Everything posted by Carolina Z
Red Line synthetic oil..anyone used it
So apparently no one has had any problems with the valve cover gasket leaking as far as Mobile 1 or the Red Line.. I have used Castrol for the last 5 years in this car, no probs at all..but the more I read about the synthetics , Mobile 1 and Red Line in particular the more I have thought about changing over to it..but right now and has been the case nothing leaks ...do I go for it or stay with the Castrol ( change the oil every 2000 + filter ( Bosch) ...
Red Line synthetic oil..anyone used it
What do you think of it , or synthetic oil in general, have been using Castrol for the last 5 years with Bosch filter, just wondering if synthetic would be better
MSD ignition system , anyone used it
Has anyone used MSD ignition systems, coil , distributor, plug wires If so what were the model nbrs , need to know for a 77 Z Wanting to change this out , but also dont want a guy who drag races using this system selling me the wrong thing , he races a Mustang and while I know he knows what he is doing with Fords and engines for drag racing , I dont want too much on the ol Z nor do I want too little and just waste the money to have MSD on everything. All help will be appreciated
MSD ignition system , anyone used it
Has anyone used MSD ignition systems, coil , distributor, wires etc.. What model nbrs will fit a 77 Z , stock engine
White Guage Face Opinions? Ricey?
I like the look myself and am considering doing this myself.
Question regarding AC/Def/Heat
Thanks guys for the suggestions, for one the spool of new hose is in the garage waiting for this weekend. As far as the other suggestions I will ck those out as well. Does this model not have a vaccum canister up front , I have heard that it did and havent chekd it out yet, had the radiator replaced a month ago , prior to that this all worked, wondering if possibly the cannister is not connected as it should be , if in fact i do have one as I reattached it , but didnt ck the hose to it when doing so. Anyway , will take these suggestions and see what happens, will let you know soon, thanks again for the info.
Question regarding AC/Def/Heat
Ok , all the vaccum lines appear to be connected as they should in the engine compartment. Went over all of them yesterday , made a repair or two as far as old lines that were getting hard due to age, a split in one at the connection, then checked as best I could under the control box for the AC / Heat/ Defroster etc, look as if they are all connected. HERE is the problem , the damper will not close which does not allow heat into the car nor will the defroster work. The blower works fine , have cold air coming in the dash vents but no defroster or heat, there is no sound like the vaccum noise you here when switching from Bilevel or AC to heat or defrost.. Any ideas, this is a 77 280. One of the local Datsun / Nissan dealerships looked at me today like I was crazy when I ask if they had any ideas, oh they said I could leave it there and they would see if maybe one of the so called mechanics might have an idea...so obviously I left with my Z. Anyone have any idea or ideas as to what is casuing this and how to fix the problem. Thanks Carolina Z
Embarrassing... Oil Change Question...
Are you interested in selling this Z while it or the engine is not in need of a total rebuild due to a major screwup being made with something as simple as an oil change. Sure hope you dont get into trying to change the plugs....
Noise from left rear wheel only when in gear
Ok , now what do I do , how do I fix the problem, do you have to replace the existing U-joints or just what do I do if that is the problem Thanks
Noise from left rear wheel only when in gear
Constant squeak as the wheel rotates, not like squeek , no squeek , squeek as in when something is rolling and only making noise in one area. Like squeek , partial rotate , squeek, partial rotate , squeek ( as the wheel is turning ) Drums in the back, its a 77 Grease fitting is on the back side of the mount for the wheel, at the end of the axle below the strut Its not a grinding or rumbling , just a loud squeek like when the wheel rotates and it would be off and on as the wheel turns, but this squeek is constant as the wheel is turning, but only when the car is in gear and pushing down on the accelerator, if its coasting , it doesnt squeek ( in or out of gear) its like the clutch has something to do with the noise , but its not the clutch. The brakes were changed the last week of July or the first week of August and it took until the 3rd week of Nov for the noise to begin. Thanks
Noise from left rear wheel only when in gear
Only when the clutch is engaged and accelerating especially in first gear. The further up the line of gears I go the less the noise. So...car in first gear, pull out , sounds like the noise is coming from the left rear wheel, a sqeaking sound like something needs to be greased. Shift to second the noise lessens, third , less and fourth almost totally gone. Its loudest in first gear. If the wheel is rolling on its own and not under a load from accelerating the noise is gone, only when you give it gas does the noise start ( the squeaking sound) almost like something is hung up on the wheel , but its not , have checked the pads , no problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Right now the only thing I can think of are two things, there is a grease fitting on the lower side of the wheel or its coming from the differential, Im totally lost pretty much.
OEM color of grill on hood?
Originally they matched the color of the hood. My 77 is light gold or whatever the original gold color is , but I have the vents painted gloss black. I am however starting to put together some pics of Z's in other colors as I am going to have the car repainted and have never been wild about the gold color even though everyone who sees the car likes it as it is. The interior is all black, the exterior is the gold with the hood vents in gloss black and then a gloss black stripe along the rocker panel, chrome rims with the origianal rust free chrome bumpers. The car was purchased 5 years ago from a guy that was 72 at that time, the orig owner , mileage 71,400 , now has 82,000 on it , paint still looks good but I didnt like the color when I purchased the car, but I did like the mileage and overall condition as well as the records the guy had on it , garage kept ( and the garage was very neat as well) . I just want a color that pops or a different color with a good looking rally stripe set up for the accent. Back to the vents, they or all the 77's and 78's ( owned a 78 from 77-93 ) had the vents painted the same color as the hood. Alot of people change them and go with something as an accent color.
check out these wheels
Was looking at this and thinking , ya know this is a really good looking Z, exterior , not only the paint but the redesigned front end, great looking interior, good looking wheels and new tires AND THEN THE ENGINE BAY PICTURE, what in gods name was the guy thinking of by not cleaning the motor as well as cleaning up the hoses and wiring, man what a disappointment, wonder if it even runs. Cant believe that someone would do all that was done to the car and then not complete the work by detailing the engine bay
Your First car.
My first car was a 1967 Mustang, 289 4 barrel , 4 speed., way back in 1967. My dad originally was going to buy an automatic for my mom , somehow I talked him into the 4 barrel and the 4 speed, bad thing was he then had to or did buy my mom one that was an automatic. I had tried like the devil to get them to buy me a Mustang, wouldnt do it but then somehow when we got to the dealerhip ( helped by the dealership owner who was a friend of my dads) we ended up with two of them , my dad has never lived that one down nor let me forget what I cost him that day.
Suggestions for license plate for my Z
These are some good ideas and ones that I have not thought of . MC 280 MC 280Z 77 Z 77 280 ZITFLY although that looks like ZIT FLY as in pimple or whatever ZMEGO too close to amigo ZRACER ZIPBYU 2ND Z 2FAST4U think that one is already in use here FAST Z NV MY Z or run it together, NVMYZ Some of the ones I have come up with. But I am sure you guys can come up with others.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Well Im in the same boat as a few others, I had no idea that I had two names on this site, so Im sticking with CAROLINA Z , since I live in South Carolina own a Z and have a daughter ( son will next year also attend) who attends The University of South Carolina. Guess I could have gone with CockyZ but at the time I didnt think of it, so as said ,Im CAROLINA Z
oil change
Good info 240ZX , but , I for one just like the knowledge that the oil in the car is doing what it should do , which is to protect the engine among other things, so to me keeping the freshest oil in the car is something that I pay attn to religiously . Many years ago I ruined an engine due to not changing the oil in a Subaru Wagon that in 1984 (it was an 85 model) cost 16,000 dollars, now many will say that the car was not that expensive but it was at that time the top of the line 4 wheel drive Subi Wagon, loaded with every option that was avail. But as said I didnt pay attn to something as simple as changing the oil, primarily due to the car being driven 99% of the time by my wife. So you live and learn and I will never come close to doing that again. Obviously I was the one who was questioning filters in this post, which I have had a change of mind in. I guess it boils down to what people want to spend their money on , me , changing the oil is just part of the fun of owning my Z and keeping the original engine intact and running as well as it does is important to me. I realize the new oils are probably better, but depending on driving conditions etc the oil is still going to breakdown, the better the viscosity the more protection, or at least I think so. Thanks for you input however on the Mobile 1 oil and filter. By the way I am 77 Z here also, had no idea that I had two handles on this board until today, so from here on Im going as CAROLINA Z
This is why I speed!
And exactly what is the problem with someone who had not responded to the topic making a reponse. So I guess to ans your question, No, but then you didnt have to read it did you By the way , nice looking garage interior where you keep your Z.
Garage floor paint Question
Any idea of the cost. Sears has one that is a snap together as well but I like the idea of getting the Z logo applied to the one you are talking about.
Suggestions for license plate for my Z
One other thing , I dont want to use the VIN such as HLS --- in the tag either. Thanks And I didnt know I was registered here as 77 Z and Carolina Z as well , sorry for the confusion.
metallic gold 304
The color you are describing is the color of my 77 280, unfortunately I do not hvae any pictures of the car on this computer in order to show you what it looks like. But, like you , Im not totally sold on it. Everyone that sees my Z likes the color due to the combination of the hood vents being painted gloss black, the interior is solid black, carpet, seats, all the glass is tinted at 20 % , the front and rear bumpers are orginal and in excellent shape , the car has 16 in chrome rims on it as well, so what you have is gold , black and chrome. It does look good , but Im thinking of having it repainted and there is the problem , as much as I hate to agree the current color combinations does look pretty darned good, but I have a real problem spending the money on a new paint job just to repaint the veh in the existing color, if Im gonna spend 2-3000 then I want a color that will pop, or at least so that its apparent that the veh was painted. As much as I think the above , sometimes when I look at her, I think well ya know the gold does look good and maybe people are right about how good the car looks in this color, guess its the contrast of the black and chrome with the gold along with the tinted windows, who knows You have the correct color code, although if I do stay with gold , I think I might have it lightened some, possibly to more of a sand color with the same color combination , the chrome and the black although I am going to have a rally stripe painted on this time , I think. Man this is so confusing , just when I have my mind made up I change it again , like you I like yellow as well with a black rally stripe and the black interior although I might have yellow stiched into the seats if I do that. For now , fortunately the paint is in excellent shape so Im going to wait until spring before I finally make up my mind on the what to do as far as a color Good luck in picking out your color, I hope its not as confusing for you.
oil change
I have used Castrol for years in my 77 280 and have never had a problem, generally I use a Fram filter, I have on occasion used K & N , but as I have been told by various people in the business of changing oil ( I do it myself however) as well as people who are in the business of selling oil and filters, the filter is less important than the oil. True there are some really cheap filters out there, but , the diff between a Fram and the K & N is basically none, your paying for the name K & N as well as the advertising that they do to get you to purchase their products. The big point is the oil and that can make a major difference in the performance and protection of the engine. Main deal, change the oil frequently and change the filter everytime you change the oil I change the oil in my 77 religiously every 2000 miles . To some that might be a little much , but the veh has 82000 miles on it , no engine probs and spending 15.00 to do that seems pretty cost effective vs damaging the engine by allowing it to run on weak oil. Most of the miles come from driving on the interstate or two lane country roads where I can kinda turn her loose , so its not much stop and go, city miles. Still I am just particular about this veh and the care that I give her, after all , she's my baby..
Springs from a 240 on a 280
First will they fit, second I have heard they are apporx 1 in shorter, I am wanting to lower my Z but dont want to go with a non Datsun part, wondering if the 240 springs are shorter and if they will fit on a 1977 Z Any help will be appreciated, Im running 205/50/15 tires but want to reduce the gap from the top of the tire to the bottom of the fender and qtr. I like the size of the tire , have considered 205/55/15 but am not sure that I will like the more narrow look of the tire. CAROLINA Z
Heater console illumination...
So what is the deal with illuminating this area for a 77 280
Want to lower my 77 Z
Thanks will ck those out..