Everything posted by carguyinok
New Seats are in!!!!!
Yes, the door shuts just fine and no touching or rubbing here.
Clock repair for Z's
I hope one day soon I will be sending my clock off for you to work your magic on it. Untill then atleast I know it's still correct twice a day.
New Seats are in!!!!!
I have not mounted the belts yet. I am planing on dealing with that when I bend up the roll bar. I was thinking about putting a cross tube just in front of the seat mount. Then welding a mounting tab on that.
Branson Z fest 2009 Whos in?????
I will ask and see whats going on. The monster truck world took a hard hit about a month ago now. One of the big promoter's that did most of the shows around this part of the country was killed at one of the shows last month. He wasnt looking and walked out in front of one of the monster trucks that was running. Yes, it ran him over and he is no longer with us. So needless to say things are still getting worked out for shows over the next few months. Yes, we have done Springdale before and would guess that it will happen again. But not sure about any dates at this point. I will keep you in mind tho and get you a heads up when I know more.
240Z Wire Diagram
Thank you so much!!!!! Yes this is just what I needed. Now I can trace things back and know what I am looking for.
Laid off! 240Z For Sale in Kansas
Sorry to see your selling your Z. I know that it must be hard parting with your baby. So how much are you looking for ? We dont live that far away and I have had people asking about mine. So I could atleast tell them about yours. But thats almost always the first thing they ask about is price.
240Z Wire Diagram
So I have been looking for a good wire diagram for my 72 240Z. This is the diagram that keeps popping up and its useless. Nothing on this one makes any sense. I am working on my coil and points. I am not getting any power when I have the key on. Plus when I put the key on start I get no power on the starter wire. All I am looking to do is run a jumper power wire so I can get spark and hear this motor run. I have a remote starter switch for the starter. With what this diagram shows I should be able to take the Black\white at the resistor and run pos 12 volts at that point. Now if I do that I get the coil acting like a short with the wire getting warm and starting ta smoke if left hooked up. I had thought I should be able to run a hot wire to the resistor. Then from the resistor to the POS. on the coil. With the NEG side of the coil going to the dis. What am I doing wrong here???? This is driving me nuts!!!! I need this car running!!!! please help. http://www.zeroyon.com/techfiles/1970240zwiringdiagram.gif
Branson Z fest 2009 Whos in?????
Well, I am on the team as in the pits when I am needed. A friend of mine from here in Miami has the the Alter Ego monster truck. So when he needs help I am there. Basic stuff tire changes oil change service between runs and such. I wish I was listed as a driver. But more then happy just being in the pit's for now. If you would like I can find out if he is booked for any shows at the time of Zfest. It's not cheap booking one for show. But being he is close I am sure that would cut cost alittle. Just a thought.... Maybe get a few RX-7s and Hondas for him ta run over....
Branson Z fest 2009 Whos in?????
I may hit the drag strip this year just to see what the numbers look like. But, I know I will feel foolish running the Z when we have a drag car sitting at the shop. We took the fastest street car at Mokan dragway last year. Street car class meaning it was driven to the track. Shes a 85 Olds cutless that was running a all motor with no power adder's with a 9.5 in the 1/4. Later we found it had a blown head gasket and running those times. Now it's apart and getting a turbo motor that gona be around 1100HP at the wheels. Again sorry if I was giving the wrong impression of your event and see you there.
Branson Z fest 2009 Whos in?????
Hey, I understand 110% as I said I hope I didnt get anyone tossed in the fire other then myself at this point . I have done 100's of events with a background in classic car and motorcycle auctions for over 16 years now. Plus being on a monster truck team and co owner of a hot rod shop here. I know just what your saying and bolth understand and respect it. At one of our events if I see you with a beer and your a driver your gone If it's not an event that I am a part of and I see drinking and HP mixing, I am gone. I have seen it go wrong far too many times Plus it's almost always some drunk crashing a pos into a toy thats worth more then they make in a year so....... Please dont be upset with me and I can tell you that I am not that ahole doing burnouts and acting the fool. I know that there is a time and a place for everything and safty is first with me. With that said. Thank you for being a part of this event! Yes, I am pushing for people from all around to come out and enjoy the good times, good people, and amazing roads your event has to offer. Oh yah and the Z's :stupid:
Z mecca u tube clip
Wow, I thought I had a sickness with all my toys. Now, I dont even feel like I am in the running!!!!! VERY VERY NICE collection!!!!!
240 electric radiator fan
I dont know about all electric set-up's. I do alot of off road and rock crawling. I did the all elec. on my off road truck because of the low speeds with that stuff. But, after almost blowing a motor because of a bad fan motor I went back with the belt drive fan. Then I added a dual elec. fan set up on the outside as a pusher. One elec. fan stays on all the time and if I see her getting warm I turn on the other fan. I have found that the late 80's and early 90's ford taurus had a nice dual fan set-up on them. One that runs all the time and a backup fan thats made to kick on with the AC on. Real easy wire up and good shroud that should be a nice fit on a Z. Here are the pusher fans on my off road rig. They are the ford ones and thin enough that you could fit one or even two if you like.
Branson Z fest 2009 Whos in?????
Let me know if you need anything I have parts cars. Anything ta help a fellow zed head make it
Branson Z fest 2009 Whos in?????
Well, thats not what we went on last year in my friends 350Z. They had 2 roads that we had the rule of. Maybe it wanst to be a part of the fest I dont know. But we took a short drive outside Branson and found two sets of closed roads that had NO other traffic with guys drifting hairpins and no oncomming traffic. Hope I didnt start any headaches for anyone.
New Seats are in!!!!!
Thank you, they are nice and wrap around you very well. But, I will be the first to say they are alittle thin in the seat. I know they will be very nice for holding you in on a road corse or hard in the corners. But, think a road trip would take a few more stops or you would have a sore rearend after a few hours nonstop. I have also found you need the seat back up where it should be. If you recline them like I would in stock seat they lose that hug feeling from the upper part of the seat. I have been looking for them on ebay and found a few that are close. But wont trust the stock photos alot of those auctions use. I think they are the same ones that you would get from JEG's and Summit. Please keep in mind they do fit well in the car and feel wonderful for ME. But I am also a smaller guy @ 5'9" 170lbs. I think a large person would find them on the snug side.
New Seats are in!!!!!
I will be at the shop working on the Z today and see what I can find for a brand. As I said I picked them up a few years ago and e-bay dosnt keep history that far back. I dont think they had any markings or tags on them. But I will see what I can find.
Good history vid
I liked the " We are the only car company out there that owns a letter of the alphabet"
Photo headaches!!!!!
Ok, thank you. Sorry but I didnt get it in the 1st posting. Please keep in mind it's alittle early and I am on the slow side b4 my coffee.
Branson Z fest 2009 Whos in?????
You should bring your 72 rust n all. There is ALOT more then a car show going on. They have a road corse that runs some of the mountain pass's. Closed off for the public and running without speed limits !!!!!! just pick your class for speed and go have fun in the twisting hills. IMO that alone is worth the trip. So far I am going with a friend who has a 350Z and I plan on having my 72 there aswell.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
I understand the fight going on here and think it's a valid fight that could go on another 6 years easy. I am not about to join in on any of that. Been there done that and know better. BUT, is there any chance that we could get it going in it's own post? This was a post for racing photos of the past. Now there are pages of text with a few pics here and there.
Photo headaches!!!!!
I went back and read the post in the link that Mike B put up. Here is the answer from that one. "The idea behind approving the photos is to assure they are put into the correct category. I've seen a lot of people uploading photos into their root gallery but never giving them a category. It gives us a better system if we can keep them categorized." So, in the end it's more about being categorized then anything. "there is a way around the approval thing though. Upload your pictures as normal and wait for them to be approved then after that start a new thread and place your pictures in the thread as attachments then you will be able to see them and link to them all at the same time with no waiting." Come again?
Branson Z fest 2009 Whos in?????
I know this was from last year. But it's near the same thing other then bands. http://www.bransonzfest.com/ Branson Z Fest 2008 Activities Branson Z Fest 2008 will be bringing some curves your way this year! We have some great Ozark Mountain rides waiting for you. There are also some new and exciting twists at this year's event, including a NEW Location! So if this will be your first time, your second time or if you’re an old pro, we can’t wait to show you what we have in store for you in 2008! Wednesday – Open registration Cruise “The Rock” New to BZF Cruises! Over 60 miles of twists & turns, running over and around famous Table Rock Lake, beautiful views with tons of picture opportunities! Youngblood Nissan “Meet & Greet” The "Meet and Greet" will be held at BZF Hospitality House. Join us for some snacks and a good time meeting new friends or catching up with old ones. Thursday – Registration “The Peel Ferry” Cruise Have you ever heard the saying “Over the river and through the woods?” Well here is our best BZF interpretation of that! This cruise is beautiful and offers both driver and passenger a wonderful time! Enjoy hundreds of Ozark Mountain twists and turns, wonderful photo ops, a ride over the lake on the last operational ferry in the state of Missouri and a wonderful detour from everyday life. Tour of “57 Heaven” New to BZF in '08! Take our time warp back to 1957 and enjoy a free tour of the "'57 Heaven" car lot. This is a wonderful collection of the classic American automobile. Enjoy a walk through the museum and a tour of the lot! Friday- The “Zoomreka” Cruise This cruise is a favorite among the BZF alumni. This cruise is a shining example of the Ozark Mountain back roads. Why take the interstate when you can take scenic back roads to fine food, shopping & entertainment in Eureka Springs, AR! Friday night we will have a few choices for you. Whether you prefer to sit back and relax or you have a need for speed there is a little something for all! The “NISMO Shoot Out” Want to see who has the fastest, wildest ride! Join us for some fast times at the IHRA ¼ mile Drag Strip. Hosted by NISMO, IHRA and Youngblood Nissan. Join us and see who can beat the “Evil Twin’s” time from last year. Friday May 9th Track time: 2:30pm The track will be reserved for "Z's, G's and SX's" for the first few hours Friday afternoon. Then let's see how you stand up to the local competition! This is your chance to see just how fast the old (or new) Nissan really is! Have you got a buddy that thinks his Z31 will whip your Z32? Ever wonder if the "G" is faster than the "Z"? This is the safe place to find out who is "King of the Hill"! Never been down a race track before? No problem. We will teach you just about everything you need to know. If you don't want the hassle or don't feel comfortable next to some one, we can do single runs just as easily. If you don't feel like you need to prove anything to anyone, we have seating right along the track to support your friends and take photos. This year we are adding some new classes - G35 and 240SX cars. The 240SX class will be split into the two groups S13 and S14. Who do you think has the fastetst car in each class of car? We will be looking for the fastest 1/4mph speed, best reaction time and the best 60 foot time. Later on we will find out who is "King of the Hill"! The current record set for a BFZ entry is an 11.39@128mph by James Roraback in his blue 280ZX back in 2006. Can that run be beat this year? Track Rules: 1. A helmet is required if your car is quicker than 13.99. We recommend a helmet any time you race. There will be 2 or 3 "track" helmets available. 2. Seat belts are required in all cars. 3. Sorry, no passengers on the track with out special permission. 4. If your car has air conditioning, we ask that you turn it off. Water that has accumulated in the condenser may dump onto the starting when you launch. Often this may be right in front of your own rear tires. So please turn the air off if you are racing. Fuel: "110 octane" and "alky" are available for real race cars. In Case of Trouble: There is an air compressor in the bottom of the tower and water on site if you have lost any along the way. Orielly's Automotive is located within 10 minutes from the track - just in case. The track fee will be $12.00 to race and $8.00 for spectators. You can make as many passes as possible. The "ZOOM Drive In" Don't want to go to the track? Then join us for a New Event this year. The “Zoom Drive- In” that is on site at our new location. Sit back and enjoy an American Classic - "American Graffiti" in the comfort of your Z or from a lawn chair. Saturday- The “BZF'08 Car Show" Do you think you have a great car? Then join us for the car show. We can't wait to see what you have done to your Z over the last year. This year’s car show has an AmaZing new location, featuring a paved lot designed for car shows with a stage for announcing who won all of the BZF'08 Car Show Awards. We also have TONS of fabulous prizes, from our sponsors, that we will be giving away all day long from the stage. Here’s the best news, the lot it is on location, at the hotel, on the Branson strip. According to Missouri traffic surveys, 30,000 people drive by this location everyday! So come and show us your Z! "BZF'08 Awards" Now for the good stuff, the awards! Join us for a witty awards ceremony directly following the car show. Come and see who the winners are! This is a great time to see the organizers make fools of themselves while awarding you for your wonderful car! (Include a brief list of the awards to be given out) “NISMO PalooZa” To cap off a wonderful car filled day we have added yet another NEW activity, a live concert! Blues and Jazz opening act - The Linda Sala Jazz Project. Later we have Funk R&B act - Pearl.
Wire wheels are off and Mags are on
- Photo headaches!!!!!
OK, I have been asked to use our site gallery for posting my photos. I dont mind that and would rather do things that way. BUT when you load a photo it needs aproved before you can use it. I wouldnt mind that what so ever if it didnt take days for this to happen. :stupid: I understand things get backed up and you may not have enough people that can do this. BUT!!!!! it makes NO since at all that when you load a photo it gets put up on the main page BEFORE it's aproved Then you click on that photo in the main page and it say's image pending??? :stupid::stupid::stupid: Why not just let people that have say over 100 postings get preaproved for posting photos ? I cant help but think it would cut down alot of your work load. Once a person has that many postings here they know how it works anyway.- Wire wheels are off and Mags are on
Thank you on all the info guy!!!! Zedyone, I will get with you on those caps. I am willing to bet they will work. 2fast, I am not sure where you live. But, if you would like those wire wheels make me an offer. I would like to send them out and have them redone. But I just dont see myself doing that and would love to see them go to good use. Amjc, Thank you on the heads up with Dayton. But at this point I wont deal with them anymore. I have a good friend who plays with the lowriders and they have been working on getting his wheel order correct for the last 7 months. If they cant pull parts from their own stock in 7 trys I dont think I would trust them with a custom job. I wish you luck with your snap on covers. I have seen more then one person try that pipewrench on plastic covers . Mgood I will put that number in my files TY - Photo headaches!!!!!
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