Flush turn signals
If you do a google search on just "precision engineering" unfortunately the description does not mention z turn signals or markers lights. Guess I should have defined my search more. Any how thanks again
- Flush turn signals
Flush turn signals
Thanks do you have a URL link for them? My Google searches have not come up with the right site....
Flush turn signals
There used to be a vendor that had an add here for flush mount turn signals for the S30. Does anybody have a link to their site or remember their name?
Clock repair for Z's
I just saw this thread and was able to access the URL for his site. Give it another try.
Saying goodbye to one of my fairlady's
Hey Guys, I've been fortunate enough to own not only 1 but, 2 Fairlady Zs. (1970 and a 1974 model year). I know its not as cool to you guys that drive on the right hand side every day. For us in the US its very cool especially since they are both meant for Japanese domestic market. I've decided to get rid of the 70 model. Only because it is just sitting around. I just don't have time to give it the attention it needs. I wish I was still single. I would probably have all the time in the world to pay attention to my car collection. You might ask why don't I keep the 70 and let the 74 model go. That is simple. I've already invested a good amount of money into the 74 in motor work alone and it already has imho one of the coolest accessories... a G Nose. So here's the link to the ebay auction if you want to take a peak or interested in owning a Nissan Classic http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___1970-Fairlady-Z-True-JDM-Car_W0QQitemZ300227514931QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item300227514931&
Dash fix
Any chance that catalog has a dash cap for the right hand drive Zs? I rather go the cheaper route than having to send mine out for repair.
1970 Fairlady Z on ebay
I was watching this auction http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1,1&item=4575920949&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT I can't believe that no one bid on it. If i didn't already own 2 fairladys i would have
yokohama AVS E100
They are great on even pavement but, they make steering a little hairy sometimes on uneven pavement. I switced to Pirelli P Zeros more forgiving for every day driving with performance.
Anybody know of a Watanabe Distributor in Japan
A friend of mine is going to Japan for business and said he would be willing to get me a set of Watanabe's so I can save on shipping. Does anybody know of a distributor/wheel shop there that I can direct him to?
Wanatanabe wheels distributor in So. Cali
Someone posted a link to a wheel shop in southern california that can get wantanabe wheels. I thought I had saved the link....but I can't find it anymore I tried using the search but couldn't find it. Does anyone remember it or still have the location of the posting. thanks for the help in advance