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Everything posted by bigoak

  1. This thread almost makes me happy I drive my Z in Canada... oh...wait... BTW...Unbelievable detail Carl. An education on A/C. Thanks!
  2. Now that's how you sell a Z... All flaws well documented so you know what you are getting. Not a steal at $6K, but very fair considering you know whats need to go into it. If possible, it would be great to know what the selling price is as I believe they will realize something in the ballpark of asking. This in turn may drive better disclosure and overall better prices on resale (I believe there is a general discount in Z car pricing due to the impression that they all have hidden issues...). Good luck with the sale Katy.
  3. bigoak replied to junkyarddog's post in a topic in Introductions
    Kind of reads funny, but he just joined now to find a good home for the Z. Make sure you post lots of pics (use photobucket or a similar service) and good luck finding her a home.
  4. Put your pictures on photobucket.com and use the "img" links here. Photobucket will "right-size" the shots and they will post right up. Too bad you can't keep the car. Kick you neighbour in the shin and good luck with the sale.
  5. Touché
  6. I understood that to mean he had verified firing order...again a seemingly common problem though...
  7. bigoak replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Mental note, avoid Will's bad side or at least keep back to the wall...
  8. Agreed with Arne, most likely timing. Alternatively could the carbs be way out of whack? You say fuel, check. Where? In the bowls? (this seems to be a frequent issue, search the forums). Can't wait to hear you got her going.
  9. Shhh....don't let my wife hear you...
  10. Describe what you are getting (or not). Any power at all? Lights? Starter clicking? Spark?
  11. bigoak replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wife's order from Motorsport is arriving on Friday. Car covers for the '71 and '87. A hat and some other "goodies" that she hasn't fully explained yet. Might go a ways to explain the t-shirt and the large piece of a$$...
  12. Not sure, but likely went out with a smile on his face...
  13. bigoak replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Bang on... I think we have a 12 year old in our midst... What are the qualifiers to get banned?
  14. 40 Z's? He clearly sick and needs help...give him my name and I'll relieve him of some of his pain... Good luck with the new ride. A very merry Christmas.
  15. bigoak replied to anthony280z2+2's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I knew my comments might be irksome... Yankee...that is the best looking 2+2 I've seen...very nice car...(you could shave that same weight off the coupe mind you...).
  16. bigoak replied to inqui-Z-tor's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Kind of look like something I just basted a turkey in yesterday....
  17. bigoak replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yeah!!! Darbji is back....some of us were worried...happy holidays!!
  18. bigoak replied to anthony280z2+2's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have two coupes (the '71 and the '77) and one 2+2. My preference is coupe for a few reasons: 1. Appearance: The lines on the coupe are better (this is obviously subjective). 2. Utility: The back seats in a 2+2 are all but meaningless (actually stuffed my dad into the back of the '87...not comfortable). 3. Weight: Why add extra weight in a vehicle that is oriented around performance. My two cents...
  19. bigoak replied to xray's post in a topic in RACING
    CB, If possible maintain a full S30 orientation. There are enough commonalities with the vehicles and a dearth of 260/280 specific sites (that being said, perhaps we should include the S130 as well...) Your site is an invaluable trove of information.
  20. #'s mathcing on a 280Z doesn't mean much unless you have serious show car. Nonetheless, I'd go with the re-work of your existing block. By all accounts Rebello does good work and you will know what you are getting.
  21. bigoak replied to barth4567's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Are you getting any movement? When I got my car I had some minor alignment issues and if I rolled the window all the way down into the door it would get caught on the lip. A well placed smack while maintaining moderate upward pressure on the window crank worked like a charm. I know, not high on elegance, but beats getting snowed on....(what were you doing out in the snow???)... Cheers,
  22. Oh man, what a few weeks... Sin after sin after sin... First I move from north of Toronto to just outside Montreal and we have a massive storm hit. I drove the 300ZX up and just beat the weather, but the 240Z was shipped by a transport company and got slammed. A couple of photos of it in the garage once the snow had been removed. (It's been too cold to wash the gunk off it as of yet...). To top it off, on an impulse I bit and bought Stayz75z's '77 280Z from the San Diego area and had it shipped through 2 massive storms and a record snowfall for December. The photos below give some of the detail: The driveway out front of the garage a few days before I left to pick up the car at the border. Various shots arriving at home on the trailer. Got her off the trailer without incident, but getting her up the snow covered driveway was a bit of a challenge...traction was horrible...slipping and sliding...then she started losing power...wierd...then she cut out completely...had the exhaust got plugged in a snow bank during the dismount? (a la Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop)...nope, checked that...ran out of gas 1/2 way up the driveway (this was good news, nothing mechanical)...filled her up and pulled in snug with her 2 sisters. Now the she has all the snow removed, she looks pretty solid. She needs a cleaning much like the red one does and the interior will take some work, but there is very limited rust and a great base to work from. I'll post more on her in another thread. Despite the adventure, it's always good to know you have someone waiting for you at home... Sorry for the minor thread hijack. Don't mind the garage, we just moved in...it's going to get a lot better. Merry Christmas everyone!
  23. bigoak replied to dualies's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Note that if you re-align the seat back on the left hand bracket (the crooked seat) similarly to the one on the right, everything gets more crooked. I think Rico is correct, something is off in the mechanisms (either it is a passenger's side trying to be mounted on the driver's side or there has been a major twist...). Take some photos of your stock seats to get a comparison. Good luck!
  24. Drive. My buddy had a brand new car shipped and, using wheel tie-downs, they completely blew his bearings. For the drive: 1. Check brakes 2. Last time timing belt done? 3. Condition of tires (make sure pressure is right). Snows (you are rolling through the Rockies unless you take a more circuitous route)? (BTW...A Z in snow...not so good...for the car or getting where you want to go...) 4. Last oil change? Air filter? Fuel filter (not sure on a 280ZX, but on the 240Z, buy 3)... 5. Condition of fuel injectors? 6. Odds and sods: Any odd noises emanating from anywhere (find it)? Speed wobble (alignment/tires)? Good luck!
  25. Oh man...all rusty and the seller posts more complete pics than your typical "rust-free" Z...actually that makes a larcenous amount of sense, doesn't it?

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