Yes, the flat top piston/N47(or N42) combo works great and should be kept. This is a very common and simple way to increase your power output. SU's can be used, but I don't have a lot of experience with them. I have had triple Webers on a Z, SU's on another that I never messed with, and FI on many others. FI works great if it is all in working order. If yours has issues or known bad parts, then swapping isn't a bad idea. Another option is to go with Megasquirt FI. Swapping from FI to unknown condition SU's could cause problems as well. Others here can tell you what you need for the swap to carbs. I know the fuel pump will have to be swapped out for a low pressure unit, but beyond that, I'm not sure. I would take your N47 to a competent engine shop and have it measured for thickness and flatness before you go any farther. Since the engine has been worked on with suspect knowledge and assembly procedures, it's hard to say what condition the head is in. The original thickness from the top surface to the bottom surface is 108mm, I believe (do a search to verify). If it has been milled, it's possible that it's either too thin for flat tops (CR too high) or was warped and is now only flat on the bottom. Make sure they check both surfaces for flatness. I had one head that was apparently milled flat by a PO, but the head itself was badly warped causing the cam to be in a bind. My machine shop didn't catch the problem and I had major issues as soon as I installed it. I had to throw the head away and start over. I was young and dumb and didn't clay the pistons to check clearances prior to final assembly. The results were two damaged pistons, four bent valves, and a freshly machined lump of aluminum that was completely useless. :mad::mad: That was when I decided to go with flat top pistons. With the stock FI, stock exhaust pipe diameter, a header and flat top pintons, I get 23-25mpg on 93 octane gas. After I go with a 2-1/4" or 2-1/2" exhaust system and install my performance cam, I expect the mileage to go up a bit. I wanted to break my motor in with the stock cam to eliminate a tuning variable. I now have about 2500 miles on my motor and will install the cam and associated parts this summer.