Everything posted by carguyinok
Weights of Your Z?
With my car as a shell. no motor, rear end, or interior. I can lift her by hand from the taillight holes. High enough for a friend to put jack stands under the rear. Then with a bar in the front bumper brackets I can do the same in the front. Kinda fun :classic: Makes ya feel real stong
White Face guages!!
OMG :sick: I still have a fullset of the White overlays that I printed off on photo paper about a year ago from a thred here. Matter of fact I have them in the back of my metal folder I use every day :stupid: Here they are selling on guages for 70 + :stupid:
If you have ever turned a wrench on a Z ... Help me
Have you looked to see if it's 180 off ? I cant see it starting 180 off. But with enough work maybe it could happen. If there is fuel back poping then you have valves outa time. So that would make me look at the chain \ cam. Maybe a tooth off as ED has said. It's just a real hard without being there and seeing\hearing whats going on. :cry:
If you have ever turned a wrench on a Z ... Help me
Do you have a timming light ? Is it still back popping fuel?
If you have ever turned a wrench on a Z ... Help me
NOPE. Your motor will see TDC TWICE once is for exhaust stroke then again for your compression stroke. 180 off you put it in on the exhaust stroke TDC. Real easy to find. Pull the valvecover & watch the valves for the #1 CYL. When you see the rockers NOT moving thats your compression stroke and where you want to find TDC. Dont feel bad or dumb. I think we all have been there and done this :cheeky:
need suggestions on tripple carbs.
IMO Your easy way out would be skip the headaches of sinc, link,and jetting. Go fuel injection :devious: Then you will get the performance your looking for and NO headaches. Unless your hung-up on the need for carbs and always wanting some thing to do under the hood. If thats the case I would be all over the BRE Manifold from wolf creek. :cheeky: As for carbs I feel thats more a matter of taste and know how for tunning vs. one better then another.
thinking about buying a z
ROFL ME THREE. But with the car being from there it only good for parts :sleepy: I would be willing to say your MUCH safer on your huffy even on the highway :dead:
headlight modification
That car pops out now and then That mod would be all on you. You wont find it for sale anywhere I know of. I have been thinking about a mod for mine aswell . I think I am going to work on putting that style light in. BUT keep the head light bucket and molding the light within the bucket. Then put clear headlight covers over that. I am thinkng along this line for looks. Less lights but thats the style I am thinking.
Hood pins
I have not done it with my Z YET. This is how I did it with my 73 vette. My Z is still under way and not that far yet. Sorry.
What kind of content do we allow?
I agree family is family. In my mind that gose not just Z vs. ZX but early Nissan\Datsun 240k skyline and so on. I like the little ad ons about the 240k and skylines. For me I love learning about cars I have never seen. I dont have anything to add with the posts on these cars but still read them for learning about something new to me:classic: I feel there is a small place in this site for the OTHER THEN Z postings. Heck, there are a few out there that dont have stock Z cars under there hoods :cheeky: and with that a few running ZX\Z's. So even tho the site is Classic Z some of us still need to talk about parts of the ZX or other Nissan cars. I feel so long as it drops back to Classic (pre 79) it has a place here and I will take some time to read. Now if I see something along the line of ( My headlight wont go up or down ) or (power window help) I would feel it has no place here. But at the same time I would just not read it or post on it and let it fade away rather then flame . See for me thats what hooked me on this site. People (for the most part) here dont flame :classic: and in the online world thats RARE. Even more so for car sites. I dont feel there is much of any need for change of this site. Thats not to say that there is no need for a real ZX site. I just feel the ZX is still such a cheap easy to find car that KIDS are still toying with them. So you will get a KID BASED site and with that it wont amount to much without a full time babysitter Please keep up the good work here. If its not broken dont try and fix it
Hood pins
I know this is off the track for this post. It is for the people that use hood pins. I have found if you are going with hood pins ONLY. Use some old valve springs. Mount one over each pin. This way your hood stays tight. It takes some work but adjust the main pins so the hood press's up on the clips. Then you just push down pull the clip & your hood will raise just enough to get your fingers under on its own. Plus it will help keeping the clips on and in place with the pressure along with no hood floating @ speed.
Headers /Exhaust suggestions
IMO Monza sucks :sick: I have wasted money on monza junk in the past and would stay far away from them. They work good - fair for the first 6 months or so then fall apart after that. YES YES YES :classic: Yes, its not cheap BUT think of it as the last header you will need to buy for many many years. Then back it up with stainless steel pipes and forget about for years to come :cheeky:
Where I have been
Again, thank you Carl & Billcapp. Billcapp, I may end up near you soon. In my job hunting I have found the highest pay & most jobs in your neck of the woods. So we may soon be doing car shows and or runs togather. Who knows :cheeky: And as for the pretty girls:love: Yes schools where there at :classic:
Free: fenders, hood, hatch, more...
As I said above I have no real need for them. If they can go where there needed please send them that way. I just couldnt let them go to scrap.
Where I have been
Why thank you Jeff. After learning how good this school is I felt I needed to go. I grew up on the water and love boating. With that I feel its a good fit for me. :cheeky: I also cant think of a another job where you are told " Take it out and open it up " as part of the final test of your work. :devious:
Free: fenders, hood, hatch, more...
If it comes down to sending them off to scrap I would be more then happy to pay for shipping as long as the metal parts are rust free. I dont NEED them but it would be nice to have spare parts if my baby ever gets a boo boo :disappoin
Where I have been
Hello people, Sorry I have been away for awhile now. I have been so busy as of late. After selling off and closing the detail shop I found out how few jobs where around here. So I put myself back in school. Turns out I have had one of the best schools in marine wrenching only 15 miles from my home. At this time I am a full time student at Northeast Technology Center in N.E. Oklahoma. I am at the end of my first semester in Marine Technologies program and will graduate in the spring of 2004. This program is backed by Mercury and is part of the Mercury University program. With this our classroom has well over $1,000,000.00 in Mercury products both stern drive and outboard with a complete Mercury library. Our library is kept up to date with service bulletins, microfiche, and service manuals along with being online with Mercury. Our teacher is a Mercury Master Technician and has held this for well over 10 years. I feel I am getting an education second to none with an adult only class of only fifteen people. Each student in our class was interviewed and hand picked by our instructor with over sixty people looking to enroll in this course. Mercury uses GM motors for there drive line so I have a huge heads up in that and we have 2000-2003 motors all over the shop 305s 350s 454s and even the new 502. There is also a ton of outboards from 5hp-250hp. Talk about getting to know how to tune and sinc multi. Carb. Set-ups. With our teacher being a part of Mercury he got us into the Mercury plant in Stillwater OK. Turns out Mercury is who GM asked to make the all aluminum 5.7 quad cam motor for the early 90s ZR1 corvette. It was so cool to stand in the same room where they made that motor along with talking with the people that made it from raw blocks of aluminum. I am not forgetting my Z at all. For that matter I have made a lot of headway on her. Turns out the teacher next door in welding is going to fabricate the new front frame rails for her as a part of his class. Then the auto body class is going to put it on the frame machine and weld it in for me. After that I am in the night class for fall in auto body with the ok to move her over for paint. So I am pressing to have her on the road for spring. Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and let you all know whats up with me and my Z. For now my camera is down but I hope to have it up soon and will post some photos soon.
need info. installing fuel inj. in 240z
homemade stand alone fuel injection computer I know two people that are useing this. They bolth bought it and had a computer guy put it togather for them. They say its easy and never fails. Plus you get to say you have a fuel managment system you can program with your computer. Also did it yourself for under $200. :cheeky:
Besides the Zcar, what are your favorite cars?
Give me the art-deco time cars. Speedsters and boat tails of the 30s & 40s. Love the Cord I also have a real soft spot for the classic pasta rockets. Got the look once with a dino kit over a vw but look is not even close :stupid: My love is with the Corvettes 61-62 are where its at for me . I had a 61 hardtop\softtop 283 4-speed and will get another someday. My 73 stingray was fun but after that the vette started going down hill IMO. My 88 was fun but just didnt do it for me. Porsche is another car of love for me. The first one was a 86 944 so so kinda cheap but fun driver. Now I had a 89 928sc and that was a car to die for. She would kick the azzend out and lay black marks @ 70mph on the highway. Buying it was easy paying for getting it worked on was nuts :tapemouth Sold it after one month. At this point I have my 73 240Z, 64 Impala 4door hardtop, 95 Neon ACR, 91 Subaru legacy, and 91 olds cut.
Blown Head Gasket!!!
Sorry to hear If I was doing it I would go all out. IMO I dont feel its much more work. Why wait for a major low end meltdown with a new head job:finger: . Bite it in the butt and get it done. You may find it just needs rings & bearings. Hold off, wait for damage and it wont just be rings :tapemouth
propeller shaft removal. Help
HEAT them with a torch then twist. If you get them red and work fast they will come off easy. Just dont forget there HOT when there about to fall off :stupid:
Modified 240Z pics
VERY VERY VERY NICE I love the hood. It has a real corvette 454 stingray look. Good flow of bodylines Touch of fairlady touch of corvette but all within the same timeline. Thank you for your great taste and love for the Z. So few Z cars get so lucky.
cant make up my mind
Hell NO ROFL Matter of fact I am trying to derice it The PO did a (custom) paint job. But it helped me get the price down. Now I am looking around for a body shop to paint the hood, roof, and trunk lid. He had a body shop paint those things flat black :stupid: on a white car. For now it almost looks kinda cop car :sleepy:. But with the 30,000 mile motor and trans I will put up with getting it painted. Till then people will keep slowing down in front of me till they can tell its NOT A COP.
cant make up my mind
I was thinking the same thing, but with gas @ almost $2 a gallon It would kill meROFL I know I couldnt keep my foot out of it. I did buy a fun little car today. 1995 2 door Dodge Neon ACR. Talk about fun I never knew a four banger could move like this. Yes that is the same ACR as with the Viper. Not that there even close :stupid: But you can tell its not your mom's Neon. It still pulls almost 30 MPG along with DIRT CHEAP insurance.
2 fuel pumps, 1 big problem
Is your mechanical pump working? Why the major hit on the elec fuel pump ? If you are not getting fuel to the mechanical pump that is not neccessarily the fault of your elec. fuel pump. For that matter the fuel pump your looking at is not NEEDED for the car to get fuel. The mechanical pump is up to the job on its own and can even pull fuel through the non working elec. pump. Not that I would just toss the elec pump :stupid: The Z cars are known for BAD BAD BAD gas tanks, pluged fuel filters, and lines. I would start with pulling the intake fuel line from the mechanical pump and blow air down the fuel line. Then hook it back up and see if you are getting fuel. I would put a new fuel filter on at the same time if you have not already done this. If you have not put a new one on yet keep the old one and bust it open and see what is on the filter. I have seen them look like mud inside. You can also run a line from a gas can to the mechanical pump and see if its working. Hope this helps, I know how much of a headache this can be.