Everything posted by cremmenga
The Civic To End All Civics!!!!
I think if I ever want somebody to think I could go get groceries or drop the kids off at soccer practice fast, I would get this! It is F*CKEN UGLY, Looks like something that came out of an arse!!!!!
What's This?
I cleaned out my engine compartment one night! I started by taking out each wire that wasn't doing anything. I pulled one and checked to see if it would still start, then I pulled another and repeated that about 20 times! I had wires that weren't conected to anything at either end. it was crazy!
I lost to a Honda CRX...or did I?
The name is FIREBIRD!!! You must have some sort of infatuation with me to reply to everything I say! or is it jealousy??? :devious: :devious:
I lost to a Honda CRX...or did I?
There is an eclipse here it is all decked out! I may not like the car but I have to respect the guy and all the time he put into his car. He did all of it. It is so fast I raced him in my firebird once and off the line he killed me, just to add insault he hit the spray and shot blue flames out the pipes. Got to admit it was pretty cool even though he was wipping my arse!!
Who are you??
Ha don't forget I have your address!!! So I know where you live :devious: !! j/k
Who are you??
I just was wondering what all of you guys that are regulars look like. We all talk to each other several times a day but never know what the other looks like, except the few of us with pic in our galleries. this is me
I lost to a Honda CRX...or did I?
I really don't think 110 is really fast. My six banger camaro will do 137. Granted I've tweeked it a bit. Fast is over 150!! By the way do you have my money???
New S30 body designs (ferrari gto)
If money was not an issue I would have about 50 cars and the first one I would get would be my all time favorite car, an original GT40! ahh there is no better car!
Dellorto 40 DHLA
Do what I'm doing if you want that much hp, drop in a V8.
What's This?
oh shoot when i opened it there was no picture sorry, must have opened it right as you put it up. but ya I don't know what that is, i had one similar to it inside of my car down and the passenger side under the dash? it wasn't hooked up so i took it out.
What's This?
its not the one by the coil is it?
Anyone have a phone # for JDMWerks?
I searched for you and this might be it i'm not sure though. It is worth a shot. (714) 641-0116
Hello from JAPAN
Hello from Nebraska, welcome to the club.
new gas tanks?
I have one gas tank i took out of my parts car that is perfect, and one out of my better car that doesn't leak but needs cleaned out, it was sitting for 15 or so year and is gummy inside. if you want to buy it let me know they are both out of my '72 240z's.
Fuel Cell Frame Design
Just looking through some old post here and was wondering if anyone had any links to pictures the fuel cell frame they used or have seen? thanks
Need Parts?
heck i have 2 engines and trannys anyone want those?
MSA BRE rear spoiler-heads up
Oh great so the $1500 I just blew on body panels are sh*t??
Before I Port my Z I will prove it on a 4 cylinder first
I think i have gotten dumber also and every body knows that the moons not cheese didn't you see that commercial.
Before I Port my Z I will prove it on a 4 cylinder first
i'm with you.
72 Zs with AC
I have two 72 240z's and both had a/c and both were alittle different from one another, and it didn't look that good, kinda a cluttered hodge podge of crap. I'd say not dealer installed.
240Z bumpers on a 280Z
Stick with the 240 man, they are lighter and better looking!
New 76 280z w/ problems.....pics
Thats what i do when there is only me there and I need to turn the engine over and look at the spark plug wires at the same time and my engine is fine! and it is kinda like welding the metals together so the screwdiver will melt, i try to use the same crapy one everytime!! this works in a pinch after you break the steering column lock, you jam a screw driver into the on position and then do that, before the cops get there!!!! kidding kidding
best engine mods for stock 260z?
I have dual Webber boat anchors on one of my z's, I take alot of crap for it but hey it was on there when in bought it and it seems to run pretty damn good. Better than my friend that has the same year as mine with su's.
Sticky? Used Parts Prices
I have 2 door from my '72, they have some rust but are all working i would get rid of for prob. $50 plus s&h if anyone needs them! hell if you need a part chances are i have it.