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Everything posted by Zthing

  1. Zthing replied to xray's post in a topic in Introductions
    Awesome! I am close behind. Did you end up using headbolts to secure the engine to the stand....or did you actually purchase some that would work. Was looking back through the threads about the bolts needed, and saw comments on head bolts. If you purchased them....where the heck did you find them with the correct hardness. Don't wanna snap those turkeys off. Anyway....good job fella.
  2. Zthing replied to ncz's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    My feelings exactly.
  3. Zthing replied to nwcubsman's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Congrats Seahawks fans. Hope you go all the way. My Panthers played poorly tonite. Hoo-hum.
  4. Zthing replied to ncz's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Late in the 3rd now. For the love of all that's holy.....please pull Delhomme! :nervous: :eek: :nervous: :eek: :pirate:
  5. Zthing replied to ncz's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    ncz....xray......virtual high five!! (this is pre-game by the way):laugh:
  6. Zthing replied to webdawg1's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Thanks webdawg1! Will keep this chart near the old blast cabinet.
  7. My guess is that it's a 240z that somebody tried to modernize back in the day. Note the nifty sunroof. One thing is for certain though, scrutinize every pic, even the close up of the steering wheel which shows a snip of the drivers door. The amount of rust present even on a non-original paint job, ensures the purchaser that he has in fact acquired a Z. Owning this car could catch a person up with the Z crowd right quick. In a way......they could own almost every year in one simple purchase. Yeeeehaaaa!
  8. Zthing replied to Zthing's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I did not take it in a bad way, just my attempt at crappy humor. All input was welcomed. Alas.....I have been swayed. What you have all said makes the most sense. You can stop peeling the skin from my chest now.....the crabs have started nibbling. I will never use the word template again unless it is to curse somebody in the lowest manner. For example: You son of a template!!! Back off before you get template-slapped upside the head. By the way.....a large stamping machine...or drop hammer, now thats funny. Believe it or not, I actually almost chose not to post this thread for fear that it might get more response as to how dumb it would be to fabricate my own, instead of any actual template info. But I guess that's the beauty of a forum. Many individuals sharing their experience, so others will not fall into the same costly traps. In all seriousness......thanks everybody for the input. I'm off to stare at some rust. Talk to you soon Charlie.
  9. Zthing replied to Zthing's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    All great info......forget the templates. You've all worn me down. Or was that the thought of the effort involved in making my own. Either way.....from all the online research, plus all of your comments......there is no doubt where to buy them from. Thanks again everyone.
  10. Zthing replied to Zthing's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Whew... First off.....let me state again Zedd was in fact the best deal I found, and before all is said and done, that may actually be the way I go. So there is no more need to try and sell me on that pan set. I was just asking if anyone had run across any templates. Well, instead of templates, I am being told how silly it would be to attempt it. I have been called worse than silly before.......so I can handle it. Actually, responses are appreciated and points well taken. As a matter of fact, your statement that the other pans may be Charlie's being sold by someone else is probably correct.......they sure look like em, and that would surely explain the price boost compared buying straight from him. I may take issue with your other statement though.....the one about crapping around. Mine are usually fairly straight and taperred on each end. I try not to crap at all near the Z though. Makes for a messy workplace, and if you have seen my shop pic, you know I already have enough to contend with. Thanks all.
  11. Zthing replied to Zthing's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    EScanlon.....thanks for the reply. Yes I have looked at zeddfindings and agree that they carry some nice ones at about the best price you can find. As a matter of fact, the only pans I could find within the US that even compared were about $100 more. That in itself is amazing. I can buy cheaper from Canada than here in the US. As far as owning a 48" brake, don't think so. There are too many metal fab shops in the area to warrant that. With me supplying the metal and specs, I could have the cutting and bending done very reasonably, leaving me a fair amount of cash to put towards other needed items. I may still end up going with Zedd. Have heard lots of good comments about the product and service. Have yet to call and find out shipping to NC. May be depressing. Once again....thanks for the response.
  12. First off, I know it should be simple enough to measure out.....so no need to flame me. Just curious if anyone had ever run across a good set of floor pan templates (240z) for those who would like to cut and bend their own. I am not looking for exact replica (drain plugs, etc.).
  13. Zthing replied to Dreco's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Right click save as works.
  14. Zthing commented on Zthing's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  15. Zthing replied to Dreco's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Was digging around last night, but could not find the specs. Probably the same luck the other 34 are having (plus yourself).
  16. Very cool vids so far. Thanks for the excellent post.
  17. Sounds like a pretty cool fella to me. A Santa upgrade you might say. Ya'll have a great Christmas.
  18. Merry ChristmaZ Everyone!
  19. Barnum it was! Hope everyone has a great holiday. I am off to wipe with my manuals now. Should enhance the value. Take care all.
  20. Baah! People like that probably exist.......glad I don't know any personally. Really meant nothing by the post, it was actually more of an act of boredom. I own both shop manuals for the 72, and since the previous owner included them with the car, I was oblivious to the price they bring now. Still, the opening price on this auction made me smile. I thought it was steep, but hey.....could be the tax bracket I inhabit. Was it W.C. Fields that had the sucker quote? Just can't figure out why Golden Palace didn't snatch it up. Would have looked good beside the Jesus toast.
  21. I think that line explains it all. I have some one of a kind rocks in my backyard. Hey....I know the person can ask what they want, I just found it a little steep.
  22. Still scratching my head.....and it don't even itch. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-240Z-1ST-EDITION-FACTORY-SERVICE-REPAIR-MANUAL_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6762QQitemZ8021875962QQrdZ1
  23. Zthing replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Ultra sharp!!
  24. Interesting about needing the throttles open. Never new that. Learn something new everytime I visit this site.

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