Everything posted by bigoak
Hello, I am a new member here....
#1 for storage....get it out of the grass...sure fire recipe for floor pan rust... Very cool dad thing to do. Read up on the site for how to check the car out properly for rust. You'll want to stop any rot in its tracks before it makes any further progress. Welcome to the wonderful world of Z ownership!
Stainless Steel Bumpers for 240Z
Spoken like someone who has not experienced the probing enquiries of a customs agent...nor the fact that they can seize the whole vehicle.
The best box for shipping a crack free dash!
Granted. And I had to pull mine back through the last vestiges of a hurricane...not fun...
The best box for shipping a crack free dash!
Ah...so we're playing it that way...forgot to mention I had a container pulling my container... 199" x 79" x 74"...6785 lbs...285 HP @ 5,200 rpm; 330 ft lb @ 4,000 rpm...(see if you can guess...) But I'll guarantee your container was more aerodynamic and got better mileage...
The best box for shipping a crack free dash!
Hmmm...my container was somewhat larger...163" by 64" by 51"...problem was the container weighed ~2300 lbs...
How much ground clearance should there be?
And if it's lowered I wouldn't worry too much about it (unless it's ridiculous). At our most recent Z day, my 240Z was a novelty because it wasn't lowered...
Works rally 240Z resto featured in OCTANE Magazine.
Definitely available in Canada as an import and usually runs a month or so behind on distribution. Any good magazine shop will likely have it in stock. Great magazine. I'm a regular reader. It's one of the few Euro mags that spends the preponderance of it's time talking about Ferrari's and Aston's that I can actually stomach... Some really neat stuff from time to time on one-off concept vehicles that are still floating around and they do a reasonable amount of coverage of this side of the pond (nice article on Amelia Island an issue or two ago). They do seem a trifle fixated on Goodwood mind you...
L28 Inline 6 - Turbo'd ??
Go to www.hybridz.org they have done every kind of conceivable swap over there...
Car nearby on ebay. . . worth?
Or go to www.hankshelper.com
Need your thought on this car!
Looks pretty good. Get pictures of floors and framerails. Rdef has been a reasonably active member and seems pretty much on the up and up. Ideally you want an independant 3rd party (another member who might be nearby Rdef) to inspect prior to you travelling all that way. I will point out that given your mid-west location, heading east for a Z is a little counter-intuitive... Good luck with the purchase.
Car nearby on ebay. . . worth?
Super speedy...great minds think alike...
Car nearby on ebay. . . worth?
Looks like a nice car... Watch out #1...None of the pictures show the rust prone areas...bottom of the floors, battery tray or the frame rails... Without those it's tough to affix a value/price. If they are perfect the BIN is probably in the ball park...if not, it's way overvalued...
'72 S.U. Rebuild Kits
Yeah, go with Ztherapy. They are frequent contributors here so if you run into any problems, you'll get a quick answer. Also, they offer a how-to DVD that is very well regarded. In the spirit of while you're at it, might want to do a full rebuild...
Need your thought on this car!
www.thezstore.com www.blackdragonauto.com www.classicdatsun.com www.datsunzparts.com www.baddogparts.com and a variety of others (searching brings these up quite easily)... Otherwise, surf the classifieds on this site, www.zcar.com or your local club site. More parts than you'll know what to do with...
Penetrating Oil Research
Before anyone starts playing with acetone please read up on it beforehand. Back in the chemistry labs during my undergraduate studies anytime there was a minor explosion, it usually involved a first year student and acetone. Also, check on storage requirements and the stuff evaporates quite quickly. Other than that have fun...
Disassembly Day 5
Uhhh...head gaskets aren't for the area around your head...
seeing lower cylinder compression AFTER valve job- any ideas?
I assume, you did all compression checks with the engine at operating temperature.
Montreal Z Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, je l'emmene. J'y serai vers midi.
Montreal Z Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, I'll only be there for a short time...in an absolute mess of scheduling, I have a Friday evening / Saturday morning commitment out of town...afternoon at Z day...and then I need to catch a flight to the West coast...salmon fishing Sunday a.m. in BC... Guy, as-tu eu une reponse sur la console centrale? J'en ai une que je pourrait amener au journee Z si t'es interesse.
David Carradine found dead
Ummm...he was an actor...he only played a mystical kung fu master... Would be interesting to know what motivated the suicide...Bangkok is a very interesting city...all kinds of wierdness...
Montreal Z Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A little bit of late notice. Upcoming meet in Montreal. English is below. Come one, come all. Bienvenue à la Journée Z Day 2009! Venez célébrer la 13ième édition de la Journée Z Day. Cette année encore nous vous offrons une journée remplie de passion automobile. Joignez-vous au DATSUN ZOOM CLUB et profitez de la présence d'une centaine d'amateurs comme vous mais surtout, faites des heureux en contribuant à la Fondation de Céline Dion et à la Fondation Nissan. Une partie des profits de l'inscription iront à ces fondations. Inscrivez votre Z, 510, Roadster, 200SX, 240SX, etc, tôt. Les 40 premiers inscrits recevront un t-shirt unique. Courez la chance de gagner une plaque commémorative Nous aurons aussi une activité après le jugement pour amuser les participants. Voici les 15 catégories dans lesquelles vous pouvez inscrire votre voiture: ( Nous réservons le droit de vous proposer une catégorie afin d'équilibrer les catégories) Catégories Classe originale (240Z, 260/280Z, 280ZX, Z31, Z32, 350Z) Classe personnalisée (240Z, 260/280Z, 280ZX, Z31, Z32, 350Z) Classe Non-Z Meilleur Roadster Meilleur toute catégorie L'inscription est de $25,00 par voiture pour les membres avec carte et de $35.00 pour les non membres. Bienvenue aux nouveaux membres. Vous avez jusqu'à 11h00 pour vous inscrire. L'événement aura lieu le SAMEDI 6 JUIN 2009 de 8h00 à 16h00 au Centre professionnel 640 situé au 100, autoroute 640 à Charlemagne. Qc, J5Z 4C6. Pour ceux qui ont des pièces à vendre ou désire en acheter, nous mettrons un babillard à leur disposition pour afficher leur annonce. Pour toute information concernant la Journée Z Day, veuillez appeler au 1 450-585-1326 (le soir et fin de semaine) ou au 514-391-0645 ( jour de semaine). Voir le fichier attaché pour l'inscription que vous pouvez remplir à l'avance et apporter lors de la journée Z. Rendez-vous en grand nombre partager votre passion pour la Z et faites des heureux en donnant à la fondation et venez vous amuser dans les jeux d'habileté. La Journée Z Day 2009... Tout l'monde y gagne! Journée Z- Route vers le site de Charlemagne Si vous arrivez du Sud de Montréal par le tunnel Lafontaine -De l'autoroute 20, passe tunnel, devient Autoroute 25 Nord, sortie 8-E pour AUT-40 direction TROIS-RIVIÈRES / QUÉBEC. -Prendre sortie 96-E, autoroute 640 E, direction CHARLEMAGNE. -Tourne à gauche sur la rue GRENIER -Stationnement du Centre Professionnel 640 Bonne Journée Si vous arrivez de Québec par l'autoroute #20. -Prendre l' autoroute 40 Ouest - vers MONTRÉAL -Sortie 96-E, AUT-640 E, - direction CHARLEMAGNE -Tourne à gauche sur la rue GRENIER -Stationnement du Centre Professionnel 640. Bonne Journée Welcome to the Journée Z Day 2009! Come celebrate the 13th edition of the Journée Z Day. This year again we offer you a complete day of car passion. Join the DATSUN ZOOM CLUB and gather with many Z-Car enthusiasts like you and even better, support the CELINE DION FOUNDATION and the NISSAN FOUNDATION. A part of the proceeds will go to these Foundations. Register your Z-Car, 510, Roadster, 200SX, 240SX, etc, early and the 40 first people will receive a unique T-shirt. You will have the chance to win a commemorative plaque and other prizes. There will be activities for participants after the judging. Here are the 15 categories into which you can get your car in: (We might suggest a category to you to balance the judging process) Categories Best Original Z (240Z, 260/280Z, 280ZX, Z31, Z32, 350Z) Best Modified Z (240Z, 260/280Z, 280ZX, Z31, Z32, 350Z) Best Non-Z Best Roadster Best of Show The registration fee is $25,00 per car for members with cards or $35.00 for non-members. New members are welcome. Registration stop at 11: 00am. The event will be held on Saturday June 6th, 2009 from 8: 00am to 4: 00pm at the Centre professionnel 640 located at 100, autoroute 640 à Charlemagne. Qc, J5Z 4C6. For the ones who want to sell parts or who need parts, a notice board will be made available for your use. In case of any question, call 1 450-585-1326 (evenings and week-ends) or 514-391-0645 (on week days), to know more about the event. See attached file for the registration form that you can fill out in advance to accelerate the registration process. Come join us and share your Z passion and support the FOUNDATION at the Journée Z Day 2009... Where everybody wins! Come to enjoy yourselves in the games of skill. Z day - Road to follow to the site off Charlemagne. If you are driving from SOUTH via the Lafontaine tunnel. - Take autoroute 20.become AUT-25, - AUT-40 E, EXIT 8-E- toward TROIS-RIVIÈRES / QUÉBEC - Take the AUT-640 E, EXIT 96-E- toward CHARLEMAGNE - Turn LEFT onto RUE GRENIER. - Centre professionnel Parking lot. Enjoy your day. If you are driving from Quebec city via autoroute #40. -Take the AUT-40 O - toward MONTREAL -Take the AUT-640 E, EXIT 96-E- toward CHARLEMAGNE -Turn LEFT onto RUE GRENIER. -Centre professionnel Parking lot Enjoy your day
Very Stiff Ride
What kind of aftermaket exhaust could you put on your wife...?
$10,000 for a Series2, not #s Matching?
On the east coast / great white north, if it's rust free and sorted that would be a steal. I'd snap it up.
more photos
Roger, Looks like a great project for you and your son. FYI. Ideally, don't create a new thread everytime. Just put subsequent posts in the original thread. Cheers,
Oil for a 1971 240Z, and problem diagnosis
What is the right viscosity for earthquakes???