Everything posted by Zthing
Blast Cabinet Question
Thanks Texasz, gonna check into it.
Scavengers Remorse........Normal?
Ahh....so what's that you're putting in the tank there Mr. Kevorkian? Oh, just a little sugar, this car shall suffer from rust no longer. Let the dismantling begin!!!!! :bandit:
Scavengers Remorse........Normal?
Nahh he didn't.....Carl didn't say "it's just a car man". Some might say a 240z is more than just a car. A Chevette......now that was just a car. Actually.....this thread was meant to be fairly light hearted....I plan to part the car, but just stuttered for an instant at the thought of lowering the population. Ah hell.....who am I fool'n......I would bash the roof in on a factory restoration, then sit on the hood and eat my lunch. Seriousness causes ulcers people......breath in....breath out Still gonna do the dog tag thing, so there!!!
Blast Cabinet Question
Hey Texasz, would love to know the model number of the unit you picked up from Harbor. Want to pick one up soon, and your blaster sounds like the ticket. Thanks!!
Scavengers Remorse........Normal?
Picked up a parts car recently. Now looking at this car, I know that it's only reasonable value would be that of a parts car, yet something about actually leading this car to it's demise kinda bugs me inside. I mean..... being the man at the guillotine with rope in hand, knowing that my next action will actually remove from existance one of man's great achievements without any chance of recovery, dumps a 55 gallon drum of guilt all down my back. It's almost like the string of identification numbers that makes this car what it is today, will be all thats left, much like the dog tags of a long forgotten soldier. But maybe I am looking at this dilemma from the wrong angle. Maybe I should think of it more as the donor of a much needed organ. A hero in a sense, that has passed on, yet in his passing, has allowed another the chance of survival. Hmmmmm......yeah, this will be the only view that allows me to remove the first bolt. Maybe the best I can do is take some snapshots, you know, to remember the good old times. Then maybe grab a small chain, string it thru the dog tags, and hang them from the rear view mirror so that my Z friend and I never forget this great gift of life. Hey, I may actually be able to work thru this. I just wondered if anybody else had the least hesitation before removing that donor fender, or cutting into that sheet metal. Man......I think I need a beer. :sleepy:
What is your screen resolution?
1024x768 here. Happy Father's Day btw to all the Z-pops.
- VIDEO - Heres a short video of my High Compr. MSnS turbo 280Z
Hope that radar detector on the dash works well. BTW, did you know that radar detector-detectors exist? Ahh....the marvels of modern technology. :sleepy:
What kills/deters spiders? (in the garage)
Spray bombs will usually work, but will leave fallout on everything in the garage after they are done. Instead of using a broom, try the trusty shop vac. Hit the nooks and crannies really well and follow up every few days for a while. That should cut down on the population quite a bit. Spraying around the garage doors, windows etc. with a good name brand spider spray should help slow the entrance of newcomers. Make sure the spray can specifically targets spiders. Lesser sprays may only wizz the spiders off, and they have been known to form gangs and hide under beds for late night ambush. Its ugly...believe me. You don't want to wake up looking like a cocoon.
Identify these rims....please.
This may be a duplicate reply, last one seemed to fail. Anyway, cleaned some crud from the back of the rim, and have found this info so far. Japan 947-1 14x7 46 8 Dirty picture below.
Identify these rims....please.
DatsunZGuy........I think you are on the money. Thanks for the info guys.
Identify these rims....please.
Ok....gonna try to attach a pic. Does anyone recognize this brand of rim? Yeah...I know they are dirty and need work. Just curious of the make. Thanks.
Replacing 240Z floors Part1
NCZ.....I am about 2 hrs away from you.....would'a been great. Keep me posted if you do your floors soon. Will be a little bit before I get to mine. May need to pick your brain. By the way....I am in Moore County.
ask me anything
If I were running down a grassy hill at full speed, stepped into a hole and snapped my leg off at the knee, would the ringing in my ears subside long enough for me to understand what the man in my head is saying?
Replacing 240Z floors Part1
Awesome information. I will be experiencing that wonderous event in the near future, so any info I find on the subject is golden. At this point, I am still trying to find the best place to purchase the replacement floor panels. So far Canada is the source I hear most. Wish there was some place within the USA closer to the east coast. Anyway..... thanks for the post with pics!!
Ebay parts car
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7970209833&category=6783 Less than 3 hours left.
Ebay parts car
ARGH!! Already posted here. My apologies.
Ebay parts car
Only a few hours left on this one. Heavy on the rust, but should be more than $250 worth of parts. Too far from home for me.
Look for ID plate on drivers side door jam. Also under hood, passenger side wheel well area, and firewall near master cylinder. Good luck.
Which Tshirt Design Do You Like?
You'd probably turn more of the one with the car, but if you accidently make another with the 240 logo in extra large, consider it sold. :cheeky: Both look great! Oh yeah....mini logo on front would be wicked.
Valve cover identification? Picture inside.
26th-Z......I am the 3rd (and last if I can help it) owner of this Z. The fella I purchased the car from said the original owner was a performance enthusiast. Maybe he was a fan of the earlier engine, who know's. I am getting mixed comments on the Weber carb setup he obviously installed. Probably gonna play with those for a while and keep my eyes open for the SU's in the meantime. Thanks for the info and link to the webpage.
Valve cover identification? Picture inside.
Well....according to my engine number, I found out from a previous post that its not a 72 engine. The engine number is L24 008107. Carl sez that should give it a birthdate in the neighborhood of 6/70, which would explain the E31 head, and probably the valve cover. If I can locate an elbow....I will just keep it. Was just wondering why I was not seeing any similar valve covers. Thanks for all the input. Now I'm off to find an elbow.
Valve cover identification? Picture inside.
Just a quick question. The elbowed nipple on top of my valve cover is screwed. As you can see....the hose it pushed all the way up against the cover because of the missing section. Anyway....in my search for a valve cover, I am not noticing any with the "2400" on top. All I see are the "Nissan OHC" ones. No big deal, just wondering which years had these. Picture below.
Basic 240z education needed
Thanks dogma......will utilize the information.