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Everything posted by cremmenga

  1. I am easily satisfied with the very best. Winston Churchill Lets take a pole! Nolan Freeman
  2. cremmenga replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    even if you don't get the ones that plug in, with the second generation radio tuners they work pretty damn good!
  3. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    Well being a psych. major!! no we need some double blind tests! or just blind test done. Have your wife or how ever ok not your wife maybe a buddy either go out and add it to your car or dont' add it and don't let him tell you if he did either way untill it is empty and that way you won't know and maybe that will help with the "experiment".
  4. cremmenga replied to SuperDave's post in a topic in RACING
    I will have my sbc in my z and I will be doing mostly street driving with the ocassional autocross/messing around, I was thinking 15gallon would be good for me, what do you think??
  5. cremmenga replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have a pocket pc, the dell axim x51v 624mhz, and I put some of my tunes on that. I am big into music and have thousands and thousands and thousands of songs on my computer, that I download a few on to my pocket pc. It works ok. But i'm going to get on of the 60gig ipods, I have about 50gigs of songs on my computer so hopefully I can get most on that! a freind of mine has the 20 gig and loves it I like it because you can play it in any car or off any radio! the dell version isn't bad either. But you get what ever works best for you!!
  6. cremmenga replied to SuperDave's post in a topic in RACING
    Your role cage looks very strong! To bad you couldn't make mine! I think I am going to do my fuel cell frame about the same as yours, but with aluminium. I also am going to put the fuel pump and regulator in back next to the cell, and I still need to figure out where to position the battery back there. I think I'm just gonig to make on big frame, put some aluminium or light sheet metal around it to form a box drop in the cell on one side and put the pump and reg on the otherside above the battery. I want to make a seperate little compartmet to divied fuel and battery!! that could get bad real fast! thanks again!
  7. cremmenga replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I'm with you on my camaro and firbird I shell out the extra for the better oil filter. I normally go with the K&N. And I use the same oil as you, and never never anything different!
  8. cremmenga replied to J P D's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    My rear hatch area and my floors/tunnel has been bare metal for more that 2 months now. I did this before I took it in to my body man. I was worried about the same thing, and he said don't worry as long as you dont' touch it and it stays in side " which it has" it won't flash rust. He was right because I just went home last week and stopped by the shop and it was still as good as it was 2 months ago. I also asked him if i should raddle can primer it and he said noway. I don't know why but he said that stuff is crap. I'm sure there has to be some good kind out there but atleast the stuff where I live he didn't like!!
  9. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    I think they mean a smooth air flow into the carburetor or throttle body. I know that the smoother it is the better. This is a true statement. The top intake manifolds, and even the air boxes and tubes going to them are specially designed for that reason. but ya i'm with you on the BS i'm not gonna bite! I am courious to here what the guy with the geo metro says in a few more tanks of gas. If his car still runs by then!!!
  10. cremmenga posted a post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    About 6 months ago I was reading this thing with my dad about people adding 2onces of 100% acetone to like everyother tank of gas. It said it helps the gasses vaporize and burn better or something along those lines! I thought there is no way in hell I'm putting that in my car, but it turns out I talked to my dad today on the phone and the guys he works with have been trying it on there old beaters. One guy has a geo metro, and said in just the first tank of gas his mileage went from 28mpg to 37mpg. and the rest of the guys said they had similar results. I'm not saying you should all do this, i'm not going to but just thought it was interesting and wanted to pass it on.
  11. cremmenga replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I have looked in to alot of oils. I read this big article in hot rod about sybthentic and wow that looks to be the best way to go! I can't really remember exact numbers but I think they gained like an ave. of 8-12 hp just by going synthetic. Not to mention the better protection.
  12. do you have any pics of that front valance?
  13. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Of course I will take your advice, Advise could be the most valuable thing on earth! It is most of the time free and can save you the time and pain of finding it out for yourself. I always take peoples advise into consideration. I may or may not speed on public roads, I don't know. That time will not be for many many years when I get done with my car. By then maybe they will have a track close to my area. As far as all of your thoughts, they were all great, everyone has opinions and everyone has the right to state them. I never thought this thread would get so HUGE, but it is nice to know people do care enough to put in their $.02. THE END
  14. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I was at a few! I took some of the pics! I know how it looks, I know the smell of blood and death. And yes it is a very bad deal. I too wish this on no man.
  15. ya I know you were just kidding bill and I just take jabs at eachother all the time! I think it would be so cool if he really did race though.
  16. its ok guys, take your shots even if he didn't race in the indy's, he sure knows a hell of alot about how to drive!!! I would be thrilled to just sit down and listen to his stories, he said I could take him on a drive and he would explain the road and the lines to me! Im def. going to take him up on that!!! Oh and Fun in my z, you are such a brown noser!!!!!! oh sorry about that little shot i'm only messing!
  17. Yes I have but I have not got a thing! I dont' think he ever did real well in the indy, but you should still be able to find a name shouldn't you? I even tried to look up indy records.
  18. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I am a psych major and for some of the experiments I run, i use pics that I have taken from car crashes. we use these pics to get a sudden jump in the heart rate and then study differnet ways of calming people or how long it can take to return to normal. I have seen many very very bad sites. Some with people with there heads that are missing, limbs gone, etc. So I can say I have seen first hand a mangled body in a car wreck. I have even seen a suicied victim that laid down on the train tracks! that was probably the worst.
  19. Maybe he ment 40's, I know he said 30's but who knows?? Thats what I thought that he was really young. He did say that he had to use his brothers birth certificate and ss number to get into the races when he first started. so maybe he was in his teens?? thats why i'm try to figure out who this guy is?!
  20. I was at work today when an old man came in and was looking at plants, I went to help him and we got to talking about cars. Turns out he claims he once raced Indy cars. He seemed to know what he was talking about, but who knows? I ask him to teach me everything he knows!! Anyway his name was John "Johny" Bostic. He said he raced in the 1930's and that he was 78 years old. The guy was sharp as a tack. If anyone has ever heard of this guy or know who may have please let me know. That would be great to learn from an old pro! Thanks again!
  21. cremmenga replied to mars23z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I have a new master and slave cylinder off of my '72 that i just bought a few months ago, I ended up buying another car and now I don't need that one so if anyone needs them it theirs also!
  22. cremmenga replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I have a rear bumber that is in not bad shape if anyone wants that
  23. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    ya you can be shot!
  24. cremmenga replied to mars23z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    sorry thought they were the same
  25. cremmenga replied to mars23z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    My parts car is a 72 and i had the same problem. I could adjust the slave a little tiny bit by unscrewing the rounded nut where it bolts in to the clutch/tranny underneath. It did help.

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