Everything posted by carguyinok
Another Z-vendor bites the dust
Yes VR is no longer taking orders but they do have there jigs & molds up for bid. They say there dropping it because of needing too focus on there real company in with airospace. This sounds good but I think Ferrari may have had alittle hand in this aswell. They have shut down every other repro company that has done A Ferrari so...... Plus there cant be A whole ton of money in aftermarket bodies for Z cars anymore.:sleepy:
Bid on the first 350 (waste money but stroke your ego)
Sorry, Nissan lost hope of getting my money with putting the same V6 from the maxima/Altima & infiniti G35 under the hood.:sleepy: Please with the DOHC twin turbo inline 6 on the bench. WHY GOD? Why?:stupid: Then ta try & tell us that this is A car with roots from our baby's. Funny other then 2 seats 1/4 glass & A letter I dont see it. Sorry.
Bid on the first 350 (waste money but stroke your ego)
Not sure what this person thinks they are getting to sell. But the days of the VIN# being the # of the car off the line was dead about 1980 on most cars. I would be very suspect of this. Why would Nissan give up the #1 car? Even if they did dont you think someone in Nissan would be picking this up? Or @ the least some Nissan dealer. At the very least 10k+ so it is worth more than twice the original sticker price. Yes on the 240. But +60k for A 350Z NO sorry .
1970 AM Radio Volume Output - Suggestions please
Yes A amp would do fine. One other thing you should look into getting before you put any new things in (amp head unit EQ ) is A good noise filter. A noise filter hooks up in your power line for these things. With the older points/coil type cars you will prob. hear the elec. sound of your motor through the speakers. Much like A tach but with sound. Dont worry there only like $5-$20 and you will get what you pay for.
1970 AM Radio Volume Output - Suggestions please
1970 AM Radio Volume Output - Suggestions please
http://www.custom-autosound.com/ They have one of the best hidden set-up's on the market.
Wow! My once-in-a-lifetime find!!!!!
("Any thoughts on where to get a new exhaust system at a reasonable price?") I would say look in the paper and find A car show. Go there and talk with some of the people with the nicer rides. They will point you to A good shop. Dont let some hack put A clamp togather set-up under there. Go stainless welded. You will be much better off in the long term with this. Thats my .02 on that.
Wow! My once-in-a-lifetime find!!!!!
DAMN NICE FIND!!! 1st Thing I would do after A find like that is buy A loto ticket. Now as the car gose. So far I would do as the others have said. Only I would just get new brakes all around and new rubber brake lines @ the same time. They go bad fast just sitting. Why risk it? The other thing would be order A master type kit with all the rubber bushings. Take this kit with the car and drop it off @ A shop. Get the labor cost up front. go home have A beer & know its money well spent. You wont know it was the same car when you pick it up. O ya the shop wont be happy when you go ta pick it up. But you will be.
what kind of front lip is this?
2manyzs got it. look @ the headlights of the car in the back :stupid: But still looks good on the z covers.
what kind of front lip is this?
First, I must say that is one sweet Z. The headlight covers look good with that stripe that lines up wtih the body lines. Wish I knew the answer. Also note they did A line on the side marker lamp. I dont think that's just black tape. It would be easy ta paint on. With clear plastic you would paint the line inside the cover. Then you cant scratch or chip it.
got another 73 240Z today
I took the drivers door panel off and you dont want it Ed. Sorry man. But the door is falling apart from the inside.:sleepy: O-well, least it's just A parts car.:classic:
71 needs new dash
I had A dash "fixed" by A shop like that. It was on my 74 vette. looked damn good. For the first 6 months. Then It started cracking around the patchs they put in. They just push A heavy foam in the cracks then cover that with melted plastic and brand the grain in the new plastic. After time it splits again. This time the cracks are smaller tho.:stupid: With the dash caps there are 2 types I know of half "top" or full. The top cap covers the top ta just under the gauges. and full is just that. I cant say I have used eather one. This is just what I have been told.
71 240z
Happy ta hear:classic: Just dont fall in love easy. If the ad is true good for you. If not take A deep breath n walk away. Dont fool yourself just cuz its there and you want one. good luck and I hope its what you are looking for.:classic: P.S. Bring your cam. for showing off your new baby or letting the rest of us see what it was.
what's the engine worth??
what's the engine worth?? Keeping I am in the same boat. My engine for my 73 is fresh aswell . I was going ta put it up for sale too (sbc going in). After some thought. It's getting set aside. This way if later in life I would like ta sell Or just go back 6. It wont be such A big deal @ no cost. This will keep me open ta looking around for A sick :sleepy: Z with A bad motor. Then you can get the best of bolth with liltle cost and know how it will run. If you are like most Z people you should know better then ta think that this is your last or only Z.
Insane 240z Video (How not to drive on the road)
here http://penvose.net/~theblue/video/Darius-240Z-R1.mpeg This is the same car. now this is the clip ta load worth the time. full view of running motor close-up. inercooled turbo with blow-off valve. http://www.ksurf.net/~jb_ce_heros/240z.mpeg
I am sure HS30-H will be posting on this one for you. He will tell it . I dont know my Z history well enough so rather then say something thats not rite. :tapemouth Look up HS30-H and look @ his avatar. Thats the real deal.
K&N Air filter systems
The one thing you will never see any foam filter maker warn you about is. After awhile foam will start too come apart. If you let it get old or let oil sit on it. Now as this foam gets old it will start too flake. These small parts of foam will then enter your motor. This is not A good thing. For foam is made of plastic. Think of what that will do inside your motor. This is why you will never see A foam filter (alone) in any stock car. You see them on racecars because they can filter better. But they also put new foam in all the time and know when its due because they pull there air cleaners after almost every run. If you would take A small hunk of foam and light it on fire. Watch what happens and think of that in your motor. There is another thing to think of with foam filters. If your timeing on your Z gets out of whack you can get A back pop of fire from your carbs. That filter will catch fire real fast from this. If you dont know this happened and still are trying too start your car. Your pulling that melting plastic into your motor. I would say if you dont like or trust K&N then go paper. But thats just me.
Here we go...
The two holes are for the fuel cell. That looks good set-up for the track. The tires are on the strange side. But all n all looks damn good. I cant wait too see in in action.
look at this
I will forward those links too its new owner. I couldnt find anyone that had the real thing. That they would part with. As far as I know he's still looking. Thanks.
look at this
(What about a Ferrari GTO z conversion, lots of those about) The big reason is just that. Aswell Ferrari has made it SO HARD Too get parts. emblems and so on. I had A dino rep. I was doing in vegas. I wanted ta get some real Ferrari parts. The first thing asked @ the Ferrari dealership was (" Whats the vin# of the car these parts are going on") Give A real vin# for A Ferrari or go away. :sleepy: So I sold it.
look at this
look at this
wow this screams make me too A Z owner. I saw this and got goose bumps. I have been looking @ doing A body kit. I know I know dont kill me. But look at the bodylines. The original prototype Cobra Daytona Coupe that has been missing for 30 years, was recently sold for over $3 million dollars. As one of six closed Coupe Cobras, . this is such A cool story (wow) http://www.thecarsource.com/shelby/cobra/daytona/csx2287.html
K&N Air filter systems
on that post that ozlime240z put up. It starts out ("I learned my very expensive K&N lession over 20 years ago ") A few things have changed in 20 years. K&N was trying all types of filters at that time. In that post he speeks of OIL on A foam filter. Well K&N put's oil on there filters and sells spray on for after cleaning one. A paper filter will catch finer things but will also make your motor work too suck air through that paper. That means loss of power. Foam filters I have A 8 track player for sale too. ozlime240z I am not saying anything bad here. It's just things have changed in 20 years.
z cars, small blocks, 5 speeds, etc.
I am doing A 73 240 with A chevy 350 tpi & looking @ going with the 700R4 auto. If I go with the stick then the choice would be the Richmond 6 speed. I think going with that crate ZZ4 would be A good choice at one hell of A good price for what you get. The only other thing on that set-up would be. How are you thinking of feeding it? Carburetion or injection? For me it was hands down injection (got lucky and getting back my 88 350tpi from the vette I sold). On the rearend. I know you dont want too hear it but I have been looking into the the jag irs. and scarab used ford t-bird rears. Another stong rearend setup is the IRS from the 70s corvettes. There not "real" hard too mount under A Z. Then its easy for getting rearend gears that will meet your needs. I have seen so much about how the other Nissan rearends will take this power. But where you could see some big problems is pumping 355hp @ 405 ft lbs of torque through the nissan half shafts. Back in the day that was no big deal getting new shafts and other parts for Nissan. But with the years GOOD parts are getting fewer and fewer. This is why I am looking into other rearend set-ups. sooner or later you will twist bend or snap somthing with that kind of power. The other thing I am doing is getting things in place for making the frame work up front stronger. Same in the rear. I have even put thought into doing A whole subframe. but @ this point thats just A thought. I ordered A 8 point cage from jegs and am still waiting for it too show (this week I hope) but that will just sit in the box till the rearend and frame stuff are in place. I know this is on the side of overkill for the tpi set-up. But I plan on just having some fun with it while I do up A real small block with some big HP. Then it will just be A matter of A motor & trani swap. :devious: