Everything posted by bigoak
HLS30-OOO13 Has Been Found!
Man...we haven't had one of these in a year or so...was almost refreshing... Other than that...I'm an idiot sometimes...
Windshield cost
Be happy it's not a Z31...trim...gasket...much dinero...but I get her back tomorrow with no massive crack...
HLS30-OOO13 Has Been Found!
Wow...when you least expect it...
1970 for sale
Hehe...good for me...I just accepted a job back in Toronto...moving back down the 401...
1970 for sale
Yeah, but I have to say, a mid-February visit to Phoenix kind of sounds more appealing... Ehh...I'll still get to cow-town on business. Make sure I get my quota of good Alberta beef...
1970 for sale
Alberta is much better than Quebec. Alberta roads are sanded, not salted in the winter. Hell on windshields, but much better for rust issues.
280ZX 10th Anniversary #1 of 3000 on eBay!
Yeah, I recognize the garage. Carl has vouched for his cars in the past. I'm certain it's on the up and up. Very nice car...too pretty for me...I'd want to drive it... And the one up in Canada is being sold out of the address of one Charles H Osborne...another not insignificant name in Z's... Interesting....the 280ZX anniversary editions go big all of a sudden...
Massive Pile Of Parts!!!
Sorry...didn't mean that in a negative way...more just the fact that they are organized in the fashion they are...(uhhh...a pile)...
Massive Pile Of Parts!!!
Usually pile is a euphemism....
- (2) Two New 1975 Z's in the Family
260z engine rebuild kit
Harsh... But yeah...look into importing parts from the US...not sure what duty you might face, but if the parts are made in the US or Canada, NAFTA is your friend... Good luck with the rebuild.
may be selling my engine
If it's setup for mild race action, do a compression test and, assuming good compression, get it on a dyno. If it's putting out anything north of 175 you might get a bite, but even then, at most $1k, maybe $1.5k if it's shiny. Again, probably just local though.
New l 28 for my 72
Damn shame...the thing is too pretty to run...now what you going to put in the car???
New member
Hmm...a ragtop conversion...not so common...pic's are a must... Welcome back to the fold...
New in Va
Coolest swap I've seen was a Jag v-12...no idea about balance / performance...but wow...
Needs some help with 260 parts
Post pictures of the wall-to-wall...maybe you could go with a shag theme and redo the headliner as well...
It's been a little while so....
Man...that sucks...but, although I'm tempted by the usual refrain of "don't sell the Z", you've clearly got your priorities straight... Hang tight and I hope things turn around...
WTB skyline in the US
If you can get up to about $25k - $30k US...this could be had... http://www.terra2imports.ca/import-japan120304620281094.htm Rear wing might be a bit much and I'd want know what mechanical specifics are...but one heck of a cool car....
Is my compression good?
2...year...old....thread...alive again....
240Z Wall clock
I'm pretty sure they can...those are usually a pretty simple printout on a standard backing...just do an Ebay search...
I'm buying another Z !
Much wisdom and restraint...congratulations...
WTB skyline in the US
Skylines are pretty hit and miss up here. They have typically been thrashed pretty well over in Japan before they make it here and then, unless you're the importer, they've been thrashed a second time... If you can figure out the import into the US side (really not sure how that's done, but given their rarity, must not be easy), they are dead cheap up here (<$15k). Here are the Skylines around my house... http://tinyurl.com/kp8e8q And some even better ones in BC... http://tinyurl.com/kkepk2 Above and beyond Terra, there are probably a few hundred importers up here (just Google JDM Canada, tons of them...). One of the best is Tyee in BC. Hmm...cheap Skylines...free health care...global warming only works for us (driving a bunch of hopped up Skylines actually helps that)...as long as you yanks can deal with a slightly greater amount of socialism, we have plenty of land (just leave your guns at the border...).
WTB skyline in the US
Just a few: http://www.specialtysales.com/1991-nissan-skyline-r32-gts-t-type-m-c-2163.htm http://syracuse.craigslist.org/cto/1243492752.html http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1995-Nissan-SKYLINE-GTS-T-Drifter-Street-Legal-Must-See_W0QQitemZ270430985694QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item3ef6f15dde&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1265292882.html http://richmond.craigslist.org/cto/1261069770.html I'm sure there are a few more around... Too bad your not up here in Canada. We're rotten with'em...
Have you been watching - cheap cars?
I stand by my statement. Your kind of right, but torque is expression of power generation ability (what you feel in the seat of during acceleration). Read below, it's a good run at the discussion between horsepower and torque.
Have you been watching - cheap cars?
Genesis Coupe 2.0T: 1,500 kgs (3,300 lbs); 210 HP @ 6,000 RPM; 223 lb-ft @ 2,000 RPM (doesn't 2,000 seem low or is that just the turbo?) Genesis Coupe 3.8: 1,543 kgs (3,395 lbs); 306 HP @ 6,300 RPM; 266 lb-ft @ 4,700 RPM 1970 240Z: 2,355 lbs; 156 HP @ 5,600 RPM; 146 lb-ft @ 4,400 RPM The net of it is: Genesis 2.0T: 6.2 HP / 100 lbs; 6.8 ft-lb / 100 lbs Genesis 3.8: 9.3 HP / 100 lbs; 7.8 ft-lb / 100 lbs Datsun 240Z: 6.4 HP / 100 lbs; 6.2 ft-lb / 100 lbs Since you don't feel HP (it's just another expression of torque), it would be fair to say that the Genesis' performance should feel pretty good in either trim.