Everything posted by bigoak
MSA's New Konig Imagine Wheels
Very nice...
Alberta Boy
Dave, Welcome aboard. Another Canuck here, recent relocated from Toronto to just outside Montreal. The big question...Flames or Oilers?
Montreal Z Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehe and a goofy twirl to boot...
Montreal Z Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eh? Je ne comprends pas....
Montreal Z Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Upcoming meet in Montreal. English is below. Come one, come all. Ajoutez votre journée Z à votre calendrier / Insert your Z day to your event log. Samedi 14 juin 2008 / Saturday June 14, 2008 Invitation à la Journée Z Day 2008 (expo. auto) Samedi 14 juin 2008 (English version bellow) Bienvenue à la Journée Z Day 2008! Venez célébrer la 12ième édition de la Journée Z Day. Cette année encore nous vous offrons une journée remplie de passion automobile. Joignez-vous au DATSUN ZOOM CLUB et profitez de la présence d'une centaine d'amateurs comme vous mais surtout, faites des heureux en contribuant à la Fondation de Céline Dion et à la Fondation Nissan. Une partie des profits de l'inscription iront à ces fondations. Inscrivez votre Z, 510, Roadster, 200SX, 240SX, etc, tôt. Les 40 premiers inscrits recevront un t-shirt unique. Courez la chance de gagner une plaque commémorative et de partager des prix de présence. Nous aurons aussi une activité après le jugement pour amuser les participants. Voici les 15 catégories dans lesquelles vous pouvez inscrire votre voiture: ( Nous réservons le droit de vous proposer une catégorie afin d'équilibrer les catégories) Catégories Classe originale (240Z, 260/280Z, 280ZX, Z31, Z32, 350Z) Classe personnalisée (240Z, 260/280Z, 280ZX, Z31, Z32, 350Z) Classe Non-Z Meilleur Roadster Meilleur toute catégorie L'inscription est de $25,00 par voiture pour les membres avec carte et de $35.00 pour les non membres. Bienvenue aux nouveaux membres. Vous avez jusqu'à 11h30 pour vous inscrire. L'événement aura lieu le SAMEDI 14 JUIN 2008 de 8h00 à 16h00 au Centre professionnel 640 situé au 100, autoroute 640 à Charlemagne. Qc, J5Z 4C6. Pour ceux qui ont des pièces à vendre ou désire en acheter, nous mettrons un babillard à leur disposition pour afficher leur annonce. Pour toute information concernant la Journée Z Day, veuillez appeler au 1 450-585-1326 (le soir et fin de semaine) ou au 514-391-0645 ( jour de semaine). Voir le fichier attaché pour l'inscription que vous pouvez remplir à l'avance et apporter lors de la journée Z. Rendez-vous en grand nombre partager votre passion pour la Z et faites des heureux en donnant à la fondation et venez vous amuser dans les jeux d'habileté. La Journée Z Day 2008... Tout l'monde y gagne! Journée Z- Route vers le site de Charlemagne Si vous arrivez du Sud de Montréal par le tunnel Lafontaine -De l'autoroute 20, passe tunnel, devient Autoroute 25 Nord, sortie 8-E pour AUT-40 direction TROIS-RIVIÈRES / QUÉBEC. -Prendre sortie 96-E, autoroute 640 E, direction CHARLEMAGNE. -Tourne à gauche sur la rue GRENIER -Stationnement du Centre Professionnel 640 Bonne Journée Si vous arrivez de Québec par l'autoroute #20. -Prendre l' autoroute 40 Ouest - vers MONTRÉAL -Sortie 96-E, AUT-640 E, - direction CHARLEMAGNE -Tourne à gauche sur la rue GRENIER -Stationnement du Centre Professionnel 640. Bonne Journée -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journée Z Day 2008 ( car show) Invitation Saturday June 14th, 2008 Welcome to the Journée Z Day 2008! Come celebrate the 12th edition of the Journée Z Day. This year again we offer you a complete day of car passion. Join the DATSUN ZOOM CLUB and gather with many Z-Car enthusiasts like you and even better, support the CELINE DION FOUNDATION and the NISSAN FOUNDATION. A part of the proceeds will go to these Foundations. Register your Z-Car, 510, Roadster, 200SX, 240SX, etc, early and the 40 first people will receive a unique T-shirt. You will have the chance to win a commemorative plaque and other prizes. There will be activities for participants after the judging. Here are the 15 categories into which you can get your car in: (We might suggest a category to you to balance the judging process) Categories Best Original Z (240Z, 260/280Z, 280ZX, Z31, Z32, 350Z) Best Modified Z (240Z, 260/280Z, 280ZX, Z31, Z32, 350Z) Best Non-Z Best Roadster Best of Show The registration fee is $25,00 per car for members with cards or $35.00 for non-members. New members are welcome. Registration stop at 11: 30am. The event will be held on Saturday June 14th, 2008 from 8: 00am to 4: 00pm at the Centre professionnel 640 located at 100, autoroute 640 à Charlemagne. Qc, J5Z 4C6. For the ones who want to sell parts or who need parts, a notice board will be made available for your use. In case of any question, call 1 450-585-1326 (evenings and week-ends) or 514-391-0645 (on week days), to know more about the event. See attached file for the registration form that you can fill out in advance to accelerate the registration process. Come join us and share your Z passion and support the FOUNDATION at the Journée Z Day 2008... Where everybody wins! Come to enjoy yourselves in the games of skill. Z day - Road to follow to the site off Charlemagne. If you are driving from SOUTH via the Lafontaine tunnel. - Take autoroute 20.become AUT-25, - AUT-40 E, EXIT 8-E- toward TROIS-RIVIÈRES / QUÉBEC - Take the AUT-640 E, EXIT 96-E- toward CHARLEMAGNE - Turn LEFT onto RUE GRENIER. - Centre professionnel Parking lot. Enjoy your day. If you are driving from Quebec city via autoroute #40. -Take the AUT-40 O - toward MONTREAL -Take the AUT-640 E, EXIT 96-E- toward CHARLEMAGNE -Turn LEFT onto RUE GRENIER. -Centre professionnel Parking lot Enjoy your day
#383 listed on Ebay
Thought I remembered the # So...delete the body kit...remove silly spoiler...screw in bad hatch vents...spray paint white... ...any idea of what he paid?
#383 listed on Ebay
Oof...tough to tell on the one. A couple of scary things... a) Screwed on hatch vents? Rough frame rail patch... c) Reasonably fresh coat of splash white hiding.... d) Very partial floors shots (no shots, never good)... The good: a) Matching engine # Claims floor work is done (how well?) c) Seems to giving a fair assessment of the vehicles weakness (not overly candy-coated anyway...) $9,950...incredibly high if it wasn't for the VIN #...as such, still a little on the high side I believe...
Graduating to a Z...
Welcome aboard. You'll find the world of Z's incredibly addictive. Be careful, the collections tend to multiply.
Models Info
Or go to zhome. Plenty o' detail on the history of the venerable Z's...
NISSAN ZX-T / LOLA T810 GTP RACE CAR (ebay other makes)
"On April 25, 2002, he was gravely injured in a violent crash while testing a powerful 1988 Nissan GTP ZX-Turbo for the Walter Mitty Challenge for historic cars at Road Atlanta. His injuries included a broken neck, left leg, left shoulder and right arm, along with third-degree burns over 15 percent of his body. He was airlifted to Grady Memorial Hospital after the accident. After briefly rallying, the 66 year old succumbed due to complications from his injuries on April 29, 2002." And he had a clue how to drive cars like this (2-time Sebring winner driving a Porsche 935 & 962)... I figure I might make about as far as turn 2 if I'm lucky...would be a fun turn 1 though...
California Tornado
yes. difficult to play slow pitch but, hey...your beer stays cold...and isn't beer the whole point of slow pitch...
280Z ZZZap project
Wow, Spartan II in the list... That should get some conversation going... Welcome to the world of S30's. Hope you manage to get her out of the tundra and back to meet your Z32 soon. Good luck with the resto.
Overhead at a car show last weekend
Oh man...what a bunch of hooie...(I'm clearly not sure how to spell that...) Ok, let's walk through this: Decision 1: Post-WWII, Post-Pearl Harbor, a Japanese manufacturer decides to launch under a pseudonym to avoid the direct connection with a then despised (too strong?) or at least distrusted nation. This may be debated but is clearly a defensible position and not a fundamental blunder. Decision 2: Fast forward 25/30 years. Acceptance of Japanese vehicles in America has rapidly progressed. Nissan makes the decision to establish the Nissan name as a global brand at the expense of brand equity built up around the Datsun name. A difficult decision and there is never an ideal time for such an implementation. That being said the progress that Nissan has made since the move is commendable. It is now a well-established brand that is recognized for providing a great performance for the price. The fact that kids these days don't recognize the Datsun brand (nor do some current Z drivers) speaks to the fact that the Nissan brand has clearly surpassed the memory of Datsun. I still drive Datsun's though....
New shoes for the girlfriend
Ready to blast around the lower mainland... Nice wheels.
XenonXIII Here
Welcome aboard. Neat flash at the start of your page (you should have a skip feature though). Some really good stuff on the Z31 pages. A lot of the topics you are likely to cover may already be covered on this site, zhome.com, zcar.com or Z31.com (to my knowledge there is not a good S130 site though...). You may be duplicating what we have here, but have at her... Cheers,
Love those Side Stripes
Yeah, I like'em as well... Very nice.
Bonzi is done, well never really done
L28T or L28 with added turbo
Hmm...no expert but from what I recall converting a stock L28 is an issue as stock has higher compression than a turbo and once you bolt on the turbo you get too much pressure. If I were to do it, I'd go L28T with some mods to control boost levels etc. Try hybridz. I'm sure this has been covered to death over there.
Headlights won't turn off
Yeah, do the rebuild. I had issues with mine and the dissassembly/reassembly was a piece of cake (and I'm a bit of a noob).
Successful skin graft (roof skin, that is)
Great work. There is hope for molested Z's with the bald spot on top... Note to self...find a great Z body shop that is as cheap as Arne's...
Check out this Z
Wierd. A lot of elements I hate. Some I'm so-so on...
Z project hazz begun.
Check out Mull's resto video's. Do what he is doing for your rust...
AZ Zcar
I'd ask this on hybridz. The only guys I know that have used them have dropped RB's, etc. into their cars. Cheers.
Hellow felow Z owners
Agreed. Sell the 4 barrel and go SU's... If you want to get really exciting...triple webers (but you'll need a bigger cam, headers, etc...) Have fun on the ride.
Need measurment sizes and photo's!
Mitch, Factory service manual (or FSM). Very useful. Look at carfiche.com for 76 & 77. Otherwise look on E-bay. They pop up from time to time. Where in Ontario?