Hello All. I believe I've figured out the reason why it doesn't work: IT'S 30 YEARS OLD!!! I replaced the rubber seal around the glass and thought that would also be a most favorable time to fix the defroster as well. I had planned to replace with new glass if I couldn't figure out or fix the defroster problem, and after calling several local auto glass shops as well as Motorsport, found out that replacing the glass is not really an option. When I had the glass out I was able to get a close look at the underside of the defrost lines in direct sunlight. They were (are) covered in black corrosion ( or 'stuff'). I carefully worked on a small section with steel wool and a razor blade; in some places I was able to find metal, but in others it was all black stuff. I have owned this car for about 6 years, and when I first got it the rear defroster worked, then after a year or two the orange switch busted. About another two years went by before I got around to replacing it (still didn't defrost) and now not a single line will carry a current. Weird. (Maybe it was those two lost years at Humboldt? Lots of rain up there…). The bottom line is it doesn't seem to be something that is fixable; although I had toyed with the idea of getting 'that metallic tape' one can use to fix small sections of missing defroster line and re-doing the whole rear window with it… I doubt it would come out straight, and my hands need to heal anyway.