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Everything posted by carguyinok

  1. carguyinok replied to Mike's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I say toss the ramps..... Well, for me it was late spring 1994 I had A 69 firebird with A BB under the hood. My shifter linkage had come lose. So up on the ramps in front of my house it went. I blocked the rear tires and went under. Being cold out I had long A longsleve shirt on. As I reached up ta get to the linkage my shirt got hooked on the tran. I couldnt get it free so I said fug it and pulled to rip the shirt free. No sooner did I hear the shirt rip did I see the linkage move into N. I look up and see the front tires start to turn. At this point I know she jumped the block and was coming down. I reached up grabed the cross member and trying to push myself out the front. It didnt work. The car came down with me 100% under it. the crossmember landed on my ribs crushing 6 of them. I was lucky cuz my head was pined in the high part of the oilpan but not crushing my head. There I sat under my car with no one to help stuck with broken ribs pushing up on the car when ever I wanted to take A breath in. I was under there for over A half hour before someone walking saw me and called 911. I didnt have it left in me to say where my jack was to the guy walking. So he held up on the car till the fire dept. showed and lifted the car with airbags. I still have the ramps but now there paint stands and I never go under without my phone on my belt and @ min. someone that knows what I am doing if not able to be there.
  2. ahhhh I can make dat fit pass me that shoehorn and the 3in1 oil.
  3. now I have seen this done aswell and its not gona happen here. I need color in my life. :devious:
  4. gota keep-up n stop me before that can go down.
  5. There we go. That would be so much fun. I will start looking on e-bay for the gun. lmao
  6. Just lastnight I had A group of guys over that have A speed shop/ custom body shop. We laid out the plan- There going to take the hood and cut & roll 2 openings one on each side of the front of the rise in the center of the hood making A hog-nose style hood scoop. side marker lamp holes welded/filled same with gas door and upper emblem holes. Now the gas tank I pulled yesterday morn. I am going with A 15 gal. fuel cell. In order to mount the cell they are going to cut out the drop down for the spare tire and weld in the hole making the hatch A solid flat area for the fuel cell. Then I have A 8-point cage (weld-in) on the way. custom made rear skirt (fiberglass) the body guy is going to come over this week and make A mold of the rear-end early this week so he can make the skirt before the car gets there. Then to top the whole thing off with A coat of early mopar sub-lime. They said they will be ready with A open space in about A month. I CANT WAIT TILL THIS IS DONE.
  7. carguyinok replied to 240Zlover's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Ok. now this is why I said ( in my opp. poor cuz you need to order A catalog in order to see what they have to offer ) M.S.A. dosnt seem to want to sell things(other then t-shirts and over stock) online.
  8. carguyinok replied to carguyinok's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I have had that site for some time tho. I was wondering if the vin had codes within the vin# like paint codes and so on. Now if this info is in that site please tell me where then you may reach out n smack me for being blind. :stupid:
  9. carguyinok posted a gallery image in Garage Pictures
  10. carguyinok posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    What can be told about A Z from the VIN#?
  11. carguyinok replied to 240Zlover's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The site for motor sports auto is http://zcarparts.com/ now the site is in my opp. poor cuz you need to order A catalog in order to see what they have to offer but they do have alot of parts that can be hard to find. just be sure to shop around they tend to be on the high side on some things. The front air dam you are looking @ is $134.95.
  12. carguyinok replied to 240Zlover's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    ya that looks like the one from msa part# 50-1401
  13. carguyinok replied to carguyinok's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    How cool. I didnt even look @ where you are from . I could use someone to bump heads with on this. See I just moved here just over A year ago from Las Vegas (long story tell ya later) All the ppl I have come across here as far as motorheads go are old-school v-8 ppl as I am. But I have A deep love for the Z's but beware for A purest I am not. This Z is mine and being done to my standerds. Just lastnight I had A group of guys over that have A speed shop/ custom body shop. We laid out the plan- There going to take the hood and cut & roll 2 openings one on each side of the front of the rise in the center of the hood making A hog-nose style hood scoop. side marker lamp holes welded/filled same with gas door and upper emblem holes. Now the gas tank I pulled yesterday morn. I am going with A 15 gal. fuel cell. In order to mount the cell they are going to cut out the drop down for the spare tire and weld in the hole making the hatch A solid flat area for the fuel cell. Then I have A 8-point cage (weld-in) on the way. custom made rear skirt (fiberglass) the body guy is going to come over this week and make A mold of the rear-end early this week so he can make the skirt before the car gets there. Then to top the whole thing off with A coat of 1970 Dodge charger sub-lime green. They said they will be ready to start doing this in about A month. I CANT WAIT TILL THIS IS DONE. p.s. no name (yet).
  14. carguyinok replied to carguyinok's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    this is how it sits now.
  15. carguyinok replied to carguyinok's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    As far as whats wrong with the su set-up. asfar as I can tell nothing. I got this car 9 mo. ago. The person I got it from had redone the whole driveline. He owns A perf. auto shop and had the motor fully blueprinted @ .020 over with top-end done to match with A killer cam fresh 4 speed & limited slip rear-end. After all that work the car went on the back burner for him. It sat covered in the corner of his shop for 5 years. I was in the shop and saw the Z lines with A cover over it and asked about it. Bang 8 years of looking for A rust free 240Z was over. Anyway the intake was bolted up with the early sus aftermarket cage style air cleaners and no vac. lines run. We got it started (needed to hear it run before money changed hands) after getting it home I started working on getting things set-up proper for the su's but just sick of playing with carbs and have not been able to find A spec. sheet for what vac. lines go where. I was just thinking with getting A running 83 non-turbo with A nasty body for the brake swap maybe go with the efi being I own all the parts. p.s. long term plans v-8 swap. but not for awhile. :beard:
  16. carguyinok posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Ok. Now I have A chance of getting A 83 zx. now I am looking at it for the brake parts you know rear swap. Now what about A swap of the fi system. #1 will the intake bolt up? if so can I keep my headers? yes the zx is non-turbo. sorry I have the su blues. :beard:
  17. carguyinok replied to driftmunky's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I have found http://www.newtier.com/graber/z-car/ and http://www.zcarkits.com/ and I have sold past kits (non-z) that I have done in the past with this guy. http://www.bobsclassics.com/ Now please use this site for lookin and seeing what is out there for he sells turn-key ready to drive kits Not kit bodys. If you see A ride you want ( and have the cash) he will give you A good deal And uses the same inclosed transports as the ferrari shop down the street.
  18. carguyinok replied to Doug's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    show the rear of your Z with (make any honda fast hook it here) under the pic. :beard:
  19. http://www.gti-vr6.net/GTI_vs_Civic/ just wish A z was in place of the vw. @ hit A cop car.
  20. 2 true on the atta-boy all that work should get A pat on the back & A hart felt Thank You. :beard:
  21. carguyinok replied to carguyinok's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes the rest of that site has to do with one of these http://www.zcarkits.com/ Now as to how I feel about this is mixed for I have done A ferrari kit car (69 dino) on A 73 bug pan. Now this kit looks nice & fun but with as much time & work it has taken me to find my 240Z I would never do this with my 240 but I do have my eye on A 280 with body damage for doing up with this kit. After the 240 is done.......:beard:
  22. carguyinok posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well, here http://www.newtier.com/graber/z-car/gauges.html the file is ziped and I have opened it and printed it but would clean it up some before putting it on photo paper to use. yes it fits but I would take them to A print shop for cutting and drilling.
  23. carguyinok posted a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  24. found this and thought I would share. sorry didnt see the pic in funnybone. I had it from another site.:stupid:
  25. carguyinok replied to kmack's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    I am looking forward to seeing other colors for the 350Z but that blue seems to hide the body lines. Now thinking of getting the new Z emblems for my 240. p.s. its fugly. but thats what I think of the 350Z . :stupid:

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