Everything posted by cremmenga
This is why I speed!
I was telling you guys about where I live and how open it is!! this is a pic a few miles from my house. Nothing but straight away and smooth as silk roads!! enjoy
MSA Air dams???
I was interested in this one also, if you get it send me some pics and tell me what you think of it! my car is in the body shop as we speak getting a complete restoration. I was planning on going with the carbon fiber front spoiler with ducts, this is one that attaches onto the front valance, but I would have to buy a new front valance b/c mine is shot, and then the front spoiler, and I am liking what you guys are talking about, then i wouldn't even have to have the front vanlace at all would I?? tell me all you thoughts?!
Hood Emblem Question
hey guys i just took an old metal one off my hood, i'm not going to have one, the only thing is it had no pins it was like glued on or something. it is in ok shape if anyone wants it!
How fast will it really go?
well a smart guy would only speed when he could right?
How fast will it really go?
Because if they see it on your window no matter if your doing 5mph your still loosing it and getting one hell of a fine!
Should I do it?
Ha maybe then he could spot me some dough!! I WISH!
Can I run only a glasspack and sound OK?
I have glass packs on my 67 firebird and it is a nice mellow roar when I get on it but very mellow at normal driving, sounds great! I do want to say one thing there is a guy were I'm from that has a toreno cobra, it has like 3 inch pipe all the way with glass backs and with that big pipe it makes kind of a tinging noise sounds like sh*t, as well as a few other cars around here with really big pipe. I don't know if it is the type of pipe or what but that is my 2 cents.
Should I do it?
Need I say anything????
How fast will it really go?
guys come on It will be years before I get it done, by then maybe I'll actually live someplace close to a track.
How fast will it really go?
you guys, but ya i'm a broke college student. I save up all my money and sell everything I can find on ebay to get money!! I have the block and some of the parts, and the car is in the body shop getting completely referbished. I admit this will take along time but when it is done it will have been worth the 70-80hr work weeks in the summers and the 30-40hrs during classes. can't wait!!!! And as far as the car crashing goes, i'm not that scared of dieing. You could have your roof fall on you right now as you read this, or be hit by a dump truck when you walk out to get your mail. who knows, I know I am at a much greater risk at these speeds but I live for the adrenaline rush and that just the way I am. I'm not asking any of you to ride with me, unless you want to!!
How fast will it really go?
no no no you guys have it all wrong, the road i use has not other connecting roads therefor nobody can turn on to it., and i don't talk on the phone while driving i wait for the all clear call then go and if my phone rings after that, i slow down to the speed limit! it is my warning system. Driving is an art that takes total consentration. In my Z I have no heater,a/c, or any of the control knobs, no radio, or cup holders or anything else that takes your mind off of what I am building this car to do! and once again i will state there is nobody with in miles when I am doing this, there are feilds on both sides of the roads that are blowed to dirt so i can see for hundreds of yards on both sides of the road, nobody can sneak out of the ditch and run across the road or drive across it including animals without me seeing it from along ways away! the only one who could get hurt doing this is me and my car! and maybe a road sign or two. othere than to there literally is nothing for miles!
How fast will it really go?
the 8 point role cage will go in it,m I have carbon fiber race seats with 6 point harnesses, sturt bars, not to mention the extra welding to strenghten the car. fuel cell, fire systems, z rated tires, all around slotted and drilled disks, new bushings, shocks, struts, springs, sway bars, etc.. If you guys knew me you would know I am crazy enough to do that!!!! like i said 189mph in a Z06!!! All I can say is bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How fast will it really go?
DO you have any idea what you are even talking about? keep in mind it already has 400-500hp and the 8 point role cage should do the trick to stiffen the chassis. I have several fuzz busters and the one you are talking about is illiegal in almost every state!! BIG FINE!!!!!! and you have to remember if you get even a slight hit with your fuzz buster at 150mph there is no way you could get your car down to speed before you had you locked!!!!
Snapped alternator adj. rod bolt in block...
My best friend did this also with his porsche 944. the scary part was it wasn't sticking out. he sprayed it for several days ahead of time with lub to loosen it. My dad is a tool and die engineer and he brought home some of his taps and drilled into bolt and screwed it right out!! I was proud of the old man, i was nervouse as hell to see him drilling away into an aluminium block, but he didn't slip and it was out in about 2 mins.
Rear Watanabe's Mounted Lots of pics..
Damn and they look so good too!!
Rear Watanabe's Mounted Lots of pics..
Great and that is probably to much of a spacer to be safe at high speeds isn't it??
How fast will it really go?
Oh and don't even say I am like the fags on fast and the furious!!! please I don't drive an ricer man!! come on!!!!
How fast will it really go?
Well dad!!! No but anyway were I live there are litteraly straight aways of new pavement for 10-15 miles. and there is no vehicles that are ever on these roads and the nearest house isn't for 5 or 6 miles. Its hard to explain to you how little there is out here. If I do drive that fast (and I do and will) I make sure there is nobody behind me or in front of me for 7 or 8 miles. sometimes I even have my friends drive ahead a few miles spaced out and have them call me to let me know it is clear. I will go back home maybe next week and take some pics of what i mean!! you city guys can't imagine what I'm talking about. you will probably come visit when you see what i mean!!!!
How fast will it really go?
I know for sure I will not put a G-nose on mine! I really really dont' like the looks of them! all in all i think it is safe to say it will haul some major arse!!!
How fast will it really go?
WOW thanks Aussie Zed that is very cool how you know all of that. I'm very impressed! I might be able to live with 176.8mph. here where I live 150mph on a public road is not that fast! I will post up some pics and show you what I mean. Nothing but new flat, smooth, straight, black top for mile and miles!! not to mention very few cops! I have done 189mph in a Z06 corvette and I want to get close to being able to run with them! thanks again!
Rear Watanabe's Mounted Lots of pics..
Here is what I want to put on my '72 240z. Think it will work. what are your thoughts? http://www.aewheel.com/wheels_detail.cfm?id=286 I want the 17x7's, what do you think?
How fast will it really go?
I was hoping for 170's!!! Damn, anyone else think 170 is possible?
How fast will it really go?
I was just wondering if any of you guys have ever topped out your cars. I heard that the stock 240z will do consitantly 130's, I am just wondering because I am putting a sbc in mine with about 400-500hp and a Richmond 6 speed, I know I will have to get a new rear end but lets say the gears where the same as stock, and the six speed gears are 1-3.28 2-2.14 3-1.57 4-1.24 5-1.00 6th-.76. I have done the caluculations on the internet and they say it can go over 200mph. But when you come back to the real world and put into effect drag, aerodynamics, etc. what do you think she will really do? any guesses or if anyone has a v8 conversion to tell about would be great. Thanks again guys!!
I have two for sale out of a '72 240z if anyone needs one.
Scarab Research
Are you guys just interested in the Scarab conversion or how about the JTR conversion. I am putting a v8 in my '72 and everyone I talk to says don't get a scarab conversion, they sit to high and to far forward! just a thought let me know it you need any JTR info..