Everything posted by bigoak
My 71' 240z project ... =)
Ahh...watched the entire video series again today on a flight home from Chicago. Just awesome. You've been quiet for a while...any action? Cheers,
New 240-Z owner
Welcome. Post pictures. They feed our need....
Rust Repair, 280ZX in Colombia
My wingnut grandmother had a 71 or 72 Celica...when I turned 16 (in 1987) she offered it up for me as the manual steering was getting a bit much for her. As she was a pain-in-the-butt wingnut, my father decided that the 71 Pinto station wagon with the dented engine block (dropped the head when replacing after a gasket change) would suffice. Hence the ignominious beginning of my career as a driver in a crap brown 1971 Pinto wagon (so cool in high school)... Any wonder I'm now collecting Z's like I've lost my mind...simple over-compensation...
- $21.73
new owner 74 260z
Come on...don't flat tops and an automatic cancel each other out???
16 yesterday , learners permit today !
Congrats to your son. Make sure he has it down pat before letting him loose with the Z. Make him say "No Z's around trees" at least 2,000 times before he does... Tell him to be careful out there. Drivers in Vancouver can be a little sketchy at times. Cheers.
New guy!
Also try the hybridz website. Much more info on mods and specialists there... Welcome back.
new owner 74 260z
Plenty of auto trannies on the 260Z. Not that rare.
Rust Repair, 280ZX in Colombia
Lots of work ahead. Can't wait to see the finished product. Nice Celica. Neat little cars as well.
Cool Things about this Club!
Hmm.. i) General welcoming nature of all involved. ii) The snarky cranky old guys who provide a wealth of knowlegde. iii) The battles on international vs. North American perspective. iv) The Canadians eh! v) The international members who are operating in countries where the Z is truly rare. vi) Being able to find the answer to just about any question with search. vii) Getting a virtually instant response for anything that can't be answered with search. viii) Talking to a guy in the middle of the Atlantic about his Z. ix) Darbji's avatar One knock against... The b*stards who keep reminding about how much better the weather is where they are and that they are driving their Z's :sick: Ahh...guess I like them too... Cheers all!
Went old school...
She be a ZX... Congrats on the purchase and welcome aboard!
well 'ere we go
Quite the project... Have fun and good luck. Look forward to seeing her spruced up ...
new owner 74 260z
Welcome aboard. For the more aggressive HP mod's, you'll want to check out the hybridz board. Things you can do to a 260Z. 1) Remove flat top carbs and move to round-top SU's. Better performance, easier to keep in tune. 2) Let her breathe...Upgrade cam / carbs / exhaust. i) Move to a beefy cam (Motorsport Auto is one source; be careful, ensure it is for street use and not just hard core racing). ii) Install triple Webers carbs iii) Exhaust header 3) Upgrade to an L28 (possibly an L28 Turbo). 4) Get your engine or a transplant rebuild / refreshed. Build a stroker, etc. All kinds of options. You can dump a ton of money into performance and you will almost never see it back if you sell. Spend it if you intend to enjoy it.
Engine compression low??
Ummm...I think 185 is high... Others can ring in, but I think 160-170 across the board would be a great engine. 140-150 acceptable but coming due on a refresh. Look for a nice close grouping amongst all cylinders. I'm used to 240Z's not 280ZX's though. If the #'s are different for the S130's I'm sure someone will chime in...
Attention Deficit Disorder
Ha! Welcome back. Not many Saskatchewanians floating on the board. Don't worry I have a growing collection that my wife doesn't quite get either (mind you, we just bought her a 3rd horse and it cost more than my 3 Z's put together...). Cheers,
New Lime Z Owner
+1 now... Congrats on making it home Joel. Great way to start with the new Z!
New Lime Z Owner
The link to DougN's gallery. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=8920&sort=2&sl=d The lime car looks very nice. Driving all the way back from Georgia? Awesome... Have fun with the car. Come up to Montreal some time and we grab a beer and chat Z's...
4 or 5 "new" Z's
Drop a big Chev V8 in it...oh wait...:stupid: How about drive the snot out of it...anything under $30k and it's a car...have some fun. Maybe buy a second one for the show circuit. Definitely drive the first one though...
What..cough,cough, Do You Think....
Check the seals around your tail lights. Another common spot for exhaust fume ingress.
New to this world..
Steering wheel on the white one is original. The one on the blue is aftermarket (ugly in my view). Prices on both seem exceptional based on photos. Check underside for rust/rot (especially frame rails). At those prices buy both if they are as good as advertised. For sure. If they were closer I might not let you have the chance. (Still might make the drive so hurry...) To have some fun with the 74's...change out the flat-top SU carburetors for earlier round-tops if it hasn't been done yet (no photos under the hood). Better/more consistent performance, flat tops are a pain to tune and parts are very hard to come by. Good luck and welcome to the Z family.
Car dies after revving
Could be a few things but most likely fuel starvation or timing is off. 1. Check your fuel filter to see if it is clogged. If so, replace it and you may need to clean out the gas tank if it is gunked up. 2. Check timing. I'll let the FI guys chime in if issues specific to that may be a cause, but these are simple checks and common problems.
When Your Cars Are Stored...
Depending on condition of vehicle... Put on blocks. Car in neutral. Rotate rear wheels every month or so to ensure the diff and tranny (although it's shot) rotate and are bathed in fluid. If you are anal/car is in amazing shape... Remove plugs and pour in a small quantity of motor oil to cylinders. Crank over once or twice to bathe cylinder walls. Remove battery. Then...do all the little things you've been meaning to get to... No expert so if anyone believes different feel free to ring in. Cheers.
Poor man's Porche
Just ensure we are calculating things properly, the above graph starts in 1988 with the "Black Book - Excellent Quality" pricing at that time. So... $6,134.38 using the Consumer Price Index $5,532.43 using the GDP deflator $6,812.92 using the value of consumer bundle * $6,812.92 using the unskilled wage * $7,701.28 using the nominal GDP per capita $9,491.86 using the relative share of GDP Judging by some of the shape a lot of the Z's on E-bay are in...I'd use the unskilled wage benchmark...
First drive of the year!
Pure envy. Just got warm enough to do some needed maintenance and I'm going to need to work on all three to get them licensed in Quebec. Projects: 1) Z31: Fix exhaust leak in manifold. 2) 240Z: Replace doors, see if it will pass inspection without re-doing seals. If so, get inspected and one more summer before resto. If not, strip for full body work. 3) 280Z: 1/2 stripped for body work. Looks good enough base for proper resto. Continue to strip down and get it done. Fun and games with the Z's. Congrats on the run.
dont hate me
I echo Carl's words. You're more than welcome. There is massive loyalty amongst the 510 owners here and I'm sure you'll find some compatriots.