Everything posted by cremmenga
how can you tell a 240Z from a 280Z?
What year is your car?? do you know for sure? that would be to easy!!
Stiffen and strengthen! HOW?
That leads me to a question. Besides Zeddfindings I have no good sponsors. Any ideas how to get more??
Stiffen and strengthen! HOW?
Wish you would have told me all of this about 6 months ago!! anyway I do plan on doing all the suspenion etc. but I am a college student working two jobs now just to pay the bills. the z is still in the body shop right now, but i'll look you up when it comes time to do all of the rest!! Hey do you guys ever doing any sponsoring?? I have some friends that live in calafornia and they all have like tons of sponsors that do all of this cool stuff for them and here in the midwest win you ask about sponsors they laugh at you or hand you a bag with 5 business cards and a dozen pens with there name on it and can't forget about their sticker either, and all you get is a 10% discount card. I hate to sound ungrateful but damn!!! come on!!!anyway i'm sure you know what I mean. this project will take lots of years and lots more $$$$, But when i'm done it will be the badest thing in the midwest!!
Need Tachometer for early 70 Z
i have one for sale. what do you all need?
Stiffen and strengthen! HOW?
I already had new floors, floor supports, front frame rails, all of that put in. I was thinking the same thing as you!! even though you can't see the rust doesn't mean its not under there, so i thought while I have the engine out I might as well do everything right the first time. thanks for the info!!!
Stiffen and strengthen! HOW?
Ok so my cousin got back from boot camp, the one who went to wyo tech for high performace engines and turbo deisels. Sounds like on my '72 240z that we are doing a 350sbc swap with a turbo or maybe even twin turbos. My question is where would you guys strengthen the car and how? I'm having an 8 point rolecage put in along with front and rear sway bars with v links on the front bar, but with around 500 hp I'm not sure thats enough?! Just thinking of adding some support bars, to hold her together, if you have any suggestions where to put them please let me know. I'm not real sure where the weakest portions of the z's are. Thanks alot guys
Need expertise of the Z vets!
8 grand seems a bit steap for a z unless it is in very great condition! Do what I did buy a few junkers and fix it up to how you want it, or there is always pretty damn good ones on ebay for 3-5 thousand!
How do I restore these things....
Tell you what, I'm hybriding my car with a sbc and I don't think I will need mine any more, if I can even find them laying around I'll let you know. They probably got tossed in the trash by my sisters boyfriend, who is helping me.
Air filters
the 10 hp caim from some magazine i was reading, cant remember which one it was, but it claimed up to 10hp gain. and as far as liking to see the dyno slips that document the hp differences you can request them from the K&N company.
Balancing and blueprinting...what are they doing?
its a dead link for me man.
Opinion time: How would I have fared?
I beg to differ! seat belts do much more good than harm! a bloody lip and a black eye is better than a broken face and neck. I do alot of studing of the brain and how things effect it especially trauma, and air bags help lessen the blow greatly!! If they did more harm that good, they wouldn't be standard on almost every car made today! hell they might not even be standard, they might be required!
Air filters
This is all true, but they do have superior air flow compared to other filters, and this means more horsies and in fact in some cases it is a noticable change! if you think about it 10hp for just changing to a different air filter is a hell of alot of hp. and cheap hp at that.
Balancing and blueprinting...what are they doing?
I can explain blueprinting a bit! I went to a few machine shops, i'm having my 350sbc bored and howned, and all the goods for my z. I ask about balancing and blueprinting. The 4 shops i went to all said the same thing basically. they do balance but they all said you don't need to blueprint. They explained to me that blueprinting was getting all of the measurements back to "factory" or original specs. but they also all said that it is kinda obsolete because, most of the parts now adays are made so well and to exacte specs so it is not needed in most cases!
Nissan Z Commercials & Videos
Don't know if this has been posted before, I didnt' see it anywhere. But this is a great site i got from hybid z. thought you guys would like to see some great videos! hope you enjoy! http://www.yadamnfool.com/ZCom.htm
Air filters
I have k&n in both my 99 camaro and my 76 firebird. I do think it actually helps. Like mentioned above I think i had to pay like amost $100 for one and 70 some for the other. but it can breath better and it has a million mile warrenty! I just clean mine once a year with the k&n cleaning kit and call it good! I think it adds up to 10 more horsies too!
Tornado to close for comfort.
Ya this weekend where I live we got a couple of inches of rain then it all froze and snowed about 5 or so inches. Talk about a mess!! Interstate was closed, all highways closed, all city streets were closed, and even my university closed for 2 days that that hasn't happened in like 15 years. it was a mess, I've never seen so many tow trucks pulling wrecked cars! I got stuck in the apt. for two days with my gf and her cousin and her bf. what a boring way to spend it! now i have to try to get about in my camaro,, wish me luck!!!
Taillight poll
Are you really selling these? if so do you have any pics, I would def. want to see some of the clears.
Hey somebody want to help me out?
I Would Float You The Loan, But I Know How Hard It Is To Get Money Out Of You!!!!!
repro tail lights for early Z
Ya i'm with you they dont' look to hot! I like the clear side lights but my car is shaved and filled in so i don't have any thing on the sides or anything like that.
repro tail lights for early Z
totally respect it too!! I didn't know if it would look good. I have never seen it done, but I wish i could find some pics.
repro tail lights for early Z
I have thought about doing my rear lenses in clear plastic with colored bulbs, has anyone seen this, and is it even legal?? there is a place around where I live that makes plastic moldes that I"m going to go ask about, if anyone else wants in let me know??!!
Do you know...
I thought you were going to say the muffen man!
350 sbc in 280z swap?
I'm doing a v-8 swap write now, planning on twin turboing a 350sbc. Like what was mentioned before go to the hybrid z website, you dont have to ask that question just do a search b/c it has been answered before! If I were you I would also buy a JTR v-8 conversion manual, I bought one awhile ago and it tells you everything you ever wanted to know. be carefull what you ask at this site about swaps most of these guys are purist and like it original!! but they know what they are saying, and they are alot more fun that the hybrid forums! Good luck with the swap, only thing else i have to say is you should do it to a 240z it will be faster bc its lighter, plus it looks better without that HUGE bumper on the front!!!
Weight of stripped car?
It can't be much, the only thing I took out of mine at the time we picked mine up was the engine and tranny, everything esle was still on it and 3 of us picked the front up about 2 1/2 foot to the trailer then picked up the rear and pushed it up!
Spare tire wheel well
I had a spare tire well perfect condition untill last weekend, you should have said something sooners, it was just laying around for so long we ended up using it as target practice then trashing it!!!!