Also, it looks like they are concentrating on more modern wheels now that, in my opinion, will look like azz on an old Z. Whats more, I emailed them about this subject on monday morning, and I have yet to get a response. The last time I emailed them questions about the stroker kit they have, I NEVER got a response back. Do these guys think they are too big to not be concerned with the average joe's average question? I'm sure they get a lot of emails, but I would have expected a response by now.... I guess us old school guys will have to refer to an importer like takumiproject or memoryfab to get our fix. Seems MSA has gone the way of the ricer....:disappoin :disappoin :disappoin
Hello from Columbia SC
Hey Jeremy! Im from greenville, sc (just a short drive up 26 and 385 from ya). Im in the process of restoring my '77 280Z. As you could guess, these guys are wicked good information centers. Some can be a little quirky, and some can be downright mean, but all of them know their stuff. They've been invaluable to me. Welcome to the club, man!
I want my, I want my, I want my MPG
although this won't help, I did find your reference to Dire Straits (or the police if you want to really get into it) in your subject line to be funny!
L.E.D. brake lights daytime
VB is now "Black Dragon Automotive"
louisf....Arne is right, those wheels are gold panasports. you can check them out at MSA @ www.thezstore.com blackdragon does seem a bit cheesy, but I will type in their explanation that is in my catalog: "In 2006, here we grow again... Victoria British LTD introduces the new name of Black Dragon Automotive. As we continue to grow, you can look for the same high-quality automotive parts, great customer service, and overall convenience that all of our customers have benefited from in the past...now iwth a new name Black dragon Automotive."
VB is now "Black Dragon Automotive"
Hey yall, Just got my new VB catalog in today....they are changing their name to Black Dragon Automotive. Plus, now they have a website that is worth a crap. It is here at www.blackdragonauto.com Same store, same prices, just a different name and a better website! Just though I'd give yall a heads up! See ya round, like a quarter pound!
the one that started it all is up for sale!
^^^^^ why did they edit "p a s s i o n" ? ROFL
the one that started it all is up for sale!
Hey guys, The Z car that started my p***ion for these cars is up for sale on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-1973-12-second-street-car_W0QQitemZ4615464886QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I have a video of this car in action, and let me tell you, the first time I saw it, I got a special feeling in my happy place. Heres the link for it.... (click on street driving video) http://www.bbgraphics1.com/73z/index.html I don't really care for the current body work, but If I could afford it, I would buy this ride without question. Just thought I'd share!
only by the sheetmetal, alfa......same concept either way. IMHO, you can't love one without the other....
New 2+2 260Z year 1974
skyline on ebay!!
alfa, i was referring to an R32 in another ebay auction....i guess I shoulda clarified......
skyline on ebay!!
no doubt!! if I was sure that I could get it registered here, I would bid on that R32 GTS!
skyline on ebay!!
check this bad arse ride out fellas! droooooooooooollllll!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1972-Nissan-Skyline-GTR_W0QQitemZ4608794466QQcategoryZ6392QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
I need parts car advice!!! Please help!!
Here's my issue guys: I am rebuilding my '77 280Z (which is a super solid car, the floor plan is perfect!) and i need to replace some sheetmetal (front fenders, rocker panels, and lower rear fenders behind the wheels). I have the dough right now to buy all sheetmetal I need except front fenders from Motorsport. I am buying my fenders from www.zbarn.com. However, I found a guy close to the house that has two Z's that he would sell together, but not separately. They are both 280's and one is a 2+2. He will NOT separate. The 2 seater is a good car, but it has been sitting for about 5 years without a drivers window, and the floor is completely gone, but the body is solid. The only thing I am interested in the car for is the right fender,motor/tranny, and some small interior pieces. THe 2+2 is a total shitbox, it has sunken down in the soft ground all the way to the floor pan and all sheet metal besides the hood is crap. PLus the roof looks like somebody fell off of a house onto it. HOWEVER it does have some bad-arse 14" mesh wheels of some sort, plus it does have a motor/tranny I could use as a spare set. He only wants $600 for both cars. Here's the question: Should I wait on this deal (even though I need the tranny for an auto-to-manual swap), and buy my sheetmetal first, or go ahead and spring for the parts cars now and put the sheetmetal on the back burner? I need some opinions quick! THanks!!!
Driveshafts - Auto and 4spd the same?
I'm getting ready to swap my auto four a 4-speed as well. I have heard from several trusty sources on this site alone that says they have different length drive shafts.
Please help me with my HARDBODY!
dude, seriously....I'm an active member of this forum regarding Z's. and since there is a limited number of hardbody forums with an even more limited amount of members (one had 4), why not use my buddies here to help solve a problem of mine? if they had a question about a freakin 65 dodge dart, Id try to help them, not be a total arse if its not Z related (unlike yourself). dude, with an attitude like that, I wouldn't wizz on you to put out a fire. don't expect help from me on anything from now on. and with the smart arse comments you have been putting in other peoples posts and picture galleries, I don't expect them to think too much higher of you as well. its people like you that bring forums down. this ain't just a place to get Z information, its more than that...its a brotherhood. if you can't understand that, turn your nose-high self around and leave.
Please help me with my HARDBODY!
thankx steve! any body have any other suggestions??
Please help me with my HARDBODY!
dude, you don't have to be an arse.... as good as these guys are at turning wrenches, I thought they might would have a clue....
Please help me with my HARDBODY!
Hey Guys, I know this aint about a Z, but I still need your help on it. At least its still a nissan! My daily driver 1995 hardbody 4x4, 4cyl, 5 speed has the following issue: since yesterday, when I stop at a redlight, my truck dies. Not just cuts off, but drops revs and feels like it does when you accidentally leave it in gear without mashing on the clutch. But not every time. Also, it runs perfectly, going down the road. NO skips, sputters, or the like, its still strong (relatively...it is a KA after all ). If it doesn't die at the redlight, you can watch the tach, and the revs will drop from about 1k (normal idle) to around 750-800, and the truck feels like its got a 350 with RV cam in it (vibrating). Then again, that doesn't happen all the time either....In the morning, when I crank it up to let it warm up before I go, it will set there and Idle perfectly with no drop in revs. Can you guys help me with this?:beard:
Have you seen the new MSA mag wheels?
hey hey now...how bout them "liquid platinum" and "bronze" panasports as shown in the mini cataloge?? hella cool!