Everything posted by carguyinok
maximum amount of nitrous?
Yes, as 2manyzs said "The bottom end is strong enough to take a fairly good sized shot, that is, if the fuel and ignition system is set up for it. " It can take it. But you will hurt it real fast without setting up the motor for nos. You could make a few runs hitting the nos and see good #s. But you will be pulling the motor out real soon for new piston rings (If your lucky). I have used nos on a few cars now and will tell you now. If your motor is not upgraded for nos dont do it. Most of the stock motors( that I have seen ) with nos will blow out the rings or burn holes in one or more pistons. A motor set up for nos will have the whole motor redone for the bottle. The biggest thing is your compression. If you want to run the bottle on you stock motor drop the compression as much as you can and you could make your motor last alittle longer. But you will find yourself with a bad motor sooner or later. I know this is not what you where looking to hear. Sorry just what I have found and looking to save you some money in the long run.
Z keys
Yes, on mine one key operates the 3 doors and the Ignition. The only other key for mine is for the locking gas cap (from the early 70s)
Running Very Rich
From the sound of things I would look at air regulator. It sounds more like a lack of air. This is just a shot in the dark. Adjustment of the air\fuel mix can be made at the air regulator. You will find this screw under a small rubber plug on the motor side if the sensor. clockwise is rich counterclockwise is weak. Hope it helps.
Z keys
Well, here is my key.:sleepy: It has been worn out as you can see. The top hole is now about twice the size.
Z keys
I have just started looking for the stock style key. The round top key with the Z cut in it. Mine shows its age so......anyone know who may have some blanks? I saw that msa has them with the locks but my locks are fine. :sleepy:
mounting an engine to a stand need info
Boy I tell ya what a time for this post. Only two days late. Yes get the strongest bolt you can find. I was just moving my motor from my shop back home. We left the top of the stand on the motor and took off the lower part (legs) and after we get the motor home we pulled it out the back of the truck till we could get the legs under it while on the tailgate. so far all is good. We lift the stand and motor up and pull it out from the truck bed and set it down on the driveway. No big deal. I grab the stand and start rolling it. the first crack I hit put enough bounce in it that the top two bolts broke. Thank god there where two others with me that saw it start going down and where strong enough to slow the fall enough that nothing was broken or cracked. I will just call it the luck of the unlucky that nothing broke other then the bolts.
A/C...stay or go?
I would say that if you are going for the total stock car. Then keep it and fix it. If you are not going to fix it then pull it and set it aside. If you want real A\C for your Z then spend the money on a newer aftermarket A\C system. I have found most all A\C systems out of the 70s dont hold up or put out the cold air near as good or long as the newer ones. The newer pumps will take far less HP and cool much better in all rpm ranges where with the stock pump you may aswell shut if off when sitting still. And thats when you feel the heat in a Z as we all know.
2X0Z Wanted !
I would be happy to take a rust free Z in that price range aswell.
Engine detailing
Look here. http://www.240z.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4492 sandpaper is the ticket. You can just polish but it will take you forever. The other part is keeping the shine. I use 3M perfect it automotive glaze or dri wash n gaurd by DWG international. The key is keeping the air off the raw metal. With paint style sealers you can get a fog haze or chipping over time. Have fun take your time and have a happy new year.
350z on car n driver
9:00 AM Channel 25 TNN Sunday, 29 Car and Driver Television 30 min. Segments include new-vehicle tests and classic-car retrospectives, as well as technical advice. (VCR Plus+ 824233) Rating: TV-G Category: Motor Sports & Auto info Additional Airings Date Time Channel VCR Plus+ Saturday, 4 11:30 AM 25 TNN 372181 Sunday, 5 11:00 AM 25 TNN 923495 Saturday, 11 11:30 AM 25 TNN 380362 Sunday, 12 11:00 AM 25 TNN 924386 This is for central time and the 350z is the first part of the show. sat the 4th should be a repeat
350z on car n driver
Car and driver television is doing a showcase test on the 350z this week. They say nothing but good things and the sound is well watch it and get goose bumps. This from someone who dosnt like the 350Z.
selling off the shop
As most of you know I have a detail shop in N.E. Oklahoma that I started not long ago. I was just told by the land owner that the land my shop (and three others) sit on have been sold. This is a sad day for me. I have looked around and found nothing for a shop that will work for me near my home. So now the hard part. I am selling off the whole deal in one shot. I can ship anywhere in the US. Here is a link with the list and photos. I just put this site up for this. http://groups.msn.com/THEDETAILSHOP/_whatsnew.msnw I am selling off a turn key detail shop with products and tools. Every thing here is under one year old and still in use. I can stop and ship at anytime. There is money out there just waiting to be made. I have been charging well over $125.00 per car and booked up 5 days a week with 2-3 cars per day and two employees working full time till now. I just wanted to list this here before I put it on e-bay. If you would like to make a offer please E-mail me @ carguyinok@msn.com.
I think that is one of the best looking body kits for the Z that I have seen. Nice and clean. I like the rear roll pan. The only thing I dont care for are the tail lights. But thats just my taste.
Advice on painting a 240?
I have talked with MANY painters nad would say that 90% of them have said the same thing. The STOCK paint is the best primer there is for street cars. The stock paint is stuck on the metal better then any primer could hope for without lots of money. They will (at a good shop) sand the stock paint down just enough for the wax and road junk are gone then sand out or fill chips and dents resand light wipe down with prep then shoot. This works for cars with stock paint in good \ fair paint with light fade or little damage. Not for the bad heat damage sun cracked paint. This is just what I have found out with doing many repaint for resale jobs for dealers over the years. The dealers I have worked for dont take paint jobs light. If you can look at the car and tell its been painted then its a bad \ rush job. In looking for a good shop. Take your time and ask around. Once you find one you like ask to look at there work. When you ask to see there work I would ask them to see a job in the same price range you are looking in. This way they dont show you some insurance job there getting big money for. Hope it helps and good luck.
Cleaning parts
Yes, the EPA is a real pain in the well neck at times. I cant say for sure on the sandblaster cabinet. I own a mac sandblaster mine is more for the body parts not the inclosed one. I have used them and been very happy with the ease of the work. But you can only blast what fits in the box. If I was looking at spending money for cleaning smaller parts and keeping the epa happy I would look into a parts cleaner. They are not alot of money and can make life easy vs. a drip pan and can of brake parts cleaner. here is a link if you would like to see what I am doing with my carbs. I will post some more photos of the intake soon. http://www.240z.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4492
One car I love equally as a Z
well, not sure about the loss of the name gt40. but here is a photo from ford as they pulled back the cover on what they called the new gt40. Yes this car is another dream. I would rather have the old gt40 for me. (computer free HP here please)
Advice on painting a 240?
This is in better light. my 35mm takes much better photos. but the scaner is junk. :stupid: That was at lake mead in vegas. 2001
One car I love equally as a Z
Advice on painting a 240?
Spend the money. You will never be happy with what you will get with the $199 price. But if you are doing the same color that is on the car the price should be lower then a color change. Yes the should shoot the jams with the respray but if it is the same color they can just fade it in. This takes much less time and paint. With the trim you can save some big money with a good shop if you pull the basic things. Glass, You can pull the side glass and trim yourself easy. I would find someone who works with glass for pulling the front and rear unless you feel lucky. Pull the lights front side and rear. With this done have it towed in for prep and paint. I would ask the body shop to pull the emblems and any other striping on the body and put it back. You may pay more put its worth the money. They can be a real headache and unless they come off the paint will not get a good seal there. The prep work. You can do some your self if you want. I have found most would rather see the car the way it sit's without the glass and lights. It can be hard to find a shop that will paint over your prep work and stand behinde the paintjob. I have done this with my 74 corvette in the past (on the west coast) and the shop gave my car $1500 worth of work/paint for $800. This is just what I did for my driver/toy not show car paint just looking damn good at a fair price. All said and done I had about $1800. total in the redo for the body and glass. If you are wanting tint on your glass this is the time with it out. Here again less money if they dont need to deal with the whole car. Hope it helps. Have fun me&myvette.bmp
Caught the bus this morning
There is an easy test for your alternator. Start the car the take the positive cable off the batt. if the car stalls out asap then 90% that the alt is bad. Now this is just a road side testing thing. Nothing set in stone just a easy way to track it fast with little or no tools. Hope it helps.
oh no salt
I was watching the news here in Oklahoma and we are getting our first winter storm tonight. They said we should see heavy ice and light snow. But not to worry because they have 90 tons of salt for the roads around here. I just am so happy (for the first time in months) that my Z is stuck indoors.
Wheels Wanted
Try talking with them. http://www.fixrim.com/ they have helped me in the past with wheels I didnt think could be fixed.
Just finished my V-8 swap...
FUNNY I had the same dream the other night.
71 Japan GrandPrix (kenji tohira) replica
( I have plenty more pics of the Japanese circuit race cars, and particularly of the "Works" circuit race cars. However, I'm not going to start putting them up here as its probably not the best thing to do. ) Why not? :sleepy: We love our Z cars here and I think you could spark some new heat in some people that have just given up. Why keep the photos and storys locked away?
Reccomended clutchs?
Another vote for centerforce here. I have used centerforce and can say they last. I pulled my motor and trans a few months back and the centerforce clutch looked like new after 30,000 hard miles. You will get what you pay for.