Everything posted by bigoak
Whine on CB radio
Improper grounding can often create the whine you describe in a variety of audio equipment. Check to make sure everything is grounded properly.
What's the longest trip you've made in your Z?
2 trips of note...one for each Z... 1987 300ZX Friday March 23, 2007 - Sunday March 25, 2007: 1171.5 km's each way from Sharon, ON (just north of Toronto) to Bristol, TN to see the NASCAR Food City 500 (insert mullet joke here). Stepping on the ice to play hockey Friday at noon, I get a call from some buddies who were down for the race and one of the group who was supposed to fly in had to cancel...extra ticket. Finish the hockey game, get a quick oil change in the '87 300ZX and at 3:00 p.m. off to the races. Arrived at the campground at 3:00 a.m. having driven through torrential downpours from Pittsburgh through the mountains in West Virginia (visibility about 10 feet...). It was a very warm and humid night. This is when I found out I had a vacuum issue in the 300ZX and under hard acceleration would lose vacuum pressure to the heating/A/C system. Going up the hills in the mountains, the A/C would click over to full heat/defrost. Not very pleasant but a fun ride nonetheless. Same ride back on Sunday, but one of my buddies hopped in for company and much better weather (open windows, no A/C). 1971 240Z Saturday June 9th: Approximately 700km tour of the North with the Ontario Z Car Owners Association in my '71 240Z. Simply an awesome run on an awesome day. 12 Z cars on the tour including my '71, 3 '72's (one with an RB26 swap), 1 280Z (nicknamed BulletZ because it was bought from a police impound as a drug dealer forfeiture and had 13 bullet holes in it and still had 2 bullets in the headliner...also a pretty quick little car...), 2 280ZX's, an '86 Z31, 2 Z32's, 1 350Z and a G35. The highlight of the drive was county road 13: Simply awesome... Cheers,
The Long Road Home
Wow...the Eglin AFB - Cold Lake CFB shuffle...did that as a 5 year old in 1976... Maple Flag as a kid in the late 70's used to be awesome...fighters taking off every 15 seconds for a week or two straight... Have a great drive!
Cars crushed in street racing crackdown
Blasphemy...not politically correct but isn't that like saying I'm going to ditch my supermodel girlfriend for an obese woman simply because she has bigger breasts...(BTW my stock 240Z took down a nice piggy Chevelle just the other day...) 1. This relates to Canada not the U.S. (we have a slightly more interventionist approach to government/citizen relations than you do...you guys have more guns mind you...). 2. A jack*ss politician can fire off his mouth and say that, but I'm not sure that would stand up to legal challenge (Liberals, his political party, are great for shooting off their mouths and then checking the facts afterwards, his leader promised to shut down all the coal-fired electricity plants until someone explained Toronto would go dark...Liberals, the party but not necessarily the penchant, are generally idiots...my political feathers might be showing a little). 3. For the record, they are going to throw the book at those two idiots and rightly so...racing at midday on a crowded highway (not an empty road in the dead of night)...they are such fools they should be locked away for the safety of society at large.
'72 on EBay
hmmm...looks like one that popped up somewhere a while ago from a Canadian transplant who was moving from Fla to Mexico...was asking $12k or so are the time...
Have the rear panel painted or leave it black?
Once you go black...so maybe just paint it grey...if not...go gray....
#305 on Ebay
And how about this one... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-260z-Datsun-Z-Vin-000009-Bob-Bondurant-24-hour-of-Daytona_W0QQitemZ220122815093QQihZ012QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Admittedly not ever going to be a candidate for concours restoration...but man could you have fun showing up a vintages track days with this puppy cleaned up...
30 years ago today...
Can't wait to see the progress...good luck with the project...
turn signal dont work
Have a look at this link...I used it to clean up the contacts and magic...I could turn again... http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23325
So excited it beared repeating eh?
How to get Microfitch CD?
Or try this: http://carfiche.com/fiche009/s30/ Online, beautiful and free...
Hello from Germany / Brabus-City
That's exactly what I thought it said.... Welcome aboard Omawari San. Tons of info and friendly advice on this site (btw Carl Beck, above me, is the master...)
windshield trim from Black Dragon
What did Black Dragon say?
#305 on Ebay
He is also selling #0051...no pictures though... $10K is insane for a car in that shape...even with a low VIN #.
#305 on Ebay
He is also selling #0051...no pictures though... $10K is insane for a car in that shape...even with a low VIN #.
Nice '76 on Ebay
Hmmm...I have a 280 gap in the collection... Wow are those ugly...and C pillar emblem that light up with LED's just might be a little too flashy...nothing that couldn't be changed/fixed... Looks pretty clean otherwise...
comming soon to my garage
Jack stands or they put in an F150 front and rear...widen the stance... increase stability...put some big mud tires on it...(god, I actually think I saw something like that once...:stupid: ) Nice find...can't wait to see some more photos.
Maiden voyage in my 280
Congrats on the first run...you'll find it's addictive and you'll have a hard time running the Jimmy... Now you need to find a nice, tight, twisty road and really put her through her paces...(a mountain run?). Just keep her out of the snow...
Interior light
Gain time?...wow...I thought the mechanisms in most of these simply sloowwweeddd doowwwnnn.... My car thinks it's still 1992 the clock is so slow...
What's a fair price for Libres?
Some links where you might find approximate value: http://kmhafer.datsun510.com/wheelchart.htm http://www.akhwheels.com/pages/showWheel.php?pk=15 http://www.altaylorsportscars.com/wheels/ ^^set of 13*5.5's for $200, but I assume you're looking for 14's^^ Some caps: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Libre-Caps-American-Racing-US-Indy-Cal-500_W0QQitemZ120128919374QQihZ002QQcategoryZ43961QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Libre-LeMans-Hex-caps-American-Racing-Nissan_W0QQitemZ120128903009QQihZ002QQcategoryZ43961QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem See if you can scare up some Watanabes :squareeye FYI...the ones I got were Chowini Racing Rims (Hayashi molds). They look roughly like this on (this is a 280Z, not my 240Z mind you)... Good hunting...
Fuel mixture problem...fpr???
Awesome...hope you took for a good "get the kinks out" run on the weekend. My club kind of did the same this weekend...13 car 400+ mile run up through lake/cottage country. Some shots... http://www.zcarchat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=681&sid=5e4492c399941130d01c866dd1208935 Mine's the red 240. Cheers.
- mold
Hello World
Welcome aboard...another collection off to a good start...
Nothing special about the 350z?
I suppose it is how the 6'2" is configured and what seats you are running in the 240Z. I'm 6'2" (seems like everyone is on this thread...) and have a real challenge getting into the 350Z but no problems in my 240Z or my Z31. Now my 6'2" configuration is different than most. I have a 32" inseam (normal guys legs) and I'm long through the torso (somewhat ape-like, quite the knuckle-dragger...), so headroom is always at a premium in my case. One of the guys in our club is 6'7" but his configuration is the opposite with a 38" inseam and a short torso. He runs a 1973 turbo 240Z (pretty neat setup). I haven't seen 350Z, but we had someone with a G35 coupe on the Tour of the North this weekend and he got in a drove it around the parking lot without too much trouble (knees looked a little cramped to me, but he must just be used to it).
280z worth $$$
By 300Z I assume you mean a Z32? You should fit nicely in a Z31. I have tons of room in mine.