Everything posted by bigoak
[SOLD] 1971 240Z for Sale. Fresh Restoration.
Unless I missed a link to a gallery, I'd suggest a lot more photos of all the critical spots (floors?)...
77 vs. 78 280z purchase...feedback needed
Both have rust and it always goes beyond what has been identified/fixed. On #1: rust on passenger door, hatch and fuel door but not on frame rails, battery tray and floor? Possible: yes, likely: not very. On #2: frame rails fixed. Depends on how thorough the job was and what other problems there are. Again, not likely the rust was limited to just the frame rails but slitly more possible than the case above. Either, get a good look at the underside of the cars before spending any money.
1971 240Z - $3000 Beaverton OR
www.searchtempest.com Allows you to search multiple Craigslist locations at once. Pretty handy site.
More halfshaft issues
Had a similar issue on my 240Z...the description on the 280 above is similar. Had to play with mine a bit including a bit of hammer work but what seemed to make a difference was rotating the half-shaft and trying to pry off from different angles. Once I found the right angle it popped off. Good luck.
Morton Crashes...
Jeeesssusss.... Swollen hand, bumps on the knee and head...from that? Amazing. Whoever made sure the safety setup was in shape deserves a medal (or a beer). Good thing John isn't 6'4"....
Hissing sound
I'd guess not a vacuum issue...power supplied but sounds like engine isn't running so no vacuum....
Z-con info....need some ammo
http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showpost.php?p=335415&postcount=99 722 participants Car count 300+ (unofficial #'s will be higher as there were numerous unregistered vehicles)...
What is going on guys!?
Gotta ask why the second login? http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/member.php?u=19298
Hissing sound
All you need is a screwdriver and possibly an adjustable wrench to change out those fuel lines. Do a search and make sure to de-pressurize the fuel system (or you'll be wearing some...) Easy stuff...
ZCON 2010 July 28th-Aug 1st Nashville,TN
Absolutely awesome time at ZCON...big thanks to all the organizers and volunteers (particularly the very patient judges who walked some of us car show neophytes through the process and scoring) as well as the great Nissan personnel who kept us hydrated and cool. The hotel was very good (the pool although very cold, was very welcome...) and the off-site events all worthwhile. Having a little more flexibility on capacities for the organized dinners might have been welcome, but if that is the worst criticism I can come up with, I don't have much to criticize at all...job well done. Agree on the name tags...a number of people had "aka" to their names, but not enough (myself included). That responsibility sits with the participants, not the organizers. At least Bonzi Lon had his vanity plate which made his easier...learning for next time... Rides were long but not bad with the T-roofs out...11.5 hrs seat time / 14 hrs clock time (outlet shopping for the missus...) on the way home. Looking forward to next year in Savannah...time to start working on the cars now...
No affiliation - ebay listing for probable Black Pearl
And just how do you procure a duplicate title if you found a car in a house you were about to demolish...hard to imagine he has the rights to the title...
Question on this car
Think that might be optimistic...if restored less than 7k miles ago, how do you get rust that quickly on the fender...
Tall Z enthusiast
Totally agree with Sailor Bob...it's torso length that matters...i'm a tight fit in the S30's, never sat in a S130, fit well in a Z31 and Z32 and don't fit in a Z33 or Z34 (sniff)...I'm only 6'2" but have normal-guy legs (32" in-seam)... Do a quick search...there are enough of all the models still kicking around that you should be able to find one to sit in to check...
Bolt size
Does anyone know the bolt size for the bolts that hold in the injectors (2 per injector) on a '77 280z? Forgot to grab one leaving the house this a.m. Thanks,
Hi from Sask
A little further east here...good to have another Canuck aboard... Makes for a badass DD...
How much is this 240z worth?
For what it's worth...you are NEVER saving money buying a cheap, rusty Z... Depends what you want to do with the thing, but once the cancer starts, it's expensive as hell to fix (relative to just buying a solid shell and working the mechanicals to your liking... Either way, good luck, have fun, and look up our local club at www.ontariozcar.com We have a regular meets and a number of events. You'll certainly find guidance, parts and the odd extra set of hands... Where in Ontario are you located?
Respectful way to haul Z parts
yeah, but you get shunned by all the chevys....
Back again - this time a 260Z
Wow...original key...score...
Back again - this time a 260Z
Yeah...but now your username just doesn't work...what a dilemma...
First timer needing help please...
K...now I'm intrigued...
Car will not rev past 4000 rpm
If it hit a RPM wall so to speak, the cause is likely electrical. Either the vacuum advance is not working or your points are worn out (likely the latter). Fuel restriction (clogged filter, etc.) is a possibility but will usually occur across a range of RPM levels. Check the points.
High RPM punchless
Was having the same issue...it was my points that were worn...swapped over to a Pertronix...issue solved...
Was the site down today?
Shame is a very powerful thing...oh look, my name is red...
Was the site down today?
Damn Danica Patrick...she's so anti-Z...
- Earthquake Alert in CA?