Hey guys,
I have an aesthetic question for you now... I'm painting my '77 280z Daytona Blue (350z) color. Im going with 16" panasports from MSA, but i cant decide between black or the gold with polished lip. What to do? I know its my decision in the long run, but I am really, really torn. The black would match the CF hood I plan on adding later, but the gold has a real distinct look.
Whatchoo guys think? :ogre:
Hey Guys! You have all helped me out before, so I know this wont be a problem for you...I am doing some preventative por-15 work on my floor pans as I restore my 77 280. After I pulled the carpet and the insulation pads, there are some other kind of "pad" thingy-ma-jig stuck to the pan like white on rice. I need to get this off, but how? Am I going to have to use a chisel or screwdriver and peel this stuff off an inch at a time? What is the purpose of these things?
Hey Guys! Since you were so helpful on my last problem, let me ask you another question...I am shaving the rear bumper on my '77. Do you know of any one who makes "roll pans" for the Z, or am I going to have to make one my self? Thanks for your comments! :paranoid:
Hey thanks guys! Im going to try these tips tonite! By the way, I just now have updated my profile! Thanks again! If any one else has suggestions tho...feel free to post!
:sick: Hey Guys! I am in a bind here. I just purchased a 77 280z and am beginnig work on it. However, the passenger door wont open. It appears that the locking mechanism has disengaged from both handles, inside and out. I was going to take the door panel off from inside and disengage the latch manually to open the door, but i cant seem to get it off. Ive taken the arm rest and the chrome back plate off of the interior handle, but it still wont come off. Am I going to have to rip it off and screw up an other wise perfect door panel? Am I missing a screw or something? Any comments are greatly appreciated.