Everything posted by bigoak
They found my stolen Z!!!
Great news Tony! Post photos asap. Hopefully it's ok. Anyone think he might have got Overhauled? How cool would that be...
240Z to be on Car Crazy TV
Great job Ron.
Could Be A Worthy Investment
I'd kick in $20 to a "Get Demoore a Z" collection...
California Dreaming
Turns out we were wrong all along...flat top SU's were an engineering and design marvel...just look at them...so...flat...and...more flat... Clearly the 260Z is worth a mint based on that alone...
240Z to be on Car Crazy TV
Arrrghhh...I'm staying in a hotel without Speed....someone post quick!
Need a shop to look at my Z in L.A.
Hmm...maybe the theives will rebuild the engine and then he can recover the vehicle...if so, awfully thoughtful of them...
so I'm planning to get an S30 Z! 240 or 280?
Pricing on that one is because it is a Series I 240Z. The ad itself has expired, so I'm not sure if its a '70 or '71...('70 is more valuable). I think that the light is playing tricks with the photo. The photo from the top of the hood looks fine and if one side beat up, the other side should be too. Of that one and the one in New Mexico, the silver seems like a much better deal to me... Or Asta's. Not sure how complete the work is, but it look like you could eat off the floors (a very good way to start with a Z).
Win race series to unlock the cars...have Xbox 360, but haven't hooked up Xbox live...(cpu upstairs, 56" LCD downstairs...)
Do It In A Datsun
Why would you tell her? LOLLOLLOLLOL
1976 280Z Bob Sharp Racing GT-33
Hey Mo, You realize if you buy it, once you have her all spic and span, we're coming to Bahrain for an inspection/rally party...
How much is too much?
Below is a start. Nada priced as if in NYC. These are the quantitative #'s. Special interest vehicles will be priced higher (low vin 1970's, Zzzzap 280Z's, cars with racing history). Other than that, a car is worth whatever someone is willing to pay...
Take a look at this Ebay car.
Note reserve not met. This has been listed before in the $10k range. Car looks very solid. Hope to see this car once I settle in Montreal.
getting soooooooooo close
Try this.
Rare Or Just Another 240z
Definitely agree with Carl. Keep/restore the blue interior. While I don't like the blue personally, they definitely attract attention and are worth slightly more. For tricking out, find a '72 or '73 and have at it.
ebay brake kit
Double check to see what it would cost to put together the package together at your local auto parts store. The documentation to install and what you need is readily available on this site or a few others. (Nice thing aoubt the autoparts store is you can return things relatively easy if you pick up the wrong part). FWIW
1976 280Z Bob Sharp Racing GT-33
Drat! Already outbid...and I thought I was so convincing...
Anyone here drive thier Z during the Winter ?
I left a corporate gig with a company car in January this year. As part of my exit, I was given a car allowance for a period to make up for the loss of the use of the company vehicle. Instead of using that for a lease payment or a down payment on a new vehicle, I bought my '87 300ZX. I used it for a daily driver from January until last month (I picked up a Sequoia to beat around in the snow with). I had some decent tires (Aquatreds) but could have used some true winter tires. Never got stuck though (and got in a coupleof wicked snowstorms). Probably wouldn't do it again mind you. The car is in good shape and needed a paint refresh (happening shortly) but the salt and grime are just a bad idea.
1976 280Z Bob Sharp Racing GT-33
Hmmm.... Well... I'm not sure there is much value in that car... Dash is cracked... Seats need some work... Funny colours.... Not sure if anyone should bid on it... Oh yeah...and some ebayer named Bigoak6 is current high bidder... Good luck with the sale Oklahomadan/Alainakay...
Studley Park Video - 3:16 minutes
Just bought some new decent quality earbuds and that was my first use of them...can't think of a better way to break them in... Great work...
Nother Ebay Beaut...
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/200-mph-V-8-240Z_W0QQitemZ270176875146QQihZ017QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 200 + MPH.... Has there ever been a 200 MPH Z? I think I recall one, but it had a body kit form hell... If I bought it, do you think I could sue him if it wouldn't hit 200 MPH? :stupid: The ebayers are losing their minds...
Beauty (and worth) is in the eye of the beholder
Agreed. That looks pretty clean. Check doglegs, battery tray and frame rails closely. But if there solid, a very good find.
Hi From Newfoundland!
Yeah, welcome to the board... And think about it...if you got a 280Z, one of you could host the first ever Newfoundland Z parts swap meet! FYI, there are usually a couple of Z's blasting around in the Targa. Definitely worth checking out.
Hurry up and bid on this Ebay Gem!
History is a little strange... RX-7 was in Vegas with a 702 area (that is Vegas) The 260Z, Trans Am and Vette are/were in Lemont, Illinois just outside Chicago... Not sure how that works...maybe this guy is a service who posts vehicles? Note that it is a Best Offer type auction...who knows what they'd take...
Ever feel like an Idiot?
Variation on Carl's story... Moved into our current house 3 years ago and was installing a new wall mounting bracket for a TV in the gym: 1. Dutifully use a stud-finder to locate stud 2. Select a spot about 12" from the roof 3. Begin to drill first hole for bracket 4. Meet a little resistance about 1" into the stud 5. Push a little harder because I'm a big, tough guy 6. Yelp like a scalded cat when there is an small explosion 7. Thank god its the gym and I'm standing on a rubber floor 8. Examine the 1/2" end of the drill bit that has melted 8. Realize that ought of an 8' span, I've drilled in the exact 1/2" space where the metal-sheathed power line to the furnace runs. 9. Take small solace that as a big, tough guy, I drilled though the metal sheath 10. Call the electrician and pay $150 to fix the furnace power line 11. Hop on the treadmill, turn on the tv and watch a hockey game Not my most brilliant moment, just ask my wife... As some have commented on my golf game...strong like bull...smart like bull too... Cheers,
Pix of the white 70
Wow, very nice. You either have great taste or do nice work or likely both... Sweet ride...