Everything posted by bigoak
Modern Classics, opinions?
Collectible will revolve around a combinaiton of appeal and relative scarcity... For discussion: Miata: Appeal - moderate/high Relative Scarcity - low Overall: no special performance packages, a ton available, some in great shape, a bunch not...sound like 240Z's Viper: Appeal - moderate/high Relative Scarcity - moderate Overall: Classic Mopar Mustang: Appeal - moderate Relative Scarcity - low Overall: Other than specialty performance packages, minimal GTR: Appeal - high Relative Scarcity - high Overall: look at iconic vehicles (first Audi Quattros; Gen IV Supras; etc.) Could plot any vehicle on these axes...
Why aren't YOU going to ZCON 2008?
A couple of things: 1) Don't know which car to bring...(240Z in ok shape but not better...300ZX in awesome DD shape...both will make the trip...280Z project...won't make the trip...feel free to chime in with suggestions...) 2) I waited too long and a couple of the events that would draw me are sold out (ok, my bad) 3) Awww...man it's at the end of September in Cleveland...(ok I need to get over it...last time I was out in the Flats it was epic...everyone should go just for a good night our in the Flats...) 4) Worried Carl Beck will smack me down for some of my smart arse comments...(nuff said...) As such, I'm on still on the bubble...(feel free to convince me to come or tell my sarcastic arse to stay home...).
Finish it... time to enjoy now
Lovely car Felipe. Congratulations.
240z SE edition?
Typically SE = Special Edition or Sport Edition... Never heard of a Z with that...
heard a rumor today...can anybody confirm it??
See post #9... FWIW, Clown Car Spotter Extraordinaire...
heard a rumor today...can anybody confirm it??
Relative humidity is also a compounding factor to the salt air. Plenty of ocean near So Cal, but cars pretty much last forever down there...
All apologies if you're a member...
So I'm at my local "rent-all" down the street place picking up a trailer the other day and I gaze across the street to see the following behind the mechanic shop: Both are turbo's. Seem to be at least lightly modded (witness the exhaust pipe on the Z31...). Interiors are pretty rough. Paint jobs are maybe a 5 or 6 out of ten (on paint quality...aesthetics are a personal choice). Z31 is an standard, S130 is an automatic. So I figure, potential parts cars?:nervous: So I give the mechanic a call the next day and the call. The transcript goes something like this: ...ring ring... Mechanic: Hudson Autotech Me: Hi there, I'm calling to get some information about the 280ZX and 300ZX's in back of your shop. Mechanic: The what? Me: The Datsun and the Nissan in back of your shop. Mechanic: Oh, you mean the clown cars? Me: Uhhh, yeah, I guess so... Mechanic: Other than they're ugly, what would you like to know? Me: Just general detail. Are they for sale? General condition? Mechanic: Naw, the belong to a customer. God knows why he bought them. Wants me to fix them up, but neither of them run very well. Me: OK, just looking for parts cars anyway...thanks. Other funny thing about the cars...the front vanity plates are of the "Retired, No Job, No Worries, No Life, etc..." variety. But both cars have sub-woofers the size of Montana in the rear...just bizarre...
heard a rumor today...can anybody confirm it??
There is a story of a number of Z's getting "Landau" tops based on the fact they had developed some pitting due to damage...it was dimissed as an urban myth... http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27201&highlight=landau+vinyl
I was in worse shape... I wasn't sure if I'd listed the 240Z... so I scan down to 40050 to see it next to 1972ZDave's 72 Z... as already documented, I got her off ebay from a seller who was less than perfectly truthful about her state... a couple of other details... i. the VIN # on the Michigan registration had a mistake in it (HLS30040050; they replaced the space with a 0)... ii. my data plate is missing on the door jamb... All of a sudden, oh crap...my car might be stolen...(this would be difficult as it had to pass export controls at the US border and import control on the Canadian side)...but...oh...crap... Then I look up a few names and see Bigoak...back to my normal state of general confusion....
A little different up here...S30's always acknowledge...my Z31 usually gets attention from Z32's...the buyer of Z33's simply don't generally buy because of the heritage, but because of looks / performance (most likely in that order, although I was at a Honda dealership looking at a used S2000 and sales guy said he'd prefer a Z33 any day of the week...)
Ruh roh... Your registry is a mess...someone sorted or something...my vin has been moved to 1972ZDave's line...freaked me out...
Where'd the extra LBS come from?
Possible myth alert: I think I recall reading somewhere that the 280Z had thicker gauge metal? Is this possible?
Finding an old Friend - - or it's a small world..
Turns out Carl is more than just a pretty face...oh wait...LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL BTW...Absolutely awesome Carl...your dedication would seem to know no bounds!
Scarab on eBay?
Neat car. I'm not a huge fan on V8 swaps, but the Scarab just seems more acceptable for some reason. Probably the fact that it maintained the original hood line. This one looks quite nice. Any guess at reserve / selling price?
Sold for $19k - a great buy!
No I think he meant it that most people don't recognize the rarity of the red interior and the just assume its different.
Sold for $19k - a great buy!
Me too...but I kind of think the red is neat...
Digital Dash issue
You might want to try searching on Z31.com...much more dedicated to your style of car. This board focusses primarily on S30's and a little bit on S130...almost never much Z31 content here...
Sold for $19k - a great buy!
Nice car...good price. Not sure I agree Arne...the red interior is pretty rare and this one was in good shape (even rarer). In an auction, find two people look for the same, relatively rare item/feature, and the price only goes up. Guess we'd have to talk to the high bidders (#1 & 2) and find out how desirable the interior was to them...
Great new BRE 240Z Poster
Peer pressure is a b*tch... #25 also on its way to Canada along with a 240Z cut out poster to keep it company.
Need weight confirmation for 240Z
Joce, The place near me took my word for it when bringing in my cars from Ontario. Essaie une succursale differente peut-etre?
Body Bolts Question
I think it might be... A whole bunch of issues with your request. First: What model car???? I assume an S30 with headlight buckets...but details man, details.. Second: You're looking at relatively few people that might be able to answer. I've got a lot of tools, but no tap and die set (probably should have that...). I certainly don't have those bolts off the car... You need a combination of the 2...pretty rare... All the looks are because we tend to want to help...this may be a challenge... Did you check the FSM's at carfiche.com? Might be in there?
Pertronix question
Your dilithium crystal in the warp drive is all messed up Captain Kirk... Other than that, I have precious little constructive...
Finally Picked One Up
When I was there (about a year ago), they were referring guys to Luciani Auto Collision (the guys I referenced above). They are at 10 Doughton Rd in Concord. 1-905-669-4061. They did a really nice subtle fender job for one of the guys who had done an RB swap. The owner started getting enough Z business that he brought one in from California. Cheers.
A 1970 Z car approaches $30 grand!
Actually, reserve not met...maybe not the awesome deal...
Just bought Z #3, 1973
Hey...the side marker says DATSON...wtf???? Hehe...you didn't get a mail order bride in the deal did you? Shipping on one of those might actually be cheaper...parts likely are...(oh man, that's just not right...) Enjoy her...