Everything posted by bigoak
Oregon Introduces Bill to Prohibit Sale of Aftermarket Parts
Actually, there is a reasonable debate about that. For years those vehicles have been operating to detriment of the environment. The argument has been made that the true cost (including the effect on the environment) has not been reflected in cost of goods. As you implement some form of price input (e.g. carbon tax) to reflect the total cost to society, what happens is likely along the following: 1) Ideally this "incremental" price input is offset with a equal reduction in some general consumption tax (e.g. sales tax). 2) Prices on materials with a large transport component immediately go up (note even without a carbon tax, this was occuring last year at oil went through the roof). Material without a large transport component a relatively unaffected. 2) Prices on materials without a large transport component hold level or decline (as the sales tax declines). 3) Consumers begin to repsond and modify their consumption behaviour based on the new cost structure. This trend purchasing behaviour to items with a lower transport component. 4) Medium term, industry will respond to these consumer shifts and investment will flow into less transport intense materials. An example of an industry that would be favoured under this is local agriculture production. On interesting impact related to this is food safety. While the argument is made that larger organizations perform better from a safety standpoint, the current debacle involving the Peanut Corporation of America (or killer tomatoes or killer alfalfa sprouts...) would demonstrate that safety failures in a regional production environment would limit the impact relative what is currently being experienced. Impact to society... It would mean that us Canadians would have to give up "fresh" Mexican strawberries in the winter (or just pay significantly more), but hey, as long as I can get good tires for the Z.... (And for the record tire restriction/mileage monitor is just foolish, the points on using some form of fuel consumption tax are correct).
Hi All
The aforementioned Carl....
My poor Z...
That sucks dude...sry to hear it...
Hi All
Read read read the board... Avoid Ebay (too many ugly stories), but if you do go that route, see if someone knowlegeable from the board can do a personal inspection (easier than you might think). Buy the absolute best body you can. The is no such thing as "just a little rust". Mechanical fixes are relatively easy and parts are plentiful. Thank your deity of choice you live on the west coast and not on the east...you're going to save a bundle and we're all jealous... Read read read the board...(use search)... Visit Zhome.com (Carl's site, he is a cornerstone of this board) as it has a very good buying guide. You have great taste.
MiniLite 14x6 never mounted - must go..
Such a good price that it hurts... Just got a new car and my fun budget is diminished for the time being...otherwise these would look amazing on the '77... Hmmm....how could I position myself as a charity to give you a tax receipt... Place them in a good home...
First time Nissan Owner
Welcome to the darkside young Jedi... I worked in the opposite direction...first the '71, then the '87, then the '77. Let's see some pics! Cheers..
Help: Should I buy this 1971 240z?
No such thing as very little rust on the East Coast...only very little rust visible....Get it up in the air and pull the carpets up... Really depends on your budget/ability to do bodywork. All conventional widsom buy the absolutely best body you can afford as the rest (mechanical/interior/etc.) are much less painful and/or more affordable.
American Racing Ansen Sprint Wheels
Very nice.
Bored, took some pics by the pond today
Nice pond...
New guy in Washington State
Welcome to the site. Make liberal use of the search function, a treasure trove of information can be found on the site. Good luck with the ressurection.
new guy here
Welcome aboard! I just assumed that was some form of forced induction device...have to quit browsing this site on my PDA...
- Hello from Missouri
Another " I'm Bored " Restoration!
Nice job... You've lost your mind... But nice job...
Cp 240z
yeah, but wife would have my bags packed before I got home. Almost worth it...
Asspiring enthusiast says:Hey whats up!
Search function...good idea...all of your questions answered there... Given your intent, you might want to check out Hybridz. Maybe more up your alley.
1. Pictures. 2. Drive carefully...(it's a good thing my first car wasn't a Z). 3. Pictures. Welcome aboard...
Ugly misfire
Not super in depth on this...try a search on making sure the vacuum is drawing at rpm...
Ugly misfire
Mis-fire isn't usually a lack of fuel, it's a timing issue. Make sure your advance is working properly. A wall at mid-RPM's likely means the advance isn't moving the spark ahead enough to keep up with the speed of the engine.
I'm Bringing Back Tha Twin Stacks ^_^ !
They are nice...but this kind of feels like an ad for a ShamWow... LOL LOL
71 0n ebay
See if you can find a local member to check it out...there is precious little detail in that listing. That's just a cut and paste of some history from wikipedia...Looks like plenty of a project, but maybe an ok shell...
Bitten by the Z bug
Welcome aboard... I allow the use of my tag line for a small licensing fee...
Need some advice in San Jose, CA
Assume a typo and the engine is from a '75 not a '95. Do a search on reviving an engine. Some very good threads out there (better advice than I can provide). Start with checking compression for sure though... FYI. The "proper" set-up for a '75 engine is fuel injection. If you looking into carbs, tons of options (again, do a search). Really depends on what type of performance you are looking for / how you want to build the engine. If you are looking at SU's, check out ZTherapy (they are on here very regularly and everyone seems very happy with their work). Cheers and good luck.
Hey guys
A pickup truck... A bike... And a Z... Outstanding... (Looks like SportBikeMike has those covered too). Welcome aboard! Make liberal use of the search function as most questions you can imagine have been asked and answered in the past. Cheers!
Uneven Rear Hatch on '71
By "right" I meant correct...my bad. I'm wondering if you have a strut that is slight too long and the hatch isn't seating properly...otherwise...warped hatch... If I recall correctly when I was playing with my hatch, there is a (minimal) adjustment possible. One other thought, any uneven rubber seals?
Uneven Rear Hatch on '71
Do you have the right hatch strut in place? I have a hard time imagining the pressure of the strut warping the hatch. You probably have a bent hatch or the hinges aren't adjusted properly.