Looking for a 300ZXT axle shaft
I know a guy here in bakersfield that has a 300zxt and he might be getting rid of it soon for a 240sx if you want i can talk to him about it for you...?
One problem after another!
its a 1976 280z...and i can hear it towards that fromt of the car so i dont think its a loose tail pipe ummm it happens with me driving slow and fast around 3000 in 2nd and 3rd gear
One problem after another!
Yesterday i took my friend allan out for alitle ride to listen to this noise my car is making, the question is about the noise...but i also have alittle story for you. Well anyway i'll start with the noise, it's a clinking noise that happens in 2nd gear around 3000 rpms and in 3rd gear around 3000 rpms it sounds like metal hitting metal, not hard but hard enough to make a noise i talked to one guy on zcar.com and he said he had a problem that sounds like mine and it was his exhaust liner and he had to take apart the exhaust manifold...anybody else ever had a problem like this??....oh and anyway back to the rest of the story i took him for a ride to foothill highschool about a half a mile away and park in an open parking lot and skate for about an hour order pizza from where i work at and eat and skate for another half hour or so...then we notice two mexican guys(and if you are mexican dont get mad im sorry, i myself am half mexican) but these mexican guy are pretty thugged out and they have a garbage bag, at the time i thought nothing about it...so anyway we walk back to my car and i notice the plywood i fit perfectly in my z for my 6x9's is moved around and the 6x9's arent there anymore at first i thought maybe it was a joke...then i realized they were stolen along with my cd deck...i thought it would be okay in a open parking lot in broad daylight but i guess not and it makes me feel really dirty that someone can just open what i own and take what i worked for...but i tried to look at the bright side and the only thing i could think of was maybe the guys who stole it have children and hopefully my deck and speakers will buy kids food or something like that...i hope he doesnt sell it and spend it on drugs...well thats my story anyway anybody with any thoughts or opinions on my clinking noise everything you have to say is welcome here.
Time for a rebuild!
any suggestions on cam choice..also i have heard about using flat tops from a 280zx
Time for a rebuild!
im sorry i forgot to mention. its a 76 280z with an N42 head i believe
help ID car
my friend has an opel gt..they are good looking cars
Time for a rebuild!
I'm thinking that im starting to save my money...i have a check in hand that would give me $1300 more in funds if it is real and actually goes through, so i have decided it is time for the rebuild. I'm thinking these will be the steps... 1.Flat tops Pistons & rings 2.Stage III cam kit from MSA 3.Fuel pressure regualator 4.cold air & k&n filter 5. electric fan 6.New gaskets That is what i have in my basket right this second but this is my first rebuild and i had some questions... Like bigger valves?? in a rebuild like im talking about should bigger valves be on my list...and if so how much would it cost? I want to do this right...so anybody that wants to teach me anything about anything comment. I'm looking to run around 14.5ish so if you know of anything that would help you let me know i hope to get some good information thank you. ...im a 18 year old kid you want to learn about the world...but wants to start with z's. joshua james aguirre
zoe the z
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