Everything posted by carguyinok
- LHDSkyline1
- LHDSkyline
- brickyard350z
A car I grew up watching come to life.
1500 HP rag top GTO This is a car I grew up as a young man watching it go from raw motor block to what you see here. In no way am I saying I have done any work at all on it. Only that I was a 16 year old kid watching this thing come to life down the block from where I grew up. I would lay in bed at night and dream of this thing because I was always watching and drooling. It blew my mind to see her up for sale. After watching her come to life over the YEARS. Only to find it almost 16 years later. I hope you enjoy the photos half as much as I did the trip back in time. O yah, yes it was street driven ALL THE TIME in the summers. I am not saying I would pay the asking price :stupid: But I do know he spent many many years getting it to this point. It is just fun to come across a car that had a real impact on my love for hot rods.
Monster Garage
I enjoy American chopper. As a bike nut its fun seeing what can come from a endless bank account. For American hot rod. I watched the first one and the 2nd one. The first one made me think it should have been called American Kit Car :sleepy: Atleast now they are going with a real car. I just wish they would make a show about the REAL people doing projects that are from the hart. Not this money is no object stuff. Hell, Give me a key to bank of america, my own CNC metal shop, and a crew of people working for me and sure I could make some cool cars or bikes. Who here couldnt ?
Barret Jackson Auction is ON!
:stupid: :sleepy: As I was watching the Auction just now. They are answering ? from E-mails. One person was asking about the JAP collector cars and about the lack of them at the auction. The answer was " Well, at this point we would like to see a Toyota 2000GT. But the only other car that would fit is the Datsun 240Z & 260Z but we dont feel enough of them have rusted away YET for them to be a true collector car at this point." :sleepy: The TV is now off :mad:
New Graphics on my Z
DECALFX Look in side graphics 2004.
OK, I'm mad now......
IMO, It's nothing more then a new toy for showing off how much money some people THINK they have to waste:sick:
- class room 2
- my class room
Headliner fall out
Just so you know. Yes, carpet cement will hold it. But will also bleed threw and show :sick: I have never seen a headliner drop off the foamboard without the foam being bad in one way or another.
- Motor b4 pull
- poor kitty
Headliner fall out
The only thing I would add here. Rather then just brushing it. Use some 500 grit sandpaper on it then brush it clean. You need to remove as much bad foam as you can. Or you will be doing it again real soon
Just a look back
Just a look at just how far we have come in 100 years with our cars Historical Automotive Trivia - 1904 Production - 22,130 Passenger Cars 700 Trucks Autocar - Pioneers circulating lubrication system for engines. Cadillac Automobile Company - Fire at plant delays production and forces company to return dealer deposits on 1,500 cars. Cadillac Motor Car Company - Formed from merger of Leland & Faulconer Manufacturing Company with Cadillac Automobile Company. Crawford Automobile Co. - Organized by Robert S. Crawford Demountable rims - New industry adoption. Appeared on many new models. Detroit Y.M.C.A. - Establishes a school for automobile mechanics. Ford Motor Company - Opens first branch on Jefferson Avenue in Detroit, MI. Hartford Shock Absorber - Introduced by E. V. Hartford. Henry Ford - Drove his “Arrow†a mile in 39 2/3 seconds on the ice on Lake St. Clair, MI National Association of Retail Automotive Dealers New industry name Packard “Grey Wolf†- Breaks the one mile speed record 13 times in two days on Florida’s Ormond-Daytona Beach. Pope-Hartford - Criticized by competitors for including lamps as standard equipment. Prest-O-Lite Company - Organized, to perfect a safe method of using acetylene gas for automobile headlights, by Carl Graham Fisher and James A. Allison. Ransom E. Olds - Sells his interest in Olds Motor Works and organized Reo Motor Car Co. Stevens-Duryea Company - Organized to make cars with four and six cylinder engines. Unit construction of engine, clutch and transmission housings was introduced. Studebaker - An old line buggy maker, sells it’s first gasoline motor vehicle. Vanderbilt Cup Race - First race is run on Long Island. Won by G. Heath in a 90 horsepower French Panhard. White - Introduces their first bus. William K. Vanderbilt, Jr. - Drove a Mercedes at Daytona Beach for a new record: a mile in 39 seconds. Now think about the fact that there are people alive NOW that have seen this all happen Even if they where just born in 1904. IMO we have come along way in a very short time.:beard:
- Kiss @ the vegas track
John Lingenfelter passed away
We are sad to announce What A life he did live. I for one am sad to see this. In my book he will always have a page or two in automotive history. His latest & last Corvette package. 1997-2003 Corvette Twin Turbo LS1, ZO6 427 CID 725 BHP / 650 lbs-ft of torque 0-60 MPH 3.2 seconds with street tires 1/4 mile 9.50 @ 145 MPH with street tires Estimated top speed 230+] 1997-2003 Corvette LS1 & LS6 package prices Manual transmission $49,995.00 $48,995.00 sale price
How do you Poilsh Valve Cover?
Yes it takes some sanding. The biggest PITA is around the letters and where the bolts go in :sleepy: Once it's done it's worth the time. I went as far as grinding off where the plug wires screw on. Looks killer Try a 500 grit then 800 and then back with mothers
Real aircraft carrier for sale
For sale aircraft carrier WOW, Now I think I have seen eveything there is for sale on E-bay
ford pattern and datsun the same?
I am not sure, it has been along time since I have been in to get one. It's been over 2 years so.... But that's when I found this out. I was in Autozone looking up parts and found the crossref. on oilfilters. I looked up the number for the Z then used the crossover book and found the ford part#. At that time they had bolth on the shelf. So I put them side by side and there twins.
ford pattern and datsun the same?
Thats a can of worms there There are some that will say no other's that say yes. But you can use the ford part # cross it over to your choice on brand. IMO it just makes life easy knowing the ford filter will always be on the shelf. VS asking for a Datsun part and hope they have it in stock.
No, I am not the type to judge a person. But you know how after just a few you can tell if there just :stupid: Well this kid was dumb If he was acting he should be a movie star This car was late 80's - early 90's. If it did get a motor swap it was done at least 7-8 years ago. You could tell it had many years sitting in that car. So that would mean he did it when he was like 10 or 11 years old Now the way this is looking I need to do some BIG TIME homework on finding where this car is sitting. The thing that get me is it looked 110% stock and showing its age all around. Yet it couldnt be a import because it was lefthand drive. If it was a import wouldnt it be righthand drive? Another thought I have had is his grandfather may have done the swap back when the car was near new. One way or another I know I need to find it .
Thats the reason I ask I dont know what in the heck it was. Other then the FACT that it had six plug wires with SIX plugs down the center of two cams. Fuel injected with a intercooled turbo. It looked 110% bone stock and far from a show car.
Ok, So after 87 you could get a dohc. Now was there a zx with the DOHC ? Or just in the 240sx ? I am just thinking of boneyard hunting for a dohc and wondering what I should ask for.
this sure looks familiar
Well I will wait and see what people that know say. The way I understood it. The site's pic was done by the original artist or done with permission from the original artist. With that it would be far from a "Knock off". For me I am just saying I would buy one from the site for supporting the site and nothing more. OMG :stupid: :stupid: NO,I didnt see the size Sorry Mike but it would need to be bigger then that