Finally found another 72 240Z
What attracted you to a datsun Z?
My current Z is the eighth in a string of Datsuns, stretching back to the '65 1600 roadster I had when I was stationed in Okinawa. The tally thus far is one 1969 510, three 2000 roadsters and this Z is the third I have owned. I think the combination of ageless lines and light weight make the first generation Z a most desirable car.
Reproduction window sticker
TRy this place. He has more of the original stickers reproduced than just about anybody. http://www.zzxdatsun.com/
WHich would you rather have(and post why)?
"So, for me, the late 280ZX 5 spd and a lower geared rear differential." That's exactly the combo I'm in the process of installing now. Hope to have it done in a couple of weeks.
Need a quick fix
What broke? The cotter pin? The nut? Either one of those is a no-brainer. They're readily available at any auto parts or hardware store.
How long have you had your Z?
My current Z is my third 240. First was a '71, painted metallic blue, bought it in Omaha, NE in 1978, lost it in Ano Glyfada, Greece in 1981. When I got back to the states, I purchased a '70, painted Corvette Bright Yellow with red pinstripes. Needless to say, it was bought in Albuquerque, NM, and I transported it to my new duty station in San Antonio, TX. Kept that one until JUne 1986. Had to get rid of it because it was fairly modified and I was going to be moving to So. California. From that time on, I was working overseas for the most part until February, 2000. I started looking for a good early Z, and found one that the owner used during his summer vacations in Asbury Park, NJ. I have had this one since April, 1990, and will keep it until it or I give up the ghost. Currently I have somewhat about 8,000 in refurbishing it, preparing an L28 and 5 speed, along with an R200 3.90 differential. Hope to be able to get it back on the road within a month.
240Z rear bumper center?
Pete; There's a '71 rear bumper on E-Bay item # 8043614190. Got about 20 hours left on it for a good price right now.
What car is this?
Looks like it could be a 1964 1500 Datsun Roadster. The grille isn't original, but the the body shape is right.
Nice SR20DET 260Z on EBay
I saw an SR-20 DET 240 in Thailand in June. It was still being built but looked very good.
Nissan "L" Series Engine: Advantages To Non-Crossflow Design?
Another thing to consider was the design of the 2000 series roadster engines. They were actually modified valve in head blocks which were modernized with the addition of an overhead cam which was added through a clever cam drive chain which drove the lower engine counterbalance shaft as well. I know, I had one of these chains snap on me with rather disastrous results. Luckily, it wasn't in today's rare parts era.:classic:
Washer Bottle!!
I seem to remeber that someone posted that a Bottle and pump from a Honda can be obtained and used with a change to the connectors on the pump. They are available through any of the national parts chains. :lick:
Have you seen the new MSA mag wheels?
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
I don't know how I missed this thread. I've been rebuilding my May '70 HLS3006017 for the past nine months. Hope to have it back on the road before winter sets in. I'll post pics when that occurs.
'70 Head Bolt Torque
I amquoting from the 1970 240Z FSM and it says. Cylinder Head bolts 1st turn: 4.5kg-m (32.5 ft-lb) 2nd turn 6.5 kg-m (47.0 ft-lb) I will post the page if requested.
Gold 15x7 Konig rewinds on Ebay
I just bought a set of the graphite center Rewinds from the same guy and had a response from him with shipping data within ten minutes of arranging the money through PayPal. Cost for shipping across the country was only $60.00 for approx. 120 LBS. Packaging included.