Rear suspension advice requested
I had a gatlin gun noise when i backed up in my 1977 280z, and it turned out to be the drive shaft touching the rear sway bar. I have a stock rear mount.
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77 280z
I did not think this forum was a place to sell parts. I am not a wrecker i just thought if you phoned me i could find out were you are and what you are willing to pay for the parts you need. I only bought this car to fix my project, don't need to sell any parts i was just triying to help a fellow z er. I don't want to sell the whole car as there are to many parts that will brake on mine the day after i sell it, but i don't need the parts you want.
77 280z
Gator i pm'd you yesterday. You can call me @ 604 837-1536
77 280z
I have the whole car. It was a project the owner took apart years ago and never got it back together. I only needed a door glass and some small parts that i tried to get on ebay, but 77 and 78 are on ther own so i bought the whole car.
77 280z
I have a 77 parts car and im a little closer. What do you need.
removing plastic rear 1/4 panels
In the middle of the bracket you can see the round thread coming through, put your hand in there and feel the bolt head , on the back of the bracket,that unbolts the bracket. If you have these off the panel should come out without damage.
removing plastic rear 1/4 panels
They bolt on from the back side of the bracket. I nearly ripped the panel in two before i figured it out.
Z in Austrian Alps
new top less pictures
Ive never had it on a dyno. If i had to guess id say about 200 rwh. Its fast enough for me. And she gets about 15mpg in town if i keep my foot out of her.
472z project
Not hard if you have the right parts. I work at a auto parts store so the only hard thing is the spacer and longer bolts to mount the rotor.I had one made at a machine shop.The rest is trim the backing plate and bolt her on.
TABCO replacement panels
2004 vancouver nissan show