Everything posted by cremmenga
This is why I speed!
I'm not just showing my age, i'm not trying to be a brat like the guy on tv. i'm sorry if you don't like the way I drive. think back 46 years ago when you where my age, didn't you live alittle on the edge?
This is why I speed!
You guys I have told you time and time again I don't speed when there is any traffic within miles, i'm not risking the lives of anyone but me!!!! And I don't even speed in my Z as I have said before I have never even got to drive the z i'm restoring, I pulled the engine the week I got it!!! damn hard crowd here!!!
Please help me find this
victoria british has these.
This is why I speed!
MMMM I love shredded pheasant!!!!!! :sick:
This is why I speed!
Alright CJ I know your reading this back me up here!!!!
This is why I speed!
What the hell are you talking about, isn't 8:00 your bed time??? I said your crazy if you think i could get my z up that fast with that 6 cylider in it!! you would have to spend a fortune to get one that fast,!!!!!! i'm just putting in a sbc! reread what you said and then read what I said!!! http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?postid=145041#poststop
This is why I speed!
And yes you can see another car coming at 130+, like i said in another forum, the fastest I've ever been was in a Z06, I was riding with a guy that is a very good driver, he races every year in several races! we did get up to 189mph before we had to slow down, and I could see perfectly!!! It was alittle loud but did not effect sight!
This is why I speed!
All in all, I know driving fast is dangerous, especially on public roads. But there is still the risk of something going wrong anywhere even a track, no matter how fast you drive. hell you dont even have to be driving! i have seen videos where deer, rabbits, squirls, sheep etc, somehow manage to get out on the track and get smoked, or tires blowing! less likely on a track, true, but it could happen! All i'm saying is I love speed and roads like that bring my love out! I would call anyone crazy if you were tooting along and came over this hill with noone in sight for miles and miles and miles, and you didn't give it alittle more gas. Can you seriously say you wouldn't????????
This is why I speed!
I won't speed then man.
What is the most attractive part of a Z?
i'm with you, i'm an arse man!! mine is in the body shop right now and I actually printed off this exact picture to show the body guy what I want mine to look like, all smooth and filled in. For except my exhust will come out right behind the front tires so I don't have any little tip holes.
This is why I speed!
This is why I speed!
You can't predict whats going to happen on a race track either!
This is why I speed!
I am with you, I love the adrenaline rush, the way when you are at a light and a ricer pulls up next to me,, i'm not gonna lie to you it flows so much that my legs shake, while pushing on the brake waiting!! it is probably the best feeling you can have.
This is why I speed!
It is a rush isn't it!!?? I don't speed in my z, it has no engine, but it will be hard not to when I put in that sbc.
- lights
- gas
- front
- fp
- fp3
- fp2
- control2
- control1
This is why I speed!
I know I said that, this is not that road, that one is just about 10 miles east of this pic!!! and that isn't a house it is a barn and you can't pull in to the drive way there isn't one! you have to go a few miles up and then double back, it is just a bunch of grain bins!! and don't get me wrong guys I ABSOLUTELY DON'T SPEED, WHEN ANYONE BESIDES ME IS WITH IN A FEW MILES. I CHECK AND RECHECK AND HAVE MY SPOTTERS CHECK AND RECHECK. I posted this not only because you could speed on it if you wanted but, to show you guys where I live and what it looks like. I thought it was a nice pic. I will try to not post anymore of these pics to tempt you to respond!!!!
This is why I speed!
sorry Gav, if it makes you feel better I was driving to the body shop to drop off all new fenders, rocker panels, floors, supports, front frame rails, etc. she is getting completely restored. I can't wait till she can be on that road!
This is why I speed!
The road in my pic goes on like this for about 7 or 8 miles and about 15 miles behind me with only 2 or 3 curves! there is litterally dozens of roads like this close to my town!! I LOVE IT!