Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Thanks Jerry for the kind words. I have other ideas and plans in the works, as well. My background is in auto body and metal fabrication, and I see what I think could be a big demand for real body panels, not just patch panels. For example, complete door skins. Like I said above my job is the biggest reason for all of these delays, hard to get a lot done when most weeks I'm working 60- 80 hours at my main job. But hopefully the day will come in the next couple of years where I can leave and start my own business. I'll continue plugging away and I will be very happy and proud the day I can start offering some products for sale. Chris
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
I'm not trying to hustle anyone. I will only offer these for sale when I have each one completed, boxed and ready to go. I will post a video of me installing a set and going over the details of a set so that you can make a decision on whether you want to purchase or not. I also am planning to send a set to a member and he has stated that he would provide an unbiased review for the forum. Like most of you I have a family, a job, a second job, and other responsibilities that get in the way of doing "fun" stuff like trying to create these. I'm making them now, switched from using 20 gauge stainless to using 20 gauge CR steel because of the issues I had with the stainless work hardening as I was hand forming the trim ring. That switched then forced me to find a reputable chrome plater (harder than you might think with new EPA rules out there on chromium). It is not feasible economically to send off 5 or so sets at a time, so I am in the process of making 25 sets of the trim rings so that the plating costs won't be through the roof. To do that means I have to hand form each half of the trim rings, then metal finish them and weld each half together. After welding I planish and finish the weld area, then they will get sent out to the chrome platers. He advised me it would probably be 2-3 weeks to do them but could take up to 6 weeks. I'm just a guy, not a company, I've had to create them from scratch. it takes time.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Sorry again for the delay in posting. I have had some issues. I thought that I would make these in stainless, but I failed to take into account how easily stainless work hardens. If I had dies and a press this would not be a real problem but since I'm hammer forming them trying to shrink the stainless around the form was an issue. So I'm in the process of doing a run of 25 sets in regular cold rolled steel and then will send them out to a high quality chrome plating company in Richmond VA. This has morphed into more work than I imagined as I originally only planned to make a few at a time. So far I've made 12 sets and have 13 to go. Then I have to weld the two halves of each ring together. When I complete them I'll do some finish work on each set to ensure they are nice and straight so that the chrome plating looks nice. After I have them prepped Owner of the plating shop says it'll be a 2-3 week turnaround depending on how busy he is. Hopefully some of you will still want a set when I get them done. I'll post some pics of what I'm doing soon.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Thanks, Blue. Actually have this don't remember where I found it though. Wish I could read Japanese.:) I'm almost finished with the truck that has been taking up all my time. Doing the last of the painting on it this week, should be out of my life by weekend after this. Then I can start back on the covers. Stay tuned.
NOS 260 280Z 2+2 Roof Emblems
I've had these for a while and since I'm not going to use them I figured I'd see if anyone was interested in them I have a set of NIB(new in box) 2+2 roof emblems. LH and RH. These are long since NLA. The boxes show some age and the emblems have been removed from the plastic, (still have the plastic bag for one). The emblems themselves are absolutely perfect. No blemishes anywhere. Absolutely like new. If you are looking for a set I'm sure you've seen they are next to impossible to find. One site has a new pair listed for almost $1000!! I'm looking to get $300 for the set. Shipping included anywhere in the US. Overseas shipping extra. Paypal only. Thanks for looking.
1971 240Z - 46K Orig Miles - Crashed
Is the car still for sale? I'm definitely interested. BMARKO I also sent you a PM.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Perhaps this will make it a little more clear how I will do this. These tracings give me all the info needed. I will then have 2 sets of forms(top and bottom or male and female) for each side cut from 1/4" to 3/8 " steel After that I will shape the forms to fit the headlight bucket and lens. When that is done I will clamp a blank of 20 gauge stainless between the 2 forms (top and bottom) and hammer them around the bottom form using corking tools such as hardwood and steel until the desired shape is achieved. Then trim the sides to the desired length.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Thank you for your input sir. I have no wish to argue with you or anyone else. My intention was/is to try and make these as I want a couple of sets for my car and I have seen over the years where others have desired them as well. Being that I have a background in high end automotive restoration and I had done similar lenses over the years for other cars I thought I would try. No one else was, so I thought that I could sell a few to recoup my time and money invested in them. That is still my goal. I am by no means trying to make this a business. This is a labor of love and passion for these cars. Nothing more, nothing less. My point with you is this. What do you gain by telling me or anyone else you can't do this (or something else). Do you owe me anything? Of course not. But I did ask you and you declined which is your right. But then why keep posting that I can't/won't do it? Just go on about your business and ignore me and this thread. I have never claimed they will be exact reproductions of originals. But with the information I was provided they will be the same width, and shape of the original that I was provided a tracing of. I think they will be darn close. I do wish to thank you sir for providing me with a little extra motivation to see this through.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Couple more things Alan, maybe if you had provided me some reference pics when I asked you for your help instead of telling me "I don't think you can do them so I'm not going to help" I might have a better grasp of them. Also you make a big deal of the asymmetric part. Of course they are going to be asymmetric, the inside edge of the trim ring is going to be shorter by the thickness of the cover. If not they wont fit on the cover correctly.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
I don't know about the u shape Looks flatter than that like in the above pic. What I'll be making will be very close to those. All the water jet will do is cut out my forms so that I can shape them to fit a headlight bucket and my tracing. By forms I mean hammerforms. That is how I will make them once the forms are completed. As for the asymmetric part all the blanks will be oversize, I'll simply trim to fit. One side high, one side low. Then finish (very slight roll)the edges. Look I get that you don't think I can do it. Do I care what you think? Not really. . Spread your negativity somewhere else please. If you had any experience in sheetmetal fab you would know this is not anywhere near impossible. Google "Cass Nawrocki" He did stuff that most considered impossible. Hell most Ferraris in the 50's and earl;y 60's were formed with little more than a stump, hammers and a helve hammer. Crude basic tools but in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing they created beauty. Will I replicate the shape exactly? Probably not. Will it be a very nice approximation? I definitely think so, and I think that is what people will want.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Just a minor update. I was talking to a friend who does industrial fabrication. He has a really nice waterjet and is going to cut the revised forms for me. That is going to save me a ton of time. Once he cuts them for me I simply have to shape (curve) them to fit the buckets (following the tracing of the Original I was provided) and then I'm in business. Should cut down on the fab time significantly. Stay tuned.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Hello all, Sorry for not posting anything for some months. First this project is not dead. I have been extremely busy with my day job, and side job which is restoring a 66 Chevy PU for a customer. I am in the final stages on this truck, and when I finish it I will get back on the covers. Be assured that I will see this to completion. The past year has been hard as I work one job and have a shop at my home where I do paint/bodywork/restoration on old junk like that Chevy. Between the two jobs and my family I have no spare time.But I will complete these so stay tuned.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Very good point. There are inserts available for fiberglass that work very well. That would be my first choice. Epoxy would work well.....as long as the hole is properly prepared and cleaned and the insert itself is roughed up a little so the epoxy would have something to hold on to. I own 2 Z's, a early 71 with the fiberglass buckets and a 73 with the steel buckets. I plan on test installing on both. Rest assured I will provide a effective solution to securing them whether in fiberglass or steel.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Yes these will have 4 holes. As for mounting hardware the best option in my opinion would be the rivet style threaded insert. That would require a special tool but I plan to offer the tool and necessary drill bit (USA made not cheap Chinese crap) and all necessary mounting hardware included with covers as an option. All necessary mounting hardware would be included with all sets of covers. The tool for installing the inserts and correct size drill bit would be optional. There are several low cost insert tools available that would work fine for limited use. (8 inserts total). I will also upload a video of me installing them on one of my Z's if that would help anyone.
Reproducing HeadLight Covers input needed from the community
Thanks for the kind words everyone. Work continues on the covers and rings. Currently waiting on my buddy to trim up my forms on his laser jet. Also doing a little more work on the molds for the covers. Perfecting the surface and strengthening the molds themselves to handle the rigors of "production" Hopefully within a couple of weeks I'll have some prototypes done and I'd like to be able to begin producing the first 10 or so sets by the beginning of October. One thing some of you may find interesting. I plan to sell every set with 2 sets of covers. That way you'll have a spare set always available. Stay tuned.