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Everything posted by cremmenga

  1. I don't know him personaly, no.
  2. I'll be glad to help, I'm not good with the fine adjustments, but I can get just about anything to start, so it might start on fire but at least it started.
  3. cremmenga commented on Fun_in_my_z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  4. cremmenga posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I need to adjust my valves (I think) on my L24. I have looked on this site at the forums and others also to find out exactly how, but came up short. If anyone can tell me step by step on how to and how much to I will dance at your wedding. On a side note my car runs kinda rough and shaky i think it just needs tuned anyone else have an idea? THanks!
  5. All else fails, we can pour it in our gas tanks and rod around on it for awhile!
  6. I too just got a 240 a few weeks ago and mine would turn over but not start. What you want to do is pull the fuel lines off of the carbs, and check to see if they are getting fuel. be careful because if they are like mine the lines were old and brittle and will fall apart in your hands, they should be replaced. another important thing is cleant the battery cables good, and get new spark plugs or at lease on a pinch clean them good. this should help. if there is no fuel getting to the carbs then check the pump, could just be its bad fuel or the carbs need rebuild as in the case of mine! pm me if you need more help.
  7. I was going along the lines of car show/ swap meet. But what the hell, I guess we can get some bands to come down and drink margaritas and eat little smokies till we all throw up!!
  8. cremmenga replied to Sulla's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Try this website. I like it! Has tons of stuff. Tell him Chris Remmenga sent you. http://www.datsunzparts.ca/start.htm
  9. I was thinking since I live in the middle of no where here in NE, I should put on a Z-stock. Could be kind of a car show/ get together of all of us Z people, maybe swap parts. Since I live pretty much in the middle of the US thought it would be a good meeting point?! Let me know what you think. THANKS, chris This could be the begining of the next BIG car show! maybe
  10. When my old 72 VW beetle started on fire in the carbs, i just pulled my shirt off and covered it with that and it worked fine!
  11. cremmenga replied to sharkman's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Speaking of to good to be true, I didn't want to tell you guys this but i just have to. I purchased my 1972 240z, granted it is a bit rusty, and interior needs some help, and the engine runs, for only $450. Good deal or what?
  12. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    WOw i guess alot of people think they are cool!
  13. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I don't know yet what i think of them. Part of me says no they don't look good, but part of me says hey they look kinda cool, in a retro racie look. your thoughts?
  14. cremmenga posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I have seen on the net where you can buy the glass covers to go over your z's lights, Just wondering if anyone has tried them and if they fit well. Tell me what you think.
  15. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Oh that site i gave, was for a gentleman i was helping find a backfire valve. If you look in that page it tells about a guy useing one off a ford! I'll agree though i have my doubts.
  16. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Try this they say a ford will work?! http://www.alien-e.com/alien-z/
  17. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Yes i know all of this. I was just wondering if it would mess up anything by taking every thing off?
  18. cremmenga posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I finally got my 1972 240z running, it is alittle knocky, and lags a bit when you press the gas. I hope its nothing to serious. I did notice that there is a tube that is dissconected from a fitting. I can't reconnect it because part of it is missing, but when put my finger over the hole it runs alot better and not as knocky and loud. I was told it was hooked up to the smog pump but For resons unknown (probably for more power i'm guessing) it is unhooked. What should I do. I was thinking about pluging the hole and taking out the whole smog pump, Where I live I would not need it and its not doing anything as it is anyway? what do you think?
  19. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'm pretty excited I went to advanced auto and picked up my master and slave cylider and ordered the hose like you guys suggested!! I can't wait to see that thing drive.
  20. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Ya but i'm talking about the clutch.
  21. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I Will Get A New Hose Also I Think, I Looked And Its Like Only Maybe At Most 10 Bucks, Thanks For The Advise! Anyone Else Have Anything Else I Might Be Over Looking?
  22. cremmenga replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Well i tried bleeding the lines but there was no end to the air coming out, and the top lid to the master cylinder turned out to not be sealing at all, who knows what else was not sealing. So you think with this new master and slave it will fix it? I hope so I want to drive it next weekend if i can find out how to tune the valves and ect!!
  23. cremmenga posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Ok so my Z is coming along well now! after a week of 15hr at college and 35 hours at work, the weekend finally came! I have almost all paint off my car and I finally found car in my bondo ( the root of all EVIL). To make along story short my clutch doesn't work, when you press in on it, with no resistence it goes right to the floor. I tried bleeding it, but i think it just leaks air to much. I bought a new master and slave cylider, I hope that is what i needed. Please inlighten me with your clutch knowledge and tell me if this is the right thing to do or if it is something else. THANKS AGAIN
  24. Thanks for the info, I did look a bit but i'll look more, and I did also buy a service manual and how to restore your Z car book also, bought both off amazon for $20 i thought that was a good buy.
  25. I need alittle help from my fellow Z'ers, Does anyone know how to tune the valves and anything esle you need to tune on a L24. If you do please let me know how!! THANKS

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