Everything posted by cremmenga
How Fast Is Fast To You?
Not to fast for, the Randy Stevens who owns 1st interstate Inn, a huge arse motel !! he had it turboed. AND I QUOTE " I spared no expence." so the guy is a cocky rich old fart, hell at least he let me top out his car! and like you said at 190 you would think the speedo has to be off by a bit? wouldn't you?
Tire conversion??
ok so the 240z's lug pattern is 4 on 4.5 right? I think i found some rims for that, but does anyone know what offset means? and what it is for the 240's, i see alot of rims at +38 and + 42?? oh and one more thing what is BSM, it says BSM 5.88. THANKS
How Fast Is Fast To You?
at 189 i litterally could not focus on anything under 50ft in front of me because it was there and gone before i could see it, and the dotted lines where completly solid!! after that the adrenaline was flowing so much i couldn't stop my body from shaking! what a rush!
How Fast Is Fast To You?
Like i said my best was 189 in a Z06 corvette, 144 in my 1967 firebird, 141 in my 1999 camaro, 178 on a yamaha R1 champion edition (although I was there when my cousin shut it off at 198mph) , and so far around 90 in the Z before I get to scared because it shakes like a motherfo!!
How Fast Is Fast To You?
I see alot of you talking about going fast. I was just wondering how fast, fast is to everyone? I personally love speed, my top was 189 mph in a Z06, might have gotten close to 200 but ran out of road. ohh well there is always another time to try!
Best paint color?
I"m going to paint mine chevy metalic pewter, with metalic graphite racing stripes and metalic graphite oldschool racing number 43 on the side, all topped off with a $^!# load of clear coats to make it shine!. With some 17" rims. WIll Look So Sweet!!!! hell yas
240Z with 502 big block
so you don't know what it means!!?? Anyway i'm tired of you always agueing with me, I could give a $^!# about your view, pretty much all you ever do is post funny bones and get on peoples nerves. This will be my last post to you, i'll be the better man and leave. feel free to distroy my name when i'm gone!
240Z with 502 big block
If I even thought you knew what anal retentive means I might be offended by that!! and i said " sometimes i use it because i'm in a hurry and sometimes i use it to be the same as the others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tire conversion??
Thanks for the info. Budget is a factor right now but i thought i could atleast look into it. Thanks again for you info.
240Z with 502 big block
Man, why do you have to be so anal retentive? I do have 2 manuals, both of which said sh*t about the trans fluid. And as far as getting under my car and looking, i can't really do that I am off at college as i have told you before and can't just walk out my door and look, I have to drive an hour home to do that! So get off my back!!!
Tire conversion??
I have a 1972 datsun 240z, it currently has Rear-p215 60 R14 and Front-175 Sr14 tires on it. I was looking at getting larger rims bc i saw a z with similar rims on it and it actually looked really good. They were american eagle 169 rims http://www.eaglewheels.com/index.htm I know these are front wheel drive rims, but i have heard if you put a spacer or adapters on it they too fit. Just wondering if anyone has any info on this subject and how big of rims and tires i would be able to go with, on a stock z. I was hoping for 17 inch rims? At have looked through the fourms and haven't found much about the spacers and fwd rims. Please Help.
240Z with 502 big block
True true my friend, I have read some about this conversion and I do like the v8 conversion idea but i was worried about weight like you. After talking to many people that have done this, they say you can easily fix this prob. Some guys said, put the battery in back, aluminum heads ect. and maybe a few more minor adjustments and you have the same as factory weight ratio. I was thinking I bet mine is off slightly right now, I have a L24 engine in it now and I took out all the smog junk, and I am taking out the A/C this weekend. should help!! But i do hear you, you have to love the hills and curves with these wonderful cars!!!!
240Z with 502 big block
I will agree with you JL Purcell, I don't really like the car either, but he was just showing us the car and that was it. You do have to admire the work put into something like that though, To bad i don't have the money they put in to that, in my Z man that would be a cornering, ralley, car from hell!! Oh and by senior members I didnt' mean age I meant how long/ how many post, sorry.
240Z with 502 big block
cremmenga, ....whatever. Tell me all you know about Z's. If got a spare 5 minutes. Not alot, thats why I'm here asking questions! As I'm sure you did when you first got your Z, or were you born with this knowledge? Time left for future talkes with Bambikiller = 4.47 mins.
240Z with 502 big block
Hrududu, don't worry about them, hell every thing i ever say gets twisted, manipulated, critisized, and what ever else some people can think of. You learn to ignore most of them, especially some of the senior members. Its too bad us newer members can't ask a simple question without getting the "what for". Oh and one more thing try not to use !!!! marks, I have found that also pisses some people off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do i go fast??!!?!?!?
Got an R1 Champion I'll race you with!!
Idles, But Sputters & Stalls @ Slight Throttle-up
good to hear it, mine to is running better I cleaned and lubed the linkeges and the carbs actually function!!! But i soon had to pulled the radiator to fix some leaks, oh well. but about your distributor i was wondering if i don't have to adjust mine, because the carbs are as lean as i can get them?? what do you think? Thanks guys
How To: Use Dry Ice to Remove Tar Insulation
In my microbiology lab we use ethanol and dry ice to freeze bacteria very fast to prevent the ice crystals from rupturing the cell wall, I think of it as the cheap liquid nitrogen. Maybe this would work.
How Old?
I'm going to have to say my car was made 13 yrs before i was born. And personaly i like my primer grey paint with the white front fender and the black racing stripes we put on her last weekend after finding a box of old spray paint!!! This weekend I'm thinking the old school racing numbers on the sides!
Racing $$$
I know this sounds competative, but I will do anything to whip the asses of the rich little preppy boys driving new corvettes and the Ps. I want to look back on them in my mirorr, and laugh. All in good time fella's, the Z will dominate!!!
Idles, But Sputters & Stalls @ Slight Throttle-up
Your right I think I already took that part off,, I mean I mean That part fell off or something, must have happened when all of the other smog crap "fell off"!! Oops I really should tighten those bolts!! I know i'm going to catch hell with the smog pump purist for that one, oh well!
Does not idle down?
I had a question. On my 72 240z, It idles at like 1200 now which i can live with but when you press on the gas it takes like at least a min. to Idle back down. Normaly it stays at around the 3000's. And it gets kinda shaky when you are driving it around and come to a stop real fast, most of the time it ends up dieing. I just don't know why it takes so long to idle down??? HELP!! Could it be a vaccuum leak, possible in the smog pump hoses? because i know they are letting in air, I had a set of plugs made to plug them but haven't gotten home to try them yet. Do you think this is what it is? THanks guys
Idles, But Sputters & Stalls @ Slight Throttle-up
when ever i post a new thread I always get jumped on for doing it, and not using one that relates to it!! I CAN'T WIN!!!
Idles, But Sputters & Stalls @ Slight Throttle-up
I had a question. On my 72 240z, It idles at like 1200 now which i can live with but when you press on the gas it takes like at least a min. to Idle back down. Normaly it stays at around the 3000's. And it gets kinda shaky when you are driving it around and come to a stop real fast, most of the time it ends up dieing. I just don't know why it takes so long to idle down??? HELP!! Could it be a vaccuum leak, possible in the smog pump hoses? because i know they are letting in air, I had a set of plugs made to plug them but haven't gotten home to try them yet. Do you think this is what it is? THanks guys
Air Conditioner??
Well if you ever want to buy an AC you can buy it from me, i think i'll be pulling mine out of my car this weekend.